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Journal by wjwlsn

I'm seeing a lot of unwarranted (IMO) down-moderation lately, mostly on posts that express a minority opinion or that question a majority opinion (judging minority/majority based on discussion context). As a result, there are many posts ranked -1 or 0 that probably deserve higher scores.

I'd like to remind moderators that you're supposed to "Concentrate more on promoting than demoting". In the meantime, I'm going to spend all my mod points on posts that I think have been modded down unfairly. I encourage others to consider spending some mod points in this fashion as well.

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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 1) by song-of-the-pogo on Thursday March 27 2014, @07:38PM

    by song-of-the-pogo (1315) on Thursday March 27 2014, @07:38PM (#22192) Homepage Journal

    I generally try to focus on up-moderation, partially to avoid committing a knee-jerk down-moderation if I encounter a comment expressing a point of view with which I strongly disagree and partially to counter moderations I suspect may be unfair (again, even if the down-modded comment expresses a view contrary to my own). What good is a one-sided discussion, provided comments on either side are well thought out and not clearly intentionally trollish or inflammatory? But I've wondered whether or not metamoderation will need to be introduced. Would it prove corrective for unfair moderations, or would it simply add another layer of potential unfairness/abuse of privilege?

    "We have met the enemy and he is us."
  • (Score: 2) by wjwlsn on Thursday March 27 2014, @08:12PM

    by wjwlsn (171) on Thursday March 27 2014, @08:12PM (#22212) Homepage Journal

    ...I've wondered whether or not metamoderation will need to be introduced. Would it prove corrective for unfair moderations, or would it simply add another layer of potential unfairness/abuse of privilege?

    Good thoughts, and good questioning attitude. I don't know if it would be corrective at all, let alone corrective enough to justify the added complexity. Also, I don't know that we have the userbase to support a metamoderation scheme at this point.

    There must be other ways to deal with this. Maybe charge 2 or 3 mod points for a single down-moderation, disallow down-moderation if moderator's karma is lower than the poster's, or limit the number of mod points that any person can apply to down-moderation?

    I am a traveler of both time and space. Duh.
    • (Score: 2) by lhsi on Thursday March 27 2014, @10:56PM

      by lhsi (711) on Thursday March 27 2014, @10:56PM (#22285) Journal

      disallow down-moderation if moderator's karma is lower than the poster's

      Does it matter that there seems to be am upper limit of karma? If this was the case then I'd only get downmods from people with equally high karma. I think limiting the amount of downmodding that can be one per moderation session sounds reasonable. If you only get to use one point for a negative mod, it had better be for a good reason if you do

      • (Score: 3, Insightful) by wjwlsn on Friday March 28 2014, @06:17AM

        by wjwlsn (171) on Friday March 28 2014, @06:17AM (#22400) Homepage Journal

        Does it matter that there seems to be am upper limit of karma?

        That's a good point, and I'm glad you brought it up. I had thought about it briefly while I was writing my post, but decided to just get the idea out there without trying to bog it down with too much detail.

        Also, I happen to agree with you that limiting the number of down-mods allowed is likely the best of the three strategies I posted.

        I am a traveler of both time and space. Duh.
        • (Score: 3, Insightful) by lhsi on Friday March 28 2014, @08:21AM

          by lhsi (711) on Friday March 28 2014, @08:21AM (#22419) Journal

          I think tweaking moderation again would be good, like it was tweaked early on. Maybe only have 5 points instead of 10. It could be interesting to see how many mod points people have left when they expire if they didn't use them all.

        • (Score: 2, Interesting) by black6host on Sunday March 30 2014, @07:19PM

          by black6host (3827) on Sunday March 30 2014, @07:19PM (#23240) Journal

          Over on another site I would frequently have many mods points. Being able to down-mod the crap such as goatse, racist remarks etc. made for a better experience. Limiting the ability to do that might not be a good idea. But, those were the only ones I modded down. The rest of my points were spent bringing the good comments up.

  • (Score: 1) by crutchy on Thursday March 27 2014, @08:47PM

    by crutchy (179) on Thursday March 27 2014, @08:47PM (#22224) Homepage Journal

    as much as some kind of system is probably needed for these news commenting sites like soylent and /. i reckon metamoderation only encourages kneejerk downmodding and instead of unusual and discussion-provoking articles you end up with mass media news stories with "first post!" and "frosty piss" as the initial topics of discussion, and interesting discussion must be steered away from TFA (which then usually invites offtopic downmods).

    anyway, just my 2c