I'm seeing a lot of unwarranted (IMO) down-moderation lately, mostly on posts that express a minority opinion or that question a majority opinion (judging minority/majority based on discussion context). As a result, there are many posts ranked -1 or 0 that probably deserve higher scores.
I'd like to remind moderators that you're supposed to "Concentrate more on promoting than demoting". In the meantime, I'm going to spend all my mod points on posts that I think have been modded down unfairly. I encourage others to consider spending some mod points in this fashion as well.
(Score: 2) by Open4D on Wednesday April 02 2014, @11:55PM
Couldn't you mod it as +1 Interesting instead? If a comment contains arguments that are made by your 'opponents' on that particular topic, it's good to air it. Other people who agree with you can then pick the holes in it.
But yes, what you say about the "Insightful" rating is
I then immediately think what other rating options could be added or removed. But then I tell myself: no! That's a whole can of worms! Just open the can, remove 1 worm, and shut the can again!
(Score: 2) by moondrake on Thursday April 03 2014, @08:39AM
>Couldn't you mod it as +1 Interesting instead?
I guess I am still somewhat flawed :) I will attempt to experiment with this however!