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posted by takyon on Saturday September 12 2015, @03:03PM   Printer-friendly
from the land-of-the-free-and-home-of-the-easily-coerced dept.

The Kilton Library in Lebanon, New Hampshire, had been hosting an exit relay on the Tor network since July as part of a pilot program to safeguard citizens' privacy online.

After meeting with [local cops, tipped off by the US Department of Homeland Security], however, the librarians have taken the box offline over fears it was being used for criminal activity.

[...] Kilton's exit node was the pilot for an effort by the Library Freedom Project to equip local libraries in the US with Tor nodes that could be accessed by users in areas where internet traffic is censored and closely monitored.

ProPublica claims that the police did not threaten any action against the library, but merely informed them of the possibility that their Tor node could be used for criminal activity.

The library's board of trustees will vote later this month on whether to bring the node back online.

[...] The Electronic Frontier Foundation said it was starting a campaign to flood library trustees with letters of support for the node in an effort to get the Tor box back up and running in the Kilton Library.

Additional reporting here.

SoylentNews is available through Tor, as well. Here is our .onion link. -Ed.

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  • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 12 2015, @08:12PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 12 2015, @08:12PM (#235670)

    > Come on. Librarians use to standup for freedom and privacy, they even lobbied and got laws against police seizing someone's library reading history

    (1) Librarians as a professional organization did some of that, there have always been individual librarians who disagreed with the official policies of the american library association (ALA).
    (2) They failed to get those laws passed. What they did succeed at is redesigning their circulation databases to delete the lending history of a book as soon as it was returned.

    BTW, congress was super efficient at getting video store rental records protected, after a member of the political class got Borked. []

    Starting Score:    0  points
    Moderation   +1  
       Insightful=1, Total=1
    Extra 'Insightful' Modifier   0  

    Total Score:   1  
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 13 2015, @05:59AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 13 2015, @05:59AM (#235805)

    I just realized I left out an important word which could make that post misleading, it should read:

    (1) Librarians as a professional organization did some of that, but there have always been individual librarians who disagreed with the official policies of the american library association (ALA).