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posted by cmn32480 on Sunday October 04 2015, @11:30PM   Printer-friendly
from the lighten-up-man dept.

AlterNet reports

This week it was announced that Oregon will be expunging the old records of marijuana offenders, along with their new legalization plan. This measure is the farthest that a state has gone to date in regards to applying the new laws to old cases. However, for people who remain in jail for having a plant, the legalization plan does not go far enough.

According to the New York Times (paywall), people who have low-level felony or misdemeanor marijuana charges on their record that are at least ten years old will be eligible for expungement.

While the transition in Oregon is nowhere near what is needed for the hundreds of thousands who are still incarcerated, the aspect that allows for old cases to be expunged is at least a step in the right direction, and is helping people clear their records so they can avoid discrimination.

"Oregon is one of the first states to really grapple with the issue of what do you do with a record of something that used to be a crime and no longer is", law professor Jenny M. Roberts told the New York Times.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 05 2015, @02:16PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 05 2015, @02:16PM (#245627)

    This is government telling me what I can do to myself, in my time, in my premises. I don't see much difference whether it's about sex or substances. Unless sex is somehow a holy sacred human right for reasons not linked to reproduction while any other kind of recreation isn't.