I've heard various ideas such as limiting it only after mods have expended their points (this will require implementing a cooldown to prevent a user from getting points again too soon). I want to hear your feedback, and I'll roll together something for the next major update of the site. Leave your comments
(Score: 1) by SlySmiles on Tuesday April 01 2014, @03:15PM
Saying some-one else does it that way as well is not an excuse for saying it's acceptable. It's a less than ideal algorithm that locks out 20% of your user base from moderating. So to clarify, is it a 'slight delay' or are you permanently shutting out 20% (moving window) from moderating?
(Score: 2) by NCommander on Tuesday April 01 2014, @03:28PM
I had a hole which pre-existed for the moderation algorthim, and at the time, very little idea how slash works. This code was written three days into the slashcott during madness. I've jotted this down for v2 of the algorthim, but until now, this is a stopgap until I can sit down, rework the math, and get it better.
Still always moving
(Score: 1) by SlySmiles on Tuesday April 01 2014, @04:35PM
+1 if I could :D