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About a year ago, security researcher Sam Curry bought his mother a Subaru, on the condition that, at some point in the near future, she let him hack it.
It took Curry until last November, when he was home for Thanksgiving, to begin examining the 2023 Impreza's Internet-connected features and start looking for ways to exploit them. Sure enough, he and a researcher working with him online, Shubham Shah, soon discovered vulnerabilities in a Subaru web portal that let them hijack the ability to unlock the car, honk its horn, and start its ignition, reassigning control of those features to any phone or computer they chose.
Most disturbing for Curry, though, was that they found they could also track the Subaru's location—not merely where it was at the moment but also where it had been for the entire year that his mother had owned it. The map of the car's whereabouts was so accurate and detailed, Curry says, that he was able to see her doctor visits, the homes of the friends she visited, even which exact parking space his mother parked in every time she went to church.
"You can retrieve at least a year's worth of location history for the car, where it's pinged precisely, sometimes multiple times a day," Curry says. "Whether somebody's cheating on their wife or getting an abortion or part of some political group, there are a million scenarios where you could weaponize this against someone."
Curry and Shah today revealed in a blog post their method for hacking and tracking millions of Subarus, which they believe would have allowed hackers to target any of the company's vehicles equipped with its digital features known as Starlink in the US, Canada, or Japan. Vulnerabilities they found in a Subaru website intended for the company's staff allowed them to hijack an employee's account to both reassign control of cars' Starlink features and also access all the vehicle location data available to employees, including the car's location every time its engine started, as shown in their video below.
[...] Shah and Curry's research that led them to the discovery of Subaru's vulnerabilities began when they found that Curry's mother's Starlink app connected to the domain, which they realized was an administrative domain for employees. Scouring that site for security flaws, they found that they could reset employees' passwords simply by guessing their email address, which gave them the ability to take over any employee's account whose email they could find. The password reset functionality did ask for answers to two security questions, but they found that those answers were checked with code that ran locally in a user's browser, not on Subaru's server, allowing the safeguard to be easily bypassed. "There were really multiple systemic failures that led to this," Shah says.
[...] More unusual in Subaru's case, Curry and Shah say, is that they were able to access fine-grained, historical location data for Subarus going back at least a year. Subaru may in fact collect multiple years of location data, but Curry and Shah tested their technique only on Curry's mother, who had owned her Subaru for about a year.
Curry argues that Subaru's extensive location tracking is a particularly disturbing demonstration of the car industry's lack of privacy safeguards around its growing collection of personal data on drivers. "It's kind of bonkers," he says. "There's an expectation that a Google employee isn't going to be able to just go through your emails in Gmail, but there's literally a button on Subaru's admin panel that lets an employee view location history."
[...] "While we worried that our doorbells and watches that connect to the Internet might be spying on us, car brands quietly entered the data business by turning their vehicles into powerful data-gobbling machines," Mozilla's report reads.
Curry and Shah's discovery of Subaru's security vulnerabilities in its tracking demonstrate a particularly egregious exposure of that data—but also a privacy problem that's hardly less disturbing now that the vulnerabilities are patched, says Robert Herrell, the executive director of the Consumer Federation of California, which has sought to create legislation for limiting a car's data tracking.
"It seems like there are a bunch of employees at Subaru that have a scary amount of detailed information," Herrell says. "People are being tracked in ways that they have no idea are happening."
Facebook ban
Starting on January 19, 2025 Facebook's internal policy makers decided that Linux is malware and labelled groups associated with Linux as being "cybersecurity threats". Any posts mentioning DistroWatch and multiple groups associated with Linux and Linux discussions have either been shut down or had many of their posts removed.
We've been hearing all week from readers who say they can no longer post about Linux on Facebook or share links to DistroWatch. Some people have reported their accounts have been locked or limited for posting about Linux.
The sad irony here is that Facebook runs much of its infrastructure on Linux and often posts job ads looking for Linux developers.
Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do about this, apart from advising people to get their Linux-related information from sources other than Facebook. I've tried to appeal the ban and was told the next day that Linux-related material is staying on the cybersecurity filter. My Facebook account was also locked for my efforts.
We went through a similar experience when Twitter changed its name to X - suddenly accounts which had been re-posting news from our RSS feeds were no longer able to share links. This sort of censorship is an unpleasant side-effect of centralized communication platforms such as X, Facebook, Google+, and so on.
In an effort to continue to make it possible for people to talk about Linux (and DistroWatch), as well as share their views and links, we are providing two options. We have RSS news feeds which get updates whenever we post new announcements, stories, and our weekly newsletter. We also now have a Mastodon account where I will start to post updates - at least for new distributions and notice of our weekly newsletter. Over time we may also add news stories and updates about releases. Links for the feeds and the Mastodon account can be found on our contact page.
Apparently Meta, aka Facebook, is now blocking links to DistroWatch. The DistroWatch team makes the following announcement in issue 1106 from 27 January 2025 of the DistroWatch weekly newsletter DistroWatch Weekly:
Starting on January 19, 2025 Facebook's internal policy makers decided that Linux is malware and labelled groups associated with Linux as being "cybersecurity threats". Any posts mentioning DistroWatch and multiple groups associated with Linux and Linux discussions have either been shut down or had many of their posts removed.
We've been hearing all week from readers who say they can no longer post about Linux on Facebook or share links to DistroWatch. Some people have reported their accounts have been locked or limited for posting about Linux.
The sad irony here is that Facebook runs much of its infrastructure on Linux and often posts job ads looking for Linux developers. [...]
This is unfortunate. There are fewer and fewer sites remaining where GNU/Linux can be discussed without restrictions, especially in regards to the F-word. Already on YouTube, Bytedance's Tiktok, the orange site, the red site, and to a certain extent the green site, mention of either will have negative repercussions. YouTube consistently demonetizes videos with the string "Linux" the title. The orange site, owned by anti-FOSS Condé Nast, has long since fired many of its "subredditors" and has been deleting comments and closing accounts if one strays too far off the reservation and mentions either Linux or other topics too close to the F-word.
Thus the discussion is steered back to the allowed subjects and viewpoints and away from Linux, GNU, or above all the F-word. Linux is not the only topic those sites censor, but since too many pretend that open discourse is possible in social control media, the necessary discussions about mass manipulation of public opinion and censorship can't even begin to happen.
Backdoor infecting VPNs used "magic packets" for stealth and security:
When threat actors use backdoor malware to gain access to a network, they want to make sure all their hard work can't be leveraged by competing groups or detected by defenders. One countermeasure is to equip the backdoor with a passive agent that remains dormant until it receives what's known in the business as a "magic packet." On Thursday, researchers revealed that a never-before-seen backdoor that quietly took hold of dozens of enterprise VPNs running Juniper Network's Junos OS has been doing just that.
J-Magic, the tracking name for the backdoor, goes one step further to prevent unauthorized access. After receiving a magic packet hidden in the normal flow of TCP traffic, it relays a challenge to the device that sent it. The challenge comes in the form of a string of text that's encrypted using the public portion of an RSA key. The initiating party must then respond with the corresponding plaintext, proving it has access to the secret key.
The lightweight backdoor is also notable because it resided only in memory, a trait that makes detection harder for defenders. The combination prompted researchers at Lumin Technology's Black Lotus Lab to sit up and take notice.
[...] The researchers found J-Magic on VirusTotal and determined that it had run inside the networks of 36 organizations. They still don't know how the backdoor got installed. Here's how the magic packet worked:
The passive agent is deployed to quietly observe all TCP traffic sent to the device. It discreetly analyzes the incoming packets and watches for one of five specific sets of data contained in them. The conditions are obscure enough to blend in with the normal flow of traffic that network defense products won't detect a threat. At the same time, they're unusual enough that they're not likely to be found in normal traffic.
Those conditions are:
Condition 1:
- at offset 0x02 from the start of the TCP options shows the following two-byte sequence: "1366"
- the TCP options must be at least 4 bytes in size
- the attacker IP address will be in the "Sequence Number" field of the TCP header
- the destination port number equals 443
Condition 2:
- the source port of the TCP header must contain the following two-byte sequence "36429"
- the attacker IP address will be in the Sequence Number field of the TCP header
- the destination port number equals 443
Condition 3:
- the payload data following the IP and TCP headers starts with the four-byte string: Z4vE
- the attacker IP address will immediately follow the four-byte string: 0x04
- the attacker port number will immediately follow the IP address at offset 0x08
Condition 4:
- at offset 0x08 within the TCP header, the option field starts the following two-byte sequence "59020"
- at offset 0xA within the TCP options starts the attacker IP address
- the destination port number equals 443
Condition 5:
- offset 0x08 within the TCP options starts the following two-byte sequence "59022"
- offset 0xA within the TCP options starts the attacker IP address
- the attacker port number will follow the attacker IP at offset 0x0E from the start of the TCP option
Black Lotus Labs wrote:
If any of the remote IP addresses match on one of the five predefined conditions above, it moves to spawn a reverse shell. The reverse_shell function forks, creating a child process and renames it to [nfsiod 1]. Next it enters a loop that will connect back to the IP and port retrieved from the packet filter, using SSL. It creates a random alphanumeric string that is five characters long. This random string is encrypted using a hardcoded public RSA key.
It sends the encrypted five-character string as a challenge to the supplied IP/port combo. The response from the IP is compared to the previously created random string. If they are not equal, the connection is closed. If the strings are equal, then a shell is created with the command prompt "" until it receives the exit command. This would allow them to run arbitrary commands on the impacted device.
The reason for the RSA challenge in J-Magic is likely to prevent other attackers from spraying magic packets all over the Internet to enumerate infected networks and then use the backdoor for their own competing purposes. Black Lotus Labs said a backdoor used in 2014 by Russian-state threat group Turla also used such a challenge.
Magic packets give backdoors more stealth because the malware doesn't need to open a specific port to listen for incoming connections. Defenders routinely scan their networks for such ports. If they spot an open port they don't recognize, it's likely the infection will be detected. Backdoors like J-Magic listen to all incoming data and search for tiny specks of it that meet certain conditions.
[...] Black Lotus has determined that J-Magic was active from mid-2023 until at least mid-2024. Targets came from a wide array of industries, including semiconductor, energy, manufacturing, and IT verticals.
Motor Trend reports on FSD in their long term test 2023 Model Y, They weren't too impressed with the first software version that came with the car,
I'm not using FSD because it's bringing me much utility or, much less, enjoyment. I'm using it because we paid $15,000 for this software (it costs $8,000 today), and I'm going to do my job and report on how it works, dammit.
That's despite FSD giving me many, many reasons to forsake it, to decide that my safety and sanity are worth more than what it cost. Yet the Full Self Driving note I created in my phone to log the system's transgressions has an ever-increasing abundance of entries as we pile the miles onto our Model Y.
Dumb and Dangerous Decisions
For example, there was the time it failed to recognize an increased speed limit sign and continued bumbling along at a 15-mph deficit. In stark contrast, later in that same drive, it detected a 55-mph speed limit sign specific to vehicles towing (which it wasn't), decelerating from 75 mph so rapidly that traffic behind had to swerve around the Model Y. Moments later, FSD decided to change lanes to follow the navigation route toward its next turn—still some 10 miles away—cutting someone off in the process.
On a different day, FSD deviated from my navigation route because it neglected to recognize that the lane it was occupying became right turn only. After making that turn, it wanted to correct its error and resume the route by making a U-turn at the next intersection, where a "No U-Turn" sign was clearly posted. It tried to make its illegal U-turn from the right side of that double-protected left turn, such that if I hadn't intervened it would've overlapped with the vehicle turning from the left-side lane.
FSD's errors aren't always dangerous. More often, they're just asinine. Like when our Model Y didn't react to a green arrow for a protected right turn, inconveniencing me and drivers behind. Or entered a packed intersection as a yellow light expired, coming to a stop inside a crosswalk. Or braked hard after it accelerated up a freeway on-ramp because it detected an inactive traffic control signal. Or when it encountered an unexpected road closure and drove around the same block three times because each time it arrived back at the closure it failed to recalculate its route. Who knows how long FSD might've kept circling had I not turned it off.
Then the car updated itself to FSD v.13 and while the general experience was smoother there were still problems.
Twice in a week, FSD 13 completely missed freeway exits because it shifted over too late to negotiate fitting in with other traffic. Those bungles are bizarre given FSD 13's tendency to otherwise move toward exits literal miles early, often abdicating the fast-moving left lane to fall behind slow vehicles to the right—vehicles it could've passed had it stayed put for longer. When merging onto a freeway, it will stubbornly attempt to fit into a gap regardless of whether those other closest drivers seem willing to allow it, ignoring suitable openings immediately ahead or behind. Generally, its lane shifting strategy is poor; I've counted as many as eight back-and-forth lane changes within a minute as FSD 13 tries to figure out what to do. The day this article was due, it veered toward a wall as two lanes converged into one.
If simple cruise control was the genesis for any self-driving tech, then FSD 13 represents an ignominious legacy as it struggles to maintain speeds. Once, it gradually relaxed its cruise speed to 64 mph in a 65 mph zone, when the maximum speed I allowed for it was 75 mph. There was absolutely no traffic, faulty input, or other detectable reason for this slowing. At other times, it doesn't keep up with leading traffic accelerating to the speed limit, driving slower than necessary and letting a gap ahead grow even when the Hurry logic is selected.
One would also hope that software ostensibly aware of the physical dimensions and dynamic abilities of the Tesla it controls would know how to avoid hitting markers along freeway curves and keep itself centered in the lane. Not FSD 13.
I believe this long term test car is being used in LA and surrounding areas. YMMV if you live elsewhere.
Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, but we have very little ability to control it if something goes horribly wrong. Many experts are warning that some of the new technologies that are being developed right now represent very serious existential threats to humanity. In other words, they believe that we could literally be creating technology that could wipe us out someday. Unfortunately, the scientific community is not showing any restraint at all. If something is possible, they want to try to do it. All over the globe, hordes of mad scientists are feverishly rushing into the unknown, and it is quite likely that the consequences will be horrific. The following are 5 super creepy new technologies that should chill all of us to the core:
#1 Scientists in China have been able to get AI models to create "functioning replicas of themselves"...
[...] #2 Do you remember Operation Warp Speed? That was a public-private partnership that was initiated during the first Trump administration, and we all know how that turned out.
Now another public-private partnership that has been dubbed "Stargate" is supposed to greatly accelerate the development of AI in the United States...
[...] #3 Does creating an "artificial sun" sound like a good idea? Unfortunately, the Chinese have actually created such a thing, and they just set a new record by running it for 1,066 seconds...
[...] #4 Anyone that has watched Jurassic Park knows that bringing back ancient species that have gone extinct is a really bad idea. But now a company called Colossal BioSciences plans to do exactly that...
[...] #5 A whistleblower has told Joe Rogan that the U.S. military has mastered anti-gravity propulsion that is based on recovered alien technology...
In 2022, the drought in the Czech Republic was so severe that the Elbe River receded to reveal a rock along the bank with an inscription chiseled in 1417. It read, Wenn du mich siehst, dann weine. If you see me, then weep. Such warnings, found throughout Europe, are known as Hunger Stones.
I tell you this for two reasons. One, it demonstrates great storytelling skills that would be useful to any corporation looking to explain its brand in a crowded marketplace. But also because I am a Hunger Stone.
My warning is much easier to understand than the one along the bottom of the Elbe River because, first, I'm a great storyteller, and second, it's not written in 15th century German. Though, if you're a multinational company in Berlin, I can do that, too: Ich bin ein Hungerstein und habe eine Botschaft für die Unterhaltungsindustrie.
Heed my words, Hollywood. Pain is coming. It will come slowly. In ways you will try to ignore but should not.
This is the story of how Apple made a mistake in the ROM of the Macintosh Classic II that probably should have prevented it from booting, but instead, miraculously, its Motorola MC68030 CPU accidentally prevented a crash and saved the day by executing an undefined instruction.
I've been playing around with MAME a lot lately. If you haven't heard of MAME, it's an emulator that is known best for its support of many arcade games. It's so much more than that, though! It is also arguably the most complete emulator of 68000-based Mac models, thanks in large part to Arbee's incredible efforts. I will admit that I've used MAME to play a game or two of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, but my main use for it is Mac emulation.
Here's how this adventure begins. I had been fixing some issues in MAME with the command + power key combination that invokes the debugger, and decided to see if the keystroke also worked on the Classic II. Even though this Mac model has a physical interrupt button on the side, it also has an "Egret" 68HC05 microcontroller for handling the keyboard and mouse (among other things) that should be able to detect the keypress and signal a non-maskable interrupt to the main CPU. I believe the Egret disables this keystroke by default, but MacsBug contains code that sends the command to enable it.
I didn't get very far while testing the command+power shortcut in MAME's emulated Classic II, because I observed something very odd. It booted up totally fine in 24-bit addressing mode, but I could not get it to boot at all if I enabled 32-bit addressing, which I needed in order for MacsBug to load. It would just pop up a Sad Mac, complete with the Chimes of Death. On this machine, the death chime is a few notes from the Twilight Zone theme song.
Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:
Hua Hong Semiconductor, China's second-largest chip foundry, has made strategic leadership changes to prioritize logic chip production and develop more advanced process technologies. The company hired Bai Peng, a veteran in logic chip technology, and appointed him president on January 1, 2024, reports Nikkei.
Bai Peng, who spent over three decades at Intel and led logic chip development from research to mass production, is expected to steer Hua Hong's shift toward advanced semiconductor production technologies. Hua Hong are one of China's few foundries to offer 40nm fabrication process along with SMIC. While 40nm is a fairly sophisticated technology, it cannot enable modern processors for AI, HPC, and client computing applications. The task for Bai Peng will be to advance Hua Hong's manufacturing processes. The report says that Bai's expertise aligns with the company's focus to develop fabrication nodes essential for AI and other high-end applications.
Hua Hong has historically focused on power semiconductors, analog chips, and embedded memory products, with most of its offerings at 100nm or larger. Hua Hong's financial performance has declined since its 2022 peak due to falling legacy chip prices, which are particularly vulnerable to market fluctuations. As a result, declining prices has pushed the company to diversify into logic chips, a market currently dominated by a few Chinese companies, including SMIC.
To expand its production capabilities, Hua Hong acquired a former GlobalFoundries facility in Chengdu, China, in 2023 and began operations in 2024. Additionally, a new plant in Wuxi is now producing chips of 40nm and above. These expansions aim to position Hua Hong as a key player in both legacy and advanced chip markets.
[...] These appointments have fueled speculation about a potential collaboration between Hua Hong and SMIC, China's largest and most advanced foundry. Such a partnership could bolster China's efforts to build a self-reliant semiconductor ecosystem, reducing dependency on foreign supply chains.
Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:
Florida-based startup Lonestar Data Holdings plans to launch the first Moon-based data center dubbed the "Freedom Data Center." The compact but fully operational information hub will piggyback on an upcoming lunar lander mission by Intuitive Machines aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in February. Lonestar says storing data on the Moon offers unique benefits.
First, it provides unmatched physical security and protection from natural disasters, cyber threats, and geopolitical conflicts that could put Earth-based data at risk. The solar-powered mini-facility is also much more environmentally friendly than energy-hungry data centers on our home planet, utilizing naturally cooled solid-state drives.
The company has already lined up some high-profile early customers for their lunar platform, including the state of Florida, the Isle of Man government, AI firm Valkyrie, and the pop rock band Imagine Dragons.
The company has been working towards this milestone for years, successfully testing data storage on the Moon in February last year and aboard the International Space Station in 2021. However, putting something as complex as a data center on the lunar surface is still an enormous technical challenge.
The harsh environment, maintenance difficulties, and astronomical costs could create some problematic issues. There are also inherent risks associated with space launch. There is no option for equipment recovery if something goes wrong. Thankfully, the data center will have a ground-based backup at a Flexential facility in Tampa.
Lonestar has yet to release specific operational details or hardware specs. It will be interesting to see the company's plans for communication between lunar and ground-based facilities.
Lonestar isn't the only venture planning to establish a lunar data center. Reuters reports that several other companies are eyeing similar space-based facilities, including Lumen Orbit, which recently raised $11 million at a $40 million valuation.
The Association for Computing Machinery has a post by George Neville-Neil of FreeBSD fame comparing LLMs to drunken plagiarists:
Before trying to use these tools, you need to understand what they do, at least on the surface, since even their creators freely admit they do not understand how they work deep down in the bowels of all the statistics and text that have been scraped from the current Internet. The trick of an LLM is to use a little randomness and a lot of text to Gauss the next word in a sentence. Seems kind of trivial, really, and certainly not a measure of intelligence that anyone who understands the term might use. But it's a clever trick and does have some applications.
[...] While help with proper code syntax is a boon to productivity (consider IDEs that highlight syntactical errors before you find them via a compilation), it is a far cry from SEMANTIC knowledge of a piece of code. Note that it is semantic knowledge that allows you to create correct programs, where correctness means the code actually does what the developer originally intended. KV can show many examples of programs that are syntactically?but not semantically?correct. In fact, this is the root of nearly every security problem in deployed software. Semantics remains far beyond the abilities of the current AI fad, as is evidenced by the number of developers who are now turning down these technologies for their own work.
He continues by pointing out how LLMs are not only based on plagiarism, they are unable provide useful annotation in the comments or otherwise address the semantics of the code they swipe.
(2024) Make Illegally Trained LLMs Public Domain as Punishment
(2024) The Open Secret Of Open Washing
(2023) A Jargon-Free Explanation of How AI Large Language Models Work
(2019) AI Training is *Very* Expensive
... and many more.
Schools are now notifying families their data has been stolen:
Parents, students, teachers, and administrators throughout North America are smarting from what could be the biggest data breach of 2025: an intrusion into the network of a cloud-based service storing detailed data of millions of pupils and school personnel.
The hack, which came to light earlier this month, hit PowerSchool, a Folsom, California, firm that provides cloud-based software to some 16,000 K–12 schools worldwide. The schools serve 60 million students and employ an unknown number of teachers. Besides providing software for administration, grades, and other functions, PowerSchool stores personal data for students and teachers, with much of that data including Social Security numbers, medical information, and home addresses.
On January 7, PowerSchool revealed that it had experienced a network intrusion two weeks earlier that resulted in the "unauthorized exportation of personal information" customers stored in PowerSchool's Student Information System (SIS) through PowerSource, a customer support portal. Information stolen included individuals' names, contact information, dates of birth, medical alert information, Social Security Numbers, and unspecified "other related information."
[...] Last week, California's Menlo Park City School District said stolen information belonged to all current students and staff, all students enrolled since the start of the 2009–2010 school year, and many staff members who worked at the school since the start of the 2009–2010 school year.
"This includes students who may have been enrolled only for a short while before transferring out and staff who worked for MPCSD only briefly before leaving for whatever reason," last week's notice stated. The total number of students affected is 10,662. The notice went on to say that California law requires public schools to store student data in perpetuity.
PowerSchool has said that it has been in contact with the attackers and received assurances they won't release it publicly. Bleeping Computer reported that the assurances were based on a video showing the threat actor deleting the data. PowerSchool has yet to confirm that account. Even if the account is true, there's no way a video can prove all copies of the data have been destroyed. Despite this, school districts have passed those assurances on in their disclosure notices.
Bleeping Computer on Wednesday also reported that an extortion note the attacker sent to PowerSchool claimed that the personal data of 62.4 million students and 9.5 million teachers was swept up in the breach. PowerSchool said it's offering two years of free credit monitoring to all those affected.
PowerSchool has yet to disclose the number of individuals affected or confirm whether it paid a ransom.
A specialized system sends pulses of pressure through the fluids in our brain:
Our bodies rely on their lymphatic system to drain excessive fluids and remove waste from tissues, feeding those back into the blood stream. It's a complex yet efficient cleaning mechanism that works in every organ except the brain. "When cells are active, they produce waste metabolites, and this also happens in the brain. Since there are no lymphatic vessels in the brain, the question was what was it that cleaned the brain," Natalie Hauglund, a neuroscientist at Oxford University who led a recent study on the brain-clearing mechanism, told Ars.
Earlier studies done mostly on mice discovered that the brain had a system that flushed its tissues with cerebrospinal fluid, which carried away waste products in a process called glymphatic clearance. "Scientists noticed that this only happened during sleep, but it was unknown what it was about sleep that initiated this cleaning process," Hauglund explains.
Her study found the glymphatic clearance was mediated by a hormone called norepinephrine and happened almost exclusively during the NREM sleep phase. But it only worked when sleep was natural. Anesthesia and sleeping pills shut this process down nearly completely.
The glymphatic system in the brain was discovered back in 2013 by Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, a Danish neuroscientist and a coauthor of Hauglund's paper. Since then, there have been numerous studies aimed at figuring out how it worked, but most of them had one problem: they were done on anesthetized mice.
"What makes anesthesia useful is that you can have a very controlled setting," Hauglund says.
[...] So, her team designed a study to see how the brain-clearing mechanism works in mice that could move freely in their cages and sleep naturally whenever they felt like it. "It turned out that with the glymphatic system, we didn't really see the full picture when we used anesthesia," Hauglund says.
[...] "Norepinephrine is released from a small area of the brain in the brain stem," Hauglund says. "It is mainly known as a response to stressful situations. For example, in fight or flight scenarios, you see norepinephrine levels increasing." Its main effect is causing blood vessels to contract. Still, in more recent research, people found out that during sleep, norepinephrine is released in slow waves that roll over the brain roughly once a minute. This oscillatory norepinephrine release proved crucial to the operation of the glymphatic system.
[...] So, the team wanted to check how the glymphatic clearance would work when they gave the mice zolpidem, a sleeping drug that had been proven to increase NREM sleep time. In theory, zolpidem should have boosted brain-clearing. But it turned it off instead.
"When we looked at the mice after giving them zolpidem, we saw they all fell asleep very quickly. That was expected—we take zolpidem because it makes it easier for us to sleep," Hauglund says. "But then we saw those slow fluctuations in norepinephrine, blood volume, and cerebrospinal fluid almost completely stopped."
No fluctuations meant the glymphatic system didn't remove any waste. This was a serious issue, because one of the cellular waste products it is supposed to remove is amyloid beta, found in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
[...] But the last step she has on her roadmap is making better sleeping pills. "We need sleeping drugs that don't have this inhibitory effect on the norepinephrine waves. If we can have a sleeping pill that helps people sleep without disrupting their sleep at the same time it will be very important," Hauglund concludes.
Journal Reference:
Natalie L. Hauglund, et. al., Norepinephrine-mediated slow vasomotion drives glymphatic clearance during sleep, Cell, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.027
Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:
Linux kernel 6.13 is here, but don't get too excited. It's not a biggie and, given the timing, probably won't appear in many familiar distros.
Head penguin herder Linus Torvalds announced Linux version 6.13 this week, and he's also chosen five lucky winners of guitar pedals. The KernelNewbies site has a full rundown of what's new, which, if we were a newbie, we feel would look pretty intimidating.
Although there are important changes in this release, they are either things that are only significant to those using certain specific models of CPU or other hardware, or they're steps in large-scale changes that will have a noticeable impact in future, but don't right now.
So, for instance, there's improved power management on certain models of AMD CPU and GPU. Specifically, there's better management of AMD's fancy 3D V-cache. There's support for Intel "Panther Lake" CPUs and Xe3 GPUs. There's better Apple device support too, covering some MacBooks, plus support for certain Apple SoC devices that were used in some older iPads and iPhones. However, this does not mean that you'll soon be able to install a kernel 6.13-based Linux distro on your old iDevice. It's just a step toward that maybe happening one day. Also in Arm land, there's improved graphics support for the Raspberry Pi's VideoCore GPU, support for running Linux inside an Arm64 Confidential Compute Architecture (CCA) realm, and more.
One terabyte SD cards are old news now. Users can already buy SD cards with capacities exceeding 2 TB. The Secure Digital Ultra Capacity (SDUC) standard defines card sizes up to 128 TB. As of this kernel, Linux supports them.
There's a new pre-emption model for the kernel's scheduler, referred to as Lazy Pre-emption, which aims to improve scheduler efficiency. Until recently, Linux had three pre-emption modes. At the end of last year, it gained another with the integration of the long-standing PREEMPT_RT patches in last November's kernel 6.12. Linux Weekly News explained the four modes in 2023 over two articles: part 1 and part 2. (Be warned, it took LWN two articles, so this is complicated.) Now, there's another model, and in October there was another LWN explainer. The plan is that the new mode will eventually enable the other non-realtime modes to be simplified down to just two.
The Ext4, Btrfs, F2FS, and XFS file systems all got tweaked. Notably, 6.13 can do atomic writes on Ext4 and XFS, which means it's now possible to write blocks of data larger than a single sector in a single operation. This will be handy for some databases, notably 2024 "Database of the Year" PostgreSQL.
Regular watchers of the rolling übernerd soap opera that is the kernel development community will have seen this coming, but there aren't any improvements to bcachefs, a file system designed for better performance and flexibility, since developer Kent Overstreet got his wrists slapped in November. Undaunted, he's sent in a large patch to refine bcachefs in the forthcoming kernel 6.14. This, sadly, means another on-disk format change.
We noted that this coincided with the announcement from Norwegian tech blogger Sesse Gunderson that he is migrating away from bcachefs. This comes a year after his now-deleted post on "Life with bcachefs," excerpted here. By April, he was having problems but finding ways around them. It looks like one of the more visible experiments in the Linux blogosphere is over. The future of bcachefs remains uncertain.
A new review of the evidence shows that the 21-day rule isn't a rule after all.
A popular piece of self-help folklore might be more complicated than we thought. New research finds that it takes significantly more than a month for a new habit to form.
Scientists at the University of South Australia conducted the study, a review of the existing evidence on habit forming. They found that habits typically begin forming after about two months. For some unlucky people, though, it could even take up to a year.
To get at the root of this topic, the University of South Australia researchers analyzed data from 20 studies that examined the forming of healthy habits like routine exercise, drinking water, or flossing teeth; these studies collectively involved over 2,500 participants. One specific question these studies sought to answer was how long it took for a habit to reach something called "automaticity"—the point at which people perform it regularly and without too much thought being put into it.
The researchers found that habits formed around 106 to 154 days on average. The median length of a habit forming was roughly 59 to 66 days (the median is the midpoint in a group of numbers in case you forgot). That said, the study did reveal plenty of outliers. The shortest reported length of habit adoption was four days, while the longest was a whopping 335 days.
[Reference]: MDPI
[Source]: University of South Australia
[Covered By]: Gizmodo
Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:
As consumer companies including Apple and Samsung start opening up their hardware products to independent repair, and legislators put pressure on companies like John Deere to do the same, others are resisting the right-to-repair movement. A medical device company that makes a machine for heart surgeries has told hospitals recently that it will no longer allow their in-house technicians to repair the devices themselves. Hospitals will now need to enter into repair contracts directly with the manufacturer.
Terumo Cardiovascular makes the product, called the Advanced Perfusion System 1 Heart Lung Machine, which reroutes blood during open-heart surgeries to keep a patient alive during surgery. According to 404 Media, Terumo told hospitals last month that it would stop offering certification classes for repairs of the devices.
The job of an independent repair technician used to be more commonplace—there were individuals who could fix everything from TVs to dishwashers and automobiles. But today more hardware is filled with chips and software, and companies like Apple have said the software on their devices is copyrighted intellectual property; allowing anyone to look under the hood and conduct modifications could lead to security or reliability risks.
[...] In many cases, however, devices today are more like services. Instead of buying a refrigerator or smart thermostat once and being able to do with it whatever the owner would like, any type of upgrade or fix often requires returning to the company that sold it. Research suggests it is a fundamental reason we have so much waste in the world today. TV will not turn on? Either get it fixed under warranty or throw it away, because getting a new one may just be cheaper.
[...] Lawmakers have recently complained that like medical device companies, the automakers are making it difficult for independent repair companies to access software data and diagnostics under the same guise that it would risk security. And they are doing so in violation of right-to-repair laws passed in states including Massachusetts explicitly to enable independent shops to access software diagnostics.
The harms of lock-in are clear. There are few independent repair shops that can service Teslas—besides high prices, owners of those vehicles have complained about slow or poor service from the company’s official technicians. In the case of Terumo, what if it is too slow to respond when a critical device is in need of repair for surgeries?
Terumo has argued that medical devices are sensitive and complex, and allowing anyone to repair them risks patient safety. It also told 404 that the company saw declining demand for participation in its training program. But if Apple can figure out how to make third-party repairs work, maybe Terumo can too. Hospital repair technicians are technicians after all—they should be able to do whatever Terumo’s in-house technicians can.