Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

SoylentNews is powered by your submissions, so send in your scoop. Only 15 submissions in the queue.
posted by martyb on Sunday February 16 2020, @09:09PM   Printer-friendly
from the cake-time! dept.

Thank You!

On the occasion of the site's sixth anniversary, I thought it fitting to mention some of the many ways that fellow Soylentils contribute to our community. This also seems like a good opportunity to mention some of the site's history, relate some staffing changes, mention other contributions by the SoylentNews community, and to wrap things up with some site statistics.

Please accept our thanks:

These thanks go out to all of you: my fellow members of the SoylentNews community.

To the Anonymous Cowards who post comments to our site (be they inciteful or insightful). To our registered users who not only post comments, but are also the only members who can moderate comments. No matter how long you have been here; whether you have just arrived (Welcome!) or have been with us from the very start... Thank You!

Speaking of which, thanks go to our staff who bludgeoned and duct-taped an ancient unmaintained open-sourced version of the code underpinning slashdot into some sort of basic functionality, and who have since made it the site you are enjoying today. Thanks, too, to our behind-the-scenes staff members, who keep the underlying services we depend on, running 24/7. Other staff members are more visible, like the editorial team who spend several hours every single day processing the stories that get posted to the site.

And let's not forget the members of the community who purchase subscriptions and thereby fund the operations of this site. We do have real world expenses: paying for our servers, domain registrations, and paying a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) to do our taxes.

Read on past the fold for all the rest!

Some History:

The history of this site has been well documented in our prior birthday announcements.

I've collected links to them for those who would like to take a walk down memory lane or to learn of how we got our start. It is worth mentioning here that preceding the creation of SoylentNews was a SlashCott, a boycott of the slashdot site where participants pledged to not access slashdot at all during the week-long period of February the 10th through the 17th. The first paragraphs of our 5-year anniversary post describes things quite well... Enjoy !

  1. Welcome to the World of Tomorrow... Today!
  2. SoylentNews is One Year Old!
  3. Happy Second Anniversary to SoylentNews!
  4. Three Years In - What Has Happened and How we Got Here
  5. Happy Birthday to SoylentNews -- Four Years Old!
  6. SoylentNews is... FIVE YEARS OLD!


I am happy to announce our editorial team has a new member spiraldancing who has been getting up to speed and has already posted several stories. And... we have two more who will be going through training as soon as some free time appears in their schedule.

Helping Others

SoylentNews is not just all about ourselves. Several members have joined together to help medical researchers examine the causes of protein misfolding which is of interest to medical research into Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and many forms of cancer. Please see my Journal Entry for details on what has been done and how to sign up!


Since this site went live, over 950,000 comments (WOW!) have been made to over 30,700 stories and 4,760 journal entries. Along the way, the community made just shy of 650,000 moderations to those comments. We now have over 9,500 registered nicknames, too.

Original Submission

Related Stories

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow... Today! 210 comments
Dopefish writes

Greetings Soylentils! And welcome to SoylentNews!

We are here to deliver the best community-sourced news, catered for all manner of nerd! Because this is a grassroots based platform, the content feeds are powered by readers like you. Our main objective is to highlight news stories on the web that are of importance to everyone, but especially nerds. In addition, SoylentNews will strive to go beyond simple news-aggregation, with some core principles:
  • Providing a soapbox for experts to discuss their profession and solicit questions from a curious audience.
  • Allowing the community to comment, without any mandatory registration.
  • Staying mindful of the community's needs and wants while avoiding changes to satisfy an overarching corporate agenda.

We want to make this your source for news about technology, art, and science. We are the new kid on the block and are adapting quickly to satisfy our community's needs, as we look forward to exceeding your expectations and pushing boundaries like never before. Lastly, there will be no changes in format without a general consensus from the community. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the ride!


SoylentNews is One Year Old! 92 comments

Exactly one year ago SoylentNews published its very first story: Welcome to SoylentNews!

And what a year it's been!

It all started with a posting at slashdot where an editor claimed they had "listened to their audience" about complaints about the new Beta version of the site that was being rolled out. Many noted that any changes were cosmetic — that it was the community that made that site what it was. And, in inimical nerd fashion, a "SlashCott" was scheduled from February 10-17 wherein the participants pledged to not visit /. for one whole week.

Others took a more active role. The source code for /. was originally made open source and was available on the internet. Sadly, that code had not been maintained and was several years out of date. Some intrepid souls labored long and hard to locate servers, coordinate activities, and get the code knocked into shape. The goal was to create an alternative site that was free from the manipulations of a corporate overlord.

That first story signified a major accomplishment, but the site was still unstable and many features were incomplete, non-functional, or just plain ugly. Many more days of implementation, debugging, and testing were to follow culminating with SN going live to the world on February 17, 2014: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow... Today!.

Much has happened since that nascent story first graced the 'net. There have been changes in our all-volunteer staff. We had votes for the name of the site. We implemented UTF-8 support so stories and comments can include any valid character. We incorporated as a Public Benefit Corporation — on USA's Independence Day no less! We have an on-line store where you can buy SoylentNews Swag. You can subscribe and help support our site.

By the numbers: Over 5000 accounts have been registered and nearly 5000 stories have been posted to the site. Each story is read from 500-2000 times by logged-in users, and approximately 10 times as many Anonymous Cowards. More importantly, nearly 150,000 comments have been posted by you, our community.

Today, we have a small but dedicated group of volunteers who keep the site running. They keep the OS up-to-date on our servers, maintain our Wiki, e-mail, and IRC channels. They add features and fix bugs in the SN code base. Others edit and publish stories to appear on the site. We have a Board of Directors who take care of the legal sides of things. A treasurer who follows the finances. And there are still others who help in a non-technical, but just as necessary capacity in keeping the site humming along.

So, hats off to all who have helped build this site to what it is today!

Happy Second Anniversary to SoylentNews! 54 comments

It passed without fanfare, but this very site recently passed an important milestone... SoylentNews celebrated its two-year anniversary!

On Wednesday February 12 2014, @07:28AM our very first article was posted: Welcome to SoylentNews! and then, on Monday 2014-02-17 at 02:06:00 UTC, we announced our presence to the world at large: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow... Today!

There were some who thought the site would fail right from the start. Yes, there have been some significant challenges along the way. Thankfully, the community has pulled together and given the support needed to keep this site running as a going concern.

The support has come in many forms. Of course, there is the financial side where people have subscribed or purchased SoylentNews swag. We are also grateful to those who submit stories, post comments, and perform moderations. Others post journal articles and comment on those. Still more are active on our IRC server. Then there's our very own Wiki. There are those, too, who mention our site to family and friends.

On an entirely different level we have the folks who maintain our servers, front ends, code base, site, mail, and the like. Others handle behind-the-scenes organization and communications tasks.

For those who joined us at the outset, you may recall that site crashes were a regular occurrence. Now, most of our downtime is due to either site upgrades or reboots of our systems by our hosting provider.

For those who may no be aware, this is all brought to you by volunteers who freely give of their free time and energy to make this all happen for you, our community.

So, I'd like to take this opportunity to say a big "Thank-You!" to all who have helped us get to where we are today. Some helped at the outset and moved on, others have been with us from the start, and still others have joined more recently. We would not be where we are today without ALL of you!

Original Submission

Three Years In - What Has Happened and How we Got Here 56 comments

Two of SoylentNews' staff submitted stories noting our three-year anniversary; one a site summary of where we are and a summary of what we've done, and the other a detailed presentation of the very early days and how SoylentNews got started.

Three Whole Years -- Thanks to You!

Three years ago, today, SoylentNews announced its presence to the world. Much has happened along the way of our providing a place for a community to grow and to engage in discussion.

It started as a fork of five-year-old, open-sourced code which had suffered under benign neglect. Perl, Apache, MySQL, and other products had continued on. So we had to deal with dependencies on unsupported and back-level versions of code. A great deal of effort went into bringing the site up-to-date with current versions of that base. See below for mechanicjay's illuminating first-hand account of how that all got started.


Happy Birthday to SoylentNews -- Four Years Old! 84 comments

It is my great pleasure to announce that SoylentNews has just celebrated four years of service to the community! The very first story on the site appeared on 2014-02-12 and actually went live to everyone 2014-02-17.

It all started when a story on Slashdot made reference to its "audience" which ticked off quite a number of people. Soon after came a boycott of Slashdot — aka the "Slashcott". While this was in effect, an intrepid few people somehow managed to take a years-old, out-of-date, unsupported, open-sourced version of slashcode and somehow managed to get it up to speed to run on much more recent versions of Apache, MySql, etc. Recurring crashes and outages were the norm. (See last year's anniversary story for many more details!) Further, on July 4th, 2014 our application to become a Public Benefit Corporation was approved — this set the stage for us to be able to accept funding from the community.

By the time you read this, we will have posted 20,980 stories to the site to which over 639,907 comments have been made!

We could not have done this without all of you. You (the community) submit the stories for the site. You write the comments... and moderate them, too. You made recommendations for improvements to the site. You are SoylentNews.

It has been my privilege and honor to work with a great group of folks who have done the behind-the-scenes skunk-work which has kept this site running. It does bear mentioning that this site is entirely staffed by volunteers. Nobody here has received even a penny's worth of income from the site. Like you, we have home and work responsibilities, but in our spare time we still strive to provide an environment that is conducive to discussions of predominantly tech-related matters.

Having said all that, I must add that income to the site has dropped recently. Having let my subscription lapse in the past, I know how easy that can be. Take a moment to check your subscription status. We have on the order of 100 people who have subscribed in the past, have visited the site in the past month, and whose subscription has expired. If your subscription is up-to-date, please consider either extending it or making a gift subscription (default is to UID 6 - "mcasadevall" aka NCommander). NB the dollar amounts presented are the minimum payments required for that duration -- we'll happily accept larger amounts. =)

If financial contributions are infeasible for you, we always appreciate story submissions. Submit a link, a few paragraphs from the story, and ideally a sentence or two about what you found interesting and send it to us. Any questions, please take a look at the Submission Guidelines.

Of course, the comments are where it's at. Thoughtful, well-reasoned, well-supported comments seem to do best here. Inflammatory histrionics garner attention, and usually down-mods, too. Speaking of which, if you have good Karma, and have been registered with the site for at least a month, you are invited to participate in moderation. Unlike other sites that up-mod or down-mod to infinity, we have something more like olympic-scoring here. A comment score can vary from -1 to a +5. This is how I look at scores: -1 (total waste of your time), 0 (meh), +1 (okay), +2 (good), +3 (quite good), +4 (very good), +5 (don't miss this one!).

Original Submission

SoylentNews is... FIVE YEARS OLD! 108 comments

It all started when Slashdot rolled out a new, "Beta" user interface that was soundly disliked. In response, they posted a story calling us an "audience". That did not go over well. At all. Cries of "Buck Feta" were numerous and frequent. Then came a call for a Slashdot boycott — a "Slashcott" — scheduled for the week of February 10-17, 2014.

While the Slashcott was going on, a handful of intrepid nerds pulled down the (horribly out-of-date and unmaintained) open source code dump of Slashcode, forked it, and started whacking it into shape. This culminated in our announcement to the world: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow... Today!.

Now, one could argue as to the exact date of our birth. Was it when the domain "" was first registered? (2014-02-09T01:50:26Z) How about when the first user was registered to the site? (2014-02-12 06:00:06 "NCommander") Or, maybe, the very first story posted to the site? Welcome Testers ... (2014.02.11 21:28 UTC)

Whichever one of those you choose, it has now been at least FIVE years...


We've had hiccups along the way. Even the past year was not problem-free. Server reboots so our hosting provider, Linode, could roll out mitigations for the Spectre and Meltdown attacks. Then we had a server go down on us, which would not be such a big deal except its mirror had already predeceased it, so there was nothing to fail over to. A couple more issues with Apache and nginx going off to who-knows-where and needing to be restarted. Oh, and our mailserver decided to stop serving mail at one point, too. There may have been another couple of things which happened over the past year that escape me at the moment, but all-in-all I would like to think we are doing a pretty good job of keeping things up and running. Consider we are an entirely volunteer organization. Consider, too, that big-named sites like Wells Fargo, TSB, Google, and others all had site-wide outages in one or more of their services... we've got a good group here and it has been truly a wonderful experience to be a part of what keeps this site running.

A quick look around the site reveals some interesting statistics. That by week's end, we will have posted our 26,000th story. To that, add the 3,994 journal entries that have been posted by the community. We had our 800,000th comment posted to the site just this week. We have had, however, comparatively few comment moderations: ~540,000. We have 7,333 registered users, too!

Many thanks are in order to those who have helped keep everything up and running. Not just the sysops who lurk in the background, but also those of you who have opened your wallets and bought the subscriptions which pay the server bills, domain registrations, as well as the CPA for filing taxes, and the like.

Ultimately, this site is for you, the community. We focus stories on those which have a technical or science (aka nerd) angle with maybe a politically oriented story posted each day. And an occasional story that looks like it might engender discussion. There are plenty of other sites which cater to the latest Hollywood gossip, political machinations, recipes, and cat pictures... you've made it clear you don't want a bunch of that here. Submit stories. Make journal entries. Post and moderate comments.

Yes, we have had many accomplishments over these years, but we know nothing is perfect. We are overdue for a site upgrade, but it's likely nothing much will happen for a few months until TheMightyBuzzard can free up some of his time to work on it. Complaining is easy, but if you have concrete suggestions on what we could do better and how we might go about it, we can't promise anything (one man's drink is another man's poison), but we will certainly give it serious consideration.

If you should run into an issue with the site, please send details to admin (at) noting the date/time/timezone and any data you can provide to help us locate and isolate the problem. That includes the URL for the story or journal entry. If it pertains to a comment, then please also include a link to that, as well. (That is the link under the (#nnnnn) in the comment header). Fair warning: complaining in the comments about a story not being accepted or about the moderation of one of your comments is generally off-topic and often moderated that way. Exception: if you accidentally modded a comment as spam, or have had a comment of yours moderated as spam that you think is incorrect, please send an e-mail to the admin address and we will take a look at it. We are running a bit lean on staff ATM with several of us in the midst of time-consuming things IRL, so please be patient.

Thank you.

Thanks to all of you who have helped this site persevere all these years!

Original Submission

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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by SemperOSS on Sunday February 16 2020, @09:53PM (1 child)

    by SemperOSS (5072) on Sunday February 16 2020, @09:53PM (#958901)

    To the hard-working "staff" of the great SoylentNews: Thank you for your hard work, your dedication and not the least for the good spirit, here and on chat!

    Please keep up the good work as I look forward to another many birthdays.

    I don't need a signature to draw attention to myself.
    Maybe I should add a sarcasm warning now and again?
    • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:45PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:45PM (#958925)

      Agreed. I love this blog, I like the more old school chat format that's better suited for more in depth discussions (compared to all the newer stuff that's more intended to give you a bunch of information at once, maybe accept a few comments, and move on with little further discussion), and I like the user submitted aspect of the blog as well.

      I still miss the old school message boards that either aren't around or aren't that popular anymore though (and have mostly been replaced by blogs). But this is a blog, not a message board, so I digress.

  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:13PM (6 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:13PM (#958907)

    You losers still here?

    • (Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:17PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:17PM (#958910)

      You losers still here?

      Idiot! The sewage too needs a place to collect.

    • (Score: 3, Funny) by Bot on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:19PM (1 child)

      by Bot (3902) on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:19PM (#958911) Journal

      >You losers still here?
      says AC, basically, the most prolific poster.

      PS happy birthday SN

      Account abandoned.
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @01:43AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @01:43AM (#958970)

        I am AC, hear me roar.

        Numbers too great to ignore.

    • (Score: 3, Touché) by bart9h on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:33PM

      by bart9h (767) on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:33PM (#958919)


      And so are you.

    • (Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:56PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:56PM (#958927)

      Us losers. You included ;)

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @01:26AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @01:26AM (#958963)


      You have the wrong website, sweetheart. He's the HN moderator.

  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by opinionated_science on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:28PM (2 children)

    by opinionated_science (4031) on Sunday February 16 2020, @10:28PM (#958917)

    where does the time go....

    • (Score: 4, Funny) by DavePolaschek on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:21PM

      by DavePolaschek (6129) on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:21PM (#958934) Homepage Journal

      Yeah, it’s been six years. Only feels like half a decade or so.

    • (Score: 2) by DannyB on Tuesday February 18 2020, @05:32PM

      by DannyB (5839) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday February 18 2020, @05:32PM (#959599) Journal

      It has come to my attention that some people actually post to SN on their personal time. Evidence of this is that there are posts on evenings and weekends. This must stop immediately!

      Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.
  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by Kell on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:04PM (6 children)

    by Kell (292) on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:04PM (#958930)

    Fuck beta!

    Scientists ask questions. Engineers solve problems.
    • (Score: 1) by petecox on Monday February 17 2020, @01:30AM (1 child)

      by petecox (3228) on Monday February 17 2020, @01:30AM (#958964)

      And their website is *still* garbage on mobile.

      You have to force it to load desktop and if then select the classic view to get rid of the slider comment loader nonsense.

      • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Monday February 17 2020, @03:00AM

        by Reziac (2489) on Monday February 17 2020, @03:00AM (#958999) Homepage

        Or just disable javascript.

        And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
    • (Score: 2) by Mykl on Monday February 17 2020, @02:05AM (1 child)

      by Mykl (1112) on Monday February 17 2020, @02:05AM (#958981)

      A handful of times over the past 6 years, I've wandered over to the Green Site to see if things have improved.

      They haven't.

      • (Score: 1) by petecox on Monday February 17 2020, @02:42AM

        by petecox (3228) on Monday February 17 2020, @02:42AM (#958992)

        I removed it from my rss due to the spam/troll to comment ratio. That seems to have improved somewhat, today at least!

    • (Score: 2) by meisterister on Monday February 17 2020, @08:13AM

      by meisterister (949) on Monday February 17 2020, @08:13AM (#959070) Journal

      Damn right! It was the one egregious change that broke the camel's back and gave us both this site and pipedot. I'm glad that both are still around; it's like a pleasant little pocket of (relative) calm to get away with the other insanity on the net.

      (May or may not have been) Posted from my K6-2, Athlon XP, or Pentium I/II/III.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @08:25AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @08:25AM (#959073)

      For all those that are tempted by 'Fuck S/N': remember, it's only 6 years old, you know what this makes you (grin)

  • (Score: 2) by aliks on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:16PM (1 child)

    by aliks (357) on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:16PM (#958931)

    Soylent Green is People

    To err is human, to comment divine
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @08:13AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @08:13AM (#959071)

      But not in a copyright infringing way.

  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by SomeGuy on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:17PM (3 children)

    by SomeGuy (5632) on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:17PM (#958932)

    Also, thanks for not turning this site in to an eye-raping fuckfest like most web sites these days.

    No one needs text that slowly fades in as a page loads, graphics that pop in from the left/right, embedded twatter feeds, giant constantly animating carousels (that can never be stopped in the off chance you actually want to look at a detail), links that can't be bookmarked because they are actually JS links, menus that are all hidden under a scripted "hamburger" button, a long page that looks like 20 totally different pages stacked on top of each other because mobile, layout that switches to a broken unmaintained mobile mode when in a window less that 1024*768... and I could go on and on.

    Live long, and fuck beta :P

    • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:53PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2020, @11:53PM (#958942)


      I love it here. Keep up the great work!

    • (Score: 2) by RedIsNotGreen on Monday February 17 2020, @01:42AM

      by RedIsNotGreen (2191) on Monday February 17 2020, @01:42AM (#958968) Homepage Journal


      Site still looks nice. (Score: 5, Insightful)*New*
      by SomeGuy (5632) Neutral on Sunday February 16, @11:17AM (#958932)
      Also, thanks for not turning this site in to an eye-raping fuckfest like most web sites these days.
      No one needs text that slowly fades in as a page loads, graphics that pop in from the left/right, embedded twatter feeds, giant constantly animating carousels (that can never be stopped in the off chance you actually want to look at a detail), links that can't be bookmarked because they are actually JS links, menus that are all hidden under a scripted "hamburger" button, a long page that looks like 20 totally different pages stacked on top of each other because mobile, layout that switches to a broken unmaintained mobile mode when in a window less that 1024*768... and I could go on and on.
      Live long, and fuck beta :P
      Reply to This

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by RedIsNotGreen on Monday February 17 2020, @01:44AM (1 child)

    by RedIsNotGreen (2191) on Monday February 17 2020, @01:44AM (#958971) Homepage Journal

    thank you all and the scripts too for a nice community to be in. it took me a while to start journaling, but when i did, i actually got meaningful responses and feedback!

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @04:43AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2020, @04:43AM (#959029)

      Yeah, journaling is the real interesting part. Some of the more troublesome tend to leave others' journals alone. Plus the more long-form questions and answers allowed there allow for more digging in and detail.

  • (Score: 2) by hemocyanin on Monday February 17 2020, @01:48AM

    by hemocyanin (186) on Monday February 17 2020, @01:48AM (#958973) Journal

    Happy Birthday SN, and keep up the good work.

  • (Score: 2) by Appalbarry on Monday February 17 2020, @02:31AM (1 child)

    by Appalbarry (66) on Monday February 17 2020, @02:31AM (#958989) Journal

    Some of us were a little slow to sign up, but still appreciate the work done by you old-timers!

    Buck Feta!

    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by martyb on Monday February 17 2020, @04:21AM

      by martyb (76) Subscriber Badge on Monday February 17 2020, @04:21AM (#959021) Journal

      Appalbarry (66) wrote:

      Some of us were a little slow to sign up, but still appreciate the work done by you old-timers!

      Says the guy with a UID... that is 10 less than mine!

      Hey, waaaaaait a minute. Doesn't that mean that you are an old-timer, too? =)

      Thanks for making me laugh! 😊😊😊

      Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Reziac on Monday February 17 2020, @03:03AM

    by Reziac (2489) on Monday February 17 2020, @03:03AM (#959003) Homepage

    ...and a sorrier bunch of los-- er, finer crew of journalists and commenters has never been seen!

    Seriously, I'm still here because it works.... just right.

    And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
  • (Score: 5, Interesting) by NotSanguine on Monday February 17 2020, @03:59AM (3 children)

    by NotSanguine (285) <NotSanguineNO@SPAMSoylentNews.Org> on Monday February 17 2020, @03:59AM (#959014) Homepage Journal

    Thanks to everyone who makes this site go! Including all the admin staff and the users.

    In answer to the question, "At the end of the day is this place worth it?" []

    Delenn: Of course it is. For the simple reason that no one else would ever build a place like this. Humans share one unique quality: They build communities. If the Narns or Centauri or any other race built a station like this, it would be used only by their own people. But everywhere humans go, they create communities out of diverse and sometimes hostile populations. It is a great gift, and a terrible responsibility--one that cannot be abandoned.


    It's as good an answer as any, and applies here just as much as its original context. Even better, we've had a longer run than they did. With no end in sight!

    Happy birthday SN!

    No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical. --Niels Bohr
    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by martyb on Monday February 17 2020, @04:52AM

      by martyb (76) Subscriber Badge on Monday February 17 2020, @04:52AM (#959032) Journal

      Whether by happenstance or chance, as I was reading your comment, this is the fortune displayed at the bottom of the page:

      Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read. -- Mark Twain

      It seemed to me to be amazingly apropos the Babylon V quote you posted (btw, thanks for that!)

      Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by DannyB on Tuesday February 18 2020, @05:35PM (1 child)

      by DannyB (5839) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday February 18 2020, @05:35PM (#959600) Journal

      "My shoes are too tight." -- Londo Mollari

      Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.
  • (Score: 1) by notrandom on Monday February 17 2020, @05:55AM

    by notrandom (5820) on Monday February 17 2020, @05:55AM (#959048)

    and thank you guys..

  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by AnonTechie on Monday February 17 2020, @10:29AM

    by AnonTechie (2275) on Monday February 17 2020, @10:29AM (#959101) Journal

    It is indeed very heartening to see this site celebrating it's 6th birthday. May SoylentNews and all its supporters be blessed with peace, good health and prosperity in the years to come. Have a wonderful birthday.

    Cheers !!

    Albert Einstein - "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."