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SoylentNews is people

posted by janrinok on Sunday December 18 2022, @08:53PM   Printer-friendly

Many of you are frustrated, as am I, by the bugs that are currently present in the system and wondering why they are not being fixed. I am now in a position to perhaps shed a little bit of light onto the reasons we are where we are...

What's In A Name?

There are significant challenges happening behind the scenes that even I was unaware of until an hour or two ago. One is a problem with our domain name itself. You may recall that in the very initial stages of the site the domain was taken by Barrabas who then only relinquished it for the sum of several thousand dollars. I do not have the details but is appears that there is some form of new dispute regarding the name, which NCommander and another board member are currently trying to resolve. If I have understood it correctly, it seems that another entity is trying to grab the name but all that I have to go on are a couple of cryptic comments on IRC. If and when I have more information I will pass it on.

Addendum: After a discussion with another member of staff I believe that our own domain name is safe. NCommander is having an issue with a domain elsewhere. I will keep you informed.


NCommander has a professional life away from this site (as do all the staff with myself being the only exception). There has been significant upheaval in his work over recent weeks and, as a result, he has not had the time that he had expected to have to work on the site. Others are contributing where they can but any resolution of the current problems is unlikely to happen before Christmas. He has also made commitments that he has to honour and he is burning the candle at both ends for the moment. At the end of the day he has to pay the rent and put food on the table. The site is an entirely voluntary and unpaid activity for all of us.

The three major bugs (lack of mod points, the failure to display new journal entries, and the search facility not finding recent stories) are all slashd issues. Some community members are currently scouring the logs/code to try to pinpoint the precise error so that, when NCommander does have some time, the necessary software changes can be carried out quickly.

Site Statistics

There has been a bit of a feeling of pessimism over the site recently - so I thought I would do some analysis of the figures to see exactly what the situation is.

Since September we have had a total of 465 unique accounts contributing with comments - and most contribute many times. To be honest that figure is higher than I thought it might be. There are more who have been moderating but not commenting. Figures for how many people actually read our site regularly are difficult to calculate accurately because we cannot count those who do not log in. But by comparing current active participants and page hits with historical data gives a rough estimate of a community of around 700-800 people but that potentially has a wide margin of error. There has also been a reappearance of quite a few accounts that have been dormant for the last couple of years who have returned to the site. I hope that this trend continues.

I was also concerned about the fall in the number of comments since non-logged-in AC posting was disabled on the main pages. Again, it turns out that it is significant but it is not as bad as the figures first suggest. When I account for the number of off-topic, troll, and down-modded posts the comment figures are lower than they were a few months ago, but only marginally so. The quality of discourse is much higher now and is, I think, more acceptable to community as a whole. I am not suggesting that ACs do not make a significant and valuable contribution to the discussions. In fact, it is clear that the majority of Anonymous Cowards do act sensibly and contribute just the same as most other members do. But to enable them to return to the main stories we have to have a way of differentiating between each AC rather than having to control them all in a single account. A recent proposal on how to achieve this was rejected so, for the time being, I am concentrating on other tasks.

New Accounts

It has been claimed that we are not accepting new accounts. This is simply untrue and it is a statement being repeatedly made by an Anonymous Coward. As at the time of writing we have a total of 21836 accounts, but over the last few weeks a 'fake account' bot has been running and has created well over a thousand account entries which simply do not exist. However, there have been 77 new accounts created recently which have been active on the site. These figures do not include the many sock-puppet accounts that have been created; over 600 have been identified and disabled. As far as I can tell, and contrary again to many AC claims, only 3 or 4 of them ever belonged to Runaway1956 and none have been active since last year.


Without a doubt one of our biggest problems currently is funding. NCommander has managed to reduce our server count significantly and has therefore reduced our running costs. People everywhere are struggling to make ends meet and many have to make a difficult decisions regarding how to spend their money. If you are able to make a subscription - no matter how big or how small - it would be appreciated by the entire community.

Holiday Period

Over the holiday period we will be reducing the story output to 5 stories a day (the 'weekend' rate). I will be travelling to visit my own family many of whom I have not seen since the start of the Covid pandemic. I will only have periodic internet access, and we will try very hard to find current newsworthy stories to publish. Good submissions are always welcome and we try to select those which have a submitter's identity over those that are created by some of our alternative collection bots.

I read somewhere that there are actually 11 different holidays being celebrated around this time of year. So on behalf of all of the team here at SoylentNews may I wish you, your family, and those close to you, the very best wishes for the holiday period and into the New Year.

This discussion was created by janrinok (52) for logged-in users only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.
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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by turgid on Sunday December 18 2022, @09:27PM (7 children)

    by turgid (4318) Subscriber Badge on Sunday December 18 2022, @09:27PM (#1283044) Journal

    You're doing a great job. Take it easy over the festive period.

    The quality of discourse is much higher now and is, I think, more acceptable to community as a whole.

    I appreciate the increase in quality of the discourse and the decrease in noise.

    What spoil-sport is trying to run off with the domain name? Don't be held to ransom. Just rename the site (but be sure to tell us what it's called).

    • (Score: 4, Informative) by janrinok on Sunday December 18 2022, @09:50PM (2 children)

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Sunday December 18 2022, @09:50PM (#1283049) Journal

      What spoil-sport is trying to run off with the domain name?

      I don't know the details yet - but it is taking a lot of NCommander's time.

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
      • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Monday December 19 2022, @03:07AM (1 child)

        by Reziac (2489) on Monday December 19 2022, @03:07AM (#1283099) Homepage

        Argh. Always something! Holding onto the domain names is #1 priority. I see we also have the .COM and (given browser behavior) I regard keeping that equally important.

        I'm one of those affected by "What do you mean, NO mod points?"
        Since I enjoy spending all my mod points, this makes me very sad, and I shall be glad when it's fixed.
        This started for someone else on the day of the previous "state of the site" discussion, and for me about two days later, if that's of any help.
        [I have the opposite 'problem' fairly regularly on the Green Site -- there I often have infinite mod points -- spend 'em all and immediately have more -- and sometimes that goes on for months. Maybe it's a related bug?]

        21836 accounts with 465 of us commenting is a pretty good participation rate. Most busy forums hover around 1% regular posters; we're a bit over 2%. Of course, we are twice as opinionated as average, so... :)

        Best of the Holiday Season to you and all the staff, and many thanks for the gift you give us all year round.

        And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @05:33AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @05:33AM (#1283277)

          I did notice the lack of mod points but thought it was just another trial

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 18 2022, @11:31PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 18 2022, @11:31PM (#1283059)

      Hang on theme song? []

      Very G rated, there is a bit of a surprise about 2/3 of the way through the video.

      Thanks for the updates!

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @12:00AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @12:00AM (#1283061)

        Second thought (after having dinner) -- change the name to Sloopy News...

    • (Score: 2, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 18 2022, @11:58PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 18 2022, @11:58PM (#1283060)

      > What spoil-sport is trying to run off with the domain name?

      What idjit thinks they can monetize this bunch of stay-off-my-lawn misfits?


      • (Score: 2) by owl on Monday December 19 2022, @05:48AM

        by owl (15206) on Monday December 19 2022, @05:48AM (#1283117)

        Unless it is "the one who shall not be named" trying to kill the site off, the idea for monetization would likely be "selling ad space to advertisers so the X eyeballs that view the site have to also 'see ads' while doing so -- and we get $0.0x per ad view".

        But then again, that is the obvious answer, because that is basically how almost all internet advertising works at a basic level. And about all that differs is with more eyeballs one can negotiate a larger $0.0x factor per ad-view.

  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by jelizondo on Sunday December 18 2022, @11:06PM (1 child)

    by jelizondo (653) Subscriber Badge on Sunday December 18 2022, @11:06PM (#1283057) Journal

    Thanks to all the people who devote time and effort to keeping the site alive. I appreciate it (even if I don't get mod points :-) )

    I concur, if the name of the site needs changing, change it; don't pay ransom to some bastard.

    Take it easy over the holidays, spend time with family and friends and then, and only then, come help us get the site running proper again.

  • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Sunday December 18 2022, @11:08PM (6 children)

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Sunday December 18 2022, @11:08PM (#1283058) Journal

    I, for one, appreciate the update. And, the new information.

    It's alright to hope that the idiot trying to steal the domain name suffers a stroke or something, right? There is no way anyone can come up with a "good" reason for attempting to take it. Someone with a malicious interest in the people here, or just some rando extortionist.

    A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by coolgopher on Monday December 19 2022, @12:13AM (5 children)

      by coolgopher (1157) on Monday December 19 2022, @12:13AM (#1283063)

      Considering the site is backed by a registered organisation, you'd think whoever wouldn't have a leg to stand on against the site. So yeah, I'd expect it'd be our usual vindictive ass clown(s?) who are trying a new way of griefing. (Good grief, get a life...)

      • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:03AM (4 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:03AM (#1283071)

        Considering the site is backed by a registered organisation, you'd think whoever wouldn't have a leg to stand on against the site. So yeah, I'd expect it'd be our usual vindictive ass clown(s?) who are trying a new way of griefing. (Good grief, get a life...)

        The good news is that by trying they would have to dox themselves. If SN can tie that back to any illegal activity defined by the CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act) they will have new avenues of action that they can take.

        • (Score: 4, Insightful) by coolgopher on Monday December 19 2022, @01:21AM (2 children)

          by coolgopher (1157) on Monday December 19 2022, @01:21AM (#1283076)

          Yeah, but lawyering up almost always only benefits the lawyers.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:39AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:39AM (#1283079)

            +1, the only ones that _always_ win are the lawyers. The only way to win is to not play that game.

          • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Reziac on Monday December 19 2022, @03:10AM

            by Reziac (2489) on Monday December 19 2022, @03:10AM (#1283100) Homepage

            I'm sure we must have a few lawyers among us, some of whom can play hard-ass -- perhaps if opportunity arises, one will step up and volunteer to step on the worm who is causing the grief?

            And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
        • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:45AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:45AM (#1283082)

          Want to send a scary letter? That'll be $2,000. Want to go to court? $100,000 for starters.

  • (Score: 3, Informative) by mrpg on Monday December 19 2022, @12:40AM (3 children)

    by mrpg (5708) <> on Monday December 19 2022, @12:40AM (#1283068) Homepage []

    'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
    Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
    What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
    What's in a name? that which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet;
    So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
    Retain that dear perfection which he owes
    Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
    And for that name which is no part of thee
    Take all myself.

    • (Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:01AM (2 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:01AM (#1283069)

      That olde English is a bit rough on me brain...
      Can I have a car analogy please?

      • (Score: 5, Informative) by coolgopher on Monday December 19 2022, @01:23AM (1 child)

        by coolgopher (1157) on Monday December 19 2022, @01:23AM (#1283077)
        A <insert-car-make-here> rebadged as <insert-other-car-make-here> would suck just as much, but you'd have to deal with a different lot of fanbois.
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @02:44AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @02:44AM (#1283093)

          Thanks! And no doubt also have to deal with a different dealer service department as well.

  • (Score: 5, Interesting) by SomeGuy on Monday December 19 2022, @01:06AM (4 children)

    by SomeGuy (5632) on Monday December 19 2022, @01:06AM (#1283073)

    As far as the low comments, it just seems like the stories lately have been of the kind that I might read and then have nothing to add. Nothing wrong with those, there will always be some of those, but the best stories for a site like this are the ones that make people rage and post blathering comments. Or a story that is *wrong* and everyone has to correct it :P.

    It seems like the last few years there hasn't even been that much tech news at all, really. These days people don't seem to care about tech as long as they can play with their toy cell phones. (see, we need more stories that I can turn around to bash cell phones).

    But, you know, I hope that even if the new comment count goes down, that the site stays up and accessible because there are a lot of good comments on older stories that people might yet stumble across.

    • (Score: 4, Funny) by RS3 on Monday December 19 2022, @02:58AM (1 child)

      by RS3 (6367) on Monday December 19 2022, @02:58AM (#1283096)

      Or a story that is *wrong* and everyone has to correct it :P. []

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @05:27AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @05:27AM (#1283115)

        Ha, one of my favorites. I had refrigerator magnets made of this cartoon.

    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 19 2022, @03:24AM

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday December 19 2022, @03:24AM (#1283102) Journal

      You are correct of course. The type and topic a of story dictates the sort of comments that it generates to some degree. This was a very quick and dirty analysis and I simply made the assumption that the nature of the stories hadn't changed significantly over the period of data collection.

      As somebody pointed out to me recently, there are fewer sources today from which to collect the stories and many people seem content to chat on other social media rather than have to engaged in any physical effort like typing or. even less likely, having to engage their brain.

      From my personal point of view I was rather buoyed up by the figures that fell out at the end - they were better than I had honestly expected and to have so many active contributors more than justifies any effort required to keep the site fed with stories.

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
    • (Score: 2) by Common Joe on Tuesday December 20 2022, @08:10PM

      by Common Joe (33) <reversethis-{moc ... 1010.eoj.nommoc}> on Tuesday December 20 2022, @08:10PM (#1283392) Journal

      It seems like the last few years there hasn't even been that much tech news at all, really.

      I'm glad I saw someone else thinking the same thing I have been. This is very unfortunate. Especially since we seem to be entering an age of ignorance, this is the time when we need scientific stories and thinking the most. Easier said than done, though. So many people have trouble understanding basic science, much less be able to write it.

  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Pseudoanonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @01:53AM (1 child)

    by Pseudoanonymous Coward (10234) on Monday December 19 2022, @01:53AM (#1283083)

    I've always been a lurker at heart, but I still visit this site almost every day, just not logged in. I'm sure there are many who do the same. I just want to say thankyou for all the effort that you guys put into this site, it really is one of the best quality sites that I have come across.

    -- A Whale and a Bowl of Petunias jump out of a plane, who hits the ground first? --
    • (Score: 2) by quixote on Tuesday December 20 2022, @04:37AM

      by quixote (4355) on Tuesday December 20 2022, @04:37AM (#1283269)

      Same here, both on the lurking and the thanks. Also, I'm definitely one who doesn't show up in your reader stats since I really like reading the daily set in my email. Email tends to be full of boring and/or annoying stuff, so this way there's something to look forward to. I'll be digging into the old sock to find some coins to send your way in appreciation.

  • (Score: 1) by khallow on Monday December 19 2022, @06:43AM (3 children)

    by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Monday December 19 2022, @06:43AM (#1283123) Journal

    Without a doubt one of our biggest problems currently is funding. NCommander has managed to reduce our server count significantly and has therefore reduced our running costs. People everywhere are struggling to make ends meet and many have to make a difficult decisions regarding how to spend their money. If you are able to make a subscription - no matter how big or how small - it would be appreciated by the entire community.

    I contributed a few weeks back precisely because I thought SN was going in a positive direction and would need the squeeze.

    • (Score: 1) by shrewdsheep on Monday December 19 2022, @12:02PM (1 child)

      by shrewdsheep (5215) on Monday December 19 2022, @12:02PM (#1283141)

      Me too, albeit my contribution got lost in a roll-back. If yearly cost can be brought down to 4k, that would be a realistic funding goal.

      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 19 2022, @03:37PM

        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday December 19 2022, @03:37PM (#1283153) Journal
        Your money should still be safe - all that I think was lost was the accounting info that we use to calculate our front page display. For some reason the banks keep their own records :-)
        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:22PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:22PM (#1283401)

      You are the invisible hand and I claim my $5.

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Beryllium Sphere (r) on Monday December 19 2022, @07:01AM

    by Beryllium Sphere (r) (5062) on Monday December 19 2022, @07:01AM (#1283125)

    I offer you all the META Editorial Transparency Award.

  • (Score: 1) by pTamok on Monday December 19 2022, @09:39AM

    by pTamok (3042) on Monday December 19 2022, @09:39AM (#1283137)

    Frustrated - No. Sad - yes. It's a noble experiment, and I hope it rises from this nadir.

    The site needs more NCommanders. I truly regret not being in a position to volunteer my time.

  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by PiMuNu on Monday December 19 2022, @09:58AM

    by PiMuNu (3823) on Monday December 19 2022, @09:58AM (#1283138)

    Seems like a good place to say best wishes for the christmas break (or festival appropriate to whatever deity you favour) - and thanks also to the site staff for keeping things going.

  • (Score: 2) by canopic jug on Monday December 19 2022, @02:39PM (1 child)

    by canopic jug (3949) Subscriber Badge on Monday December 19 2022, @02:39PM (#1283147) Journal

    Ongoing thanks! It is truly appreciated around here and probably even a little beyond the usual edges of the community.

    I subscribed again, since money is needed to keep the lights on, as much as the skill and effort which you are putting in. I have also hit that Patreon tip jar.

    Money is not free speech. Elections should not be auctions.
    • (Score: 1) by pTamok on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:32AM

      by pTamok (3042) on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:32AM (#1283304)

      I would upmod you, but I have no mod points. This will have to do.

  • (Score: 2) by PhilSalkie on Monday December 19 2022, @05:08PM

    by PhilSalkie (3571) Subscriber Badge on Monday December 19 2022, @05:08PM (#1283171)

    You are all appreciated. Have a happy holiday, safe travels, and healthy visits with family.

  • (Score: 2) by maxwell demon on Monday December 19 2022, @06:13PM (2 children)

    by maxwell demon (1608) on Monday December 19 2022, @06:13PM (#1283187) Journal

    Speaking of the domain name, my phone no longer can find My laptop doesn't have any trouble, though. And that is true even when they are connected over the very same WLAN.
    I'm really puzzled what's going on, and whether the problem is with my phone (it doesn't have trouble to find other web sites, though) or with SN.

    The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.
    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 19 2022, @06:39PM (1 child)

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday December 19 2022, @06:39PM (#1283195) Journal

      Have you put a fixed IP address against in a hosts file somewhere? If you have you may find that is the problem.

      While rationalising the number of servers that we use we had to change some IP addresses. These have been handled correctly and so DNS should work, but if your host file is now pointing to a defunct IP address it probably won't. Just a guess - it is just as likely to be something else.

      Bet you can't work out how I happen to know this fact, can you?

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
      • (Score: 2) by maxwell demon on Tuesday December 20 2022, @04:53AM

        by maxwell demon (1608) on Tuesday December 20 2022, @04:53AM (#1283271) Journal

        Have you put a fixed IP address against in a hosts file somewhere?

        I don't even know how I could do that on my phone.

        While rationalising the number of servers that we use we had to change some IP addresses.

        Well, that at least gives a pointer on where to look for the problem. Thanks for the information.

        The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.
  • (Score: 2) by mcgrew on Monday December 19 2022, @09:56PM

    by mcgrew (701) <> on Monday December 19 2022, @09:56PM (#1283229) Homepage Journal

    I can wait for my mod points to come back. Today on the Linux computer I was amused that there's a moderate button but no allowed moderation to moderate! Makes me think I'm working for Illinois under Ryan and Blago again.

    A Black, Hispanic, or Muslim voting for Trump is like a Jew voting for Hitler