The Mighty Buzzard writes:
The 4/1 joke this year is on me. Working from home apparently doesn't get you out of working on your home, or in this case a church destined to shortly be my home. Which is what kept me from having time to annoy you lot with a terrible/goofy/whatever theme or some other silliness this year. Enjoy your lazy Wednesday and feel free to have a chuckle at my expense.
Side note: there are only sixty-one four-digit uids left at the time of this writing (the morning of 3/31) . Any of you long time ACs who think you might want to register before we hit five digits need to do it soon.
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Friday April 03 2020, @06:10AM (2 children)
We love us some lame jokes and bad puns too, we just don't want them to be endless and don't want them in the stories feed at all. It's the difference between hearing a dumb joke from a friend and hearing eight hours of them from a child hopped up on Pixy-Stix.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Friday April 03 2020, @03:27PM
Lame jokes, endlessly, and not interspersed within serious ideas become tiresome quickly.
The new Java 14 has officially raised the maximum memory limit to 16 Terabytes. Yes, really.
If a lazy person with no education can cross the border and take your job, we need to upgrade your job skills.
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Saturday April 04 2020, @06:30PM
I misspoke. It is Java 15 that will get the increase to 16 terabytes.
If a lazy person with no education can cross the border and take your job, we need to upgrade your job skills.