The month of August is winding to a close. Here are a few updates on site activity. If you are interested, please read on after the fold. Otherwise, a new story will be along shortly.
Server Updates:
As I write this, The Mighty Buzzard is in the process of rebuilding three of our Gentoo servers: lithium (our development server; hosts, aluminum (our eventual replacement for beryllium which is our sole CentOS server), and magnesium (which is one of our two load balancers; the other is sodium). All rebuilds are in progress and happening in the background. The only user-noticeable impact should be a brief outage when the dev server reboots. That is anticipated to occur later tonight (EDT). Thanks Buzz!
[TMB Note]: It's just installing boring old OS updates. Nothing you guys actually use should be impacted in any way.
Editor Activity:
First off, it's my pleasure to welcome Subsentient back to editing duties on SoylentNews after a bit of a hiatus. We look forward to his contributions to the site! Also, it gives me great pleasure to announce that chromas just posted his 1,200th story! And with that accomplishment, it also marks his moving up to 9th place among our Most Active Authors on the site's Hall of Fame! Congratulations! That represents a great commitment of time and energy in support of SoylentNews. (Not to mention his systemd bot on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) which offers several commands that make our jobs as editors so much easier. Thanks chromas!
Folding@Home (F@H):
Folding@Home is a distributed computing project that leverages spare computing resources on participant's computers. The majority of those resources are now being applied to better understand the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus which causes COVID-19. The current statistics reveal over 25 million cases world-wide with over 850,000 deaths. Note that many survivors have reported experiencing long term, debilitating consequences. Also, there is not just one virus. It has been mutating as it spreads, so continued monitoring and analysis is required to keep on top of things.
Back to F@H, it is my pleasure to report that Runaway1956 is now at the top of our team's standings with 396,857,185 Credits and 11,702 Work Units completed. That makes him the 2,461th-highest, single contributor in the world. Thank-you so much for your efforts in helping to fight this terrible disease!
We are two months into the second half of the year. So far, we have netted $744.16 towards our goal of $3,500.00 for site expenses... that's 21.3% of what we need to pay for the servers, business fees and taxes, accountant, etc. For those who have subscribed, please accept my genuine and sincere thanks! It bears repeating that nobody at SoylentNews has ever received even one cent for their contributions to the site. All staff freely volunteer their spare time and energy to keep things running.
Final Note:
Many, many thanks to the community who supports SoylentNews by submitting and moderating comments. Thanks, especially, to those who have submitted stories. YOU are what makes SoylentNews happen.
It is a privilege to serve you. Thank you for supporting my efforts as Editor-in-Chief; I hope to continue to earn your trust in the days and years that lie ahead!
(Score: 2, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 01 2020, @12:26AM (3 children)
> And here's to 1421 aristarchus submissions
On your way to 1488...
> Ignorance is such a precious thing, and so fragile!
...with this emergent self-awareness?
(Score: 2) by aristarchus on Tuesday September 01 2020, @09:19AM (2 children)
I wish you the best, AC! Self-awareness is a very good thing. As Heraclitus said, ἐδιζησάμην ἐμεωυτόν.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 01 2020, @10:32AM (1 child)
The great GooG at Mountain View has failed to translate edizisámin emeoytón (tried several different Ancient Greek translators).
Perhaps this is something along the lines of more recent mystic from that part of the world-- G. I. Gurdjieff. From memory, I think he was known to say, "know yourself"? []
(Score: 2) by aristarchus on Wednesday September 02 2020, @08:55PM
You are thinking of the Delphic inscription: Γνώθι Σεαυτόν, know thyself. Heraclitus may have been riffing on that, but Ionic Greek is slighty, um, different.