Thank you SO much! I had no idea that my work on SoylentNews had such a wide-ranging impact on so many people! Reading the comments to my resignation — This is Difficult in So Many Ways; I Must Resign from SoylentNews — brought me alternately to tears of joy and roars of laughter.
That said, the reality is that others have arguably played a larger role in making SoylentNews into the success that it is today. A few names that readily come to mind: NCommander (UID 2!), paulej72, TheMightyBuzzard, and LaminatorX (our first Editor-in-Chief). There are so many more!
As much as I appreciate the kind words, it would mean so much more to me to see these well-wishes turned into subscriptions to SoylentNews! This idea came to me when I received a gift subscription to the site. (Thanks drussell!) It costs roughly $7,000 per year to run this site — primarily web hosting fees. (Nobody has ever been paid anything for their work on this site!)
We have raised about $1,100 so far this year. Our goal for June 30th is only about $2,400 away (and for the year is only about $5,900 away). That is net to us after processing fees. It's a BIG stretch, but I have faith... let's see what this community can do!
[Update: Revised paulj72 to paulej72. - Fnord]
(Score: 5, Informative) by cmdrklarg on Tuesday March 29 2022, @04:25PM
"Cancel culture" is not a new thing; it's been around a LONG time. The only thing new is the usage of that term by butthurt conservatives who don't like it when a weapon they have used numerous times in the past is now being used against them.
The 1st Amendment says that your right to speak cannot be inhibited by the government. It does not say you have the right to an audience. It also does not say you are protected from the consequences of your speech. It does not force private entities to display or repeat your speech.
If you don't like SoylentNews' moderation, there's no one stopping you from making your own forum.
The world is full of kings and queens who blind your eyes and steal your dreams.