So, to say the last week has been a dumpster fire is drastically underselling what I've been through. This, combined with having to put things in place to migrate off Twitter, and otherwise deal with all the fallout of that hot mess has, to put it frankly, put free time at something of a premium, hence why this post took so long. For those who missed it, I did fairly long overhaul of our backend, upgrading boxes from Ubuntu 14.04, and rebuilding and replacing others.
At the moment, the site is mostly working, with two exceptions, site search is still down, and IRC is still down. Deucalion has taken up the task of rebuilding the IRCd on modern server software, so it's time to lay down the road going forward past this point.
Read past the fold for more information ...
Right now, the backend is mostly built on an outdated version of mod_perl 2.2, and MySQL cluster, which is very much not a good place to be. Originally as envisioned, I planned this site to be able to be easily scalable, with a larger user base. That's why the infrastructure was designed to be as scalable as it was, with the downside of having a much higher overhead than a more traditional setup has. Furthermore, rehash (the code that powers this site) is, uh, to put it frankly, a beast to work on. It's a 90s era Perl code base and pretty much everything else that implies; if it wasn't for the fact that rehash is one of the main reasons to use SoylentNews, I'd argue it might be time to replace it.
Right now, I'm working on doing another round of server hardening. As it is at the moment, I've got rehash and Apache running in an AppArmor jail, and everything is pretty well sandboxed from everything else, but I still need to go through and adjust a lot of firewalls, and finish decommissioning out a bunch of the boxes. That said, the site is running faster than it has in a long while since a lot of small things got corrected as we went. Sometime this weekend, I'm going to finish adjusting the firewalls to lock it down further, and that should mostly get back to the point where I might have restful sleep again. That being said, there's still a fair bit more to do.
Moving ahead, we need to get off MySQL cluster, and either onto the current mod_perl, or, ideally, FastCGI, to end the Apache dependency entirely. Unfortunately, working on Rehash is quite difficult, and it requires a very specific setup to be viable. My current plan here is to basically get it working in Docker, so its easy to spin up and spin down instances, and return to a less cursed variant of MySQL. This is probably a few hours of work, but I'm hoping that overall it is going to be easy and straightforward to do since most of the backend is fairly well documented at this point. This also leaves me in a decent position to implement a couple of long overdue features, but modernization efforts come first. I'm hoping to livestream my efforts on this on the weeks to come, and I will make stream announcements as I go along.
My intent, based off the policy changes that were made to disallow ACs to post on stories is to sunlight the feature entirely, including in journals and more. The decision to have ACs on SoylentNews was made in 2014, when the Snowden leaks were only a few months old. Furthermore, we've seen from experience that the karma system doesn't go far enough at keeping bad actors from still getting a +2 status. By and large, the numbers underpinning the system need a rework. My general thought is to cap karma at either 10 or 15, and drastically decrease how far into the basement you can go, as well as uncapping posts in moderation to be able to go to -5.
As a rule, incredibly bad takes do get moderated out of existence, but because there's no real penalty for doing so, we get constant shitposts. Time to make this a bit harder to abuse. I've documented the antispam measures on the site before, but the site keeps track of IP addresses and subnets in the form of hashed /24, and /16s (/64 and /48 for IPv6), which has a karma number attached to them. If an IP range goes too far into the basement, it ends up posting at 0 or -1. By adjusting the caps, it should allow this threshold to be reached much more easily, and help bring the signal to noise ratio back to something more "positive".
Furthermore, I believe its generally in the site's interests to allow editors to delete comments. This functionality is actually built into rehash, but has been long disabled. At the time, I felt the community was best self-moderating, but I think on the whole, its better to treat this like a moderated subreddit, and have messages get a notice that they've in-fact been deleted ala reddit. This is a fairly large departure for the site as a whole, but I think one justified given the state of the Internet on 2022. I am open to discussions on all of this, but let me see what all your thoughts are like.
I do intend to keep livestreaming my progress with the site as we go along; and we raised another ~500 dollars towards Trevor Project during the last livestream. I've left that stream unlisted until I've had a chance to finish implementing all the hardening measures I've discussed, but I'm hoping at the end of it, I'll have a pretty good documentary on what it takes to modernize an aging website. As usual, if you want to support me directly: Ko-fi is available for one time donations, or Patreon for a recurring donation.
~ NCommander
[ If you are an AC and wish to make a constructive comment, please see my journal. janrinok ]
(Score: 2) by NCommander on Tuesday November 22 2022, @12:07AM (1 child)
By and large, it doesn't happen. Most of the major troll accounts here have positive karma, despite being downvoted into oblivion because they generally don't post with +1 bonus, so at most its a 2 point lost. One insightful post negates everything, and submitting stories also gives you karma back, even if they're not accepted. As it stands, you have to be at -10 to have your starting score lowered to -1, and -20 (I think) to have your score lowered to -1 to start with. That means you have to have a sustained period of nothing but garbage getting downmodded before the karma system has any effect. I don't remember seeing anyone actually get that low beforehand.
Oh, that's a good question. TBD.
If there was an edit button, it would be time locked to maybe 30 minutes, and show a flag that a post has been edited. Solves the quick mistake stuff, prevents really rampant abuse.
Still always moving
(Score: 2) by looorg on Tuesday November 22 2022, @01:37AM
Right. So the cushion is to large then, or the punishment to small. If you at most lose four points for a post out of 50 point cushion that is hardly a dent and it's as noted quite easy to fix your occasional trolling, bad or misunderstood posting. As noted moderation isn't always equal.
Still there is a big difference in losing 4/50 (2/25 or about 8%) points vs losing 4/10 (2/5 or 40%) or 4/15 (or 27%). One is clearly to small and insignificant to matter. While the others might be to large. Still if submitting a single story is more or less all that it takes to cover it up then one could argue if there really is a punishment or moderation at all. There is, or might be one, for the story people are reading but as a consequence for the poster? Probably not.
I would assume most people with an account are more or less at or around 50 karma as it is these days. The only real way I find out that I have been down-modded somewhere is if the number shrinks below 50, and I might not even notice since someone else could just pull it back up again since the order of moderation matters.
So getting to -10 points if +50 is the max then yes that would take some serious effort. Still even if the max was just +10 then getting to -10 is five complete garbage posts without anyone liking it or you making a single submission of a story either. So while it was unlikely at +50 changing it to just +10 might not really matter or have that big an impact either. Most of the plus +50 then is just really extra padding.
I'm not even sure how you would really solve it. Just closing the gap doesn't even seem to matter in that regard. Sure it's less padding but it's still a lot of wiggle room.
Regarding the edit option. Yes it might solve the quick fat finger mistake but on the other hand I don't really think it matters to much. Not to mention even if there was a window of editing I'm sure I would miss that one to and I wouldn't notice it until it just closed. It's just that you miss it when you don't have it but if you had it then you might not even use it anyway.