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posted by NCommander on Monday May 22 2023, @04:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the end dept.

This is the post I never thought I would have to make. I am also writing this post on behalf of SoylentNews PBC, the legal owner of SoylentNews, and not as a member of the staff or the community.

SoylentNews is going to shut down operations on June 30th.

This wasn't an easy decision to come to, and it's ultimately the culmination of a lot of factors, some which were in my control, and some that weren't. A large part boils down to critical maintenance to the site not properly being performed for a very long time. To pay back the mountain of technical debt we've built up, it would require relaunching the site from scratch.

I'll discuss this more in depth below, but I can't personally justify the time any more, especially due to the negative impact that SN is having on my personal life.

Before we shut down, at least for the foreseeable future, I'm going to outline the situation as I see it, my own personal responsibility, and what happens next.

Technical Reasons

Let's start with the technical nitty gritty. SoylentNews was, in November 2022, at the point where it was about to have a fatal database crash. The database cluster was wedged in an invalid state. Backups weren't properly being done. As it was, we lost several days of postings after a hard crash. On top of that, we had multiple public facing machines running outdated versions of CentOS and Ubuntu running net facing services.

There's two distinct problems here, both of which have to be addressed.

The first is the site itself, and specifically what we can or can't do with it. At this point, rehash, the backend that runs SoylentNews, is nearly 30 years old, and it was written in what can be generously described as angry and especially esoteric Perl. Perl was already going extinct when we launched in 2014, and at this point is mostly relegated to legacy backend code which is slowly but surely disappearing.

Complicating matters is that rehash is specifically tied into Apache 2.2 via mod_perl, a version that is well past end of life and significantly out of date. While the website is well sandboxed and battle hardened, running obsolete code on the public Internet is not a smart move especially when combined with many of the other factors listed below.

To just keep up with patched software, we would either need to port the site to Apache 2.4 and a recent version of mod_perl, or break the Apache dependency with an alternative like FastCGI. This would also require updating the base version of Perl5 to something more recent and hoping all the necessary CPAN modules have either been updated, or can be reasonably replaced, which is doubtful at best

As the person who actually did the base port of rehash from Apache 1.3 to Apache 2, this is a massive project regardless of which way we would go. This would require a full rebuild of the /srv/ directory which alone could easily take weeks or months of work. That doesn't take into account all the other bits of infrastructure and software that would need to be reworked, rebuilt, or replaced.

When we migrated to rehash, we had more staff who could QA the site and quite a bit went wrong trying to do that relatively simpler migration.

As we are now?

I don't see how it's possible anymore.

After everything that has played out, I'm having trouble working up sufficient motivation to work on the site and bring it up to a serviceable state when combined with the amount of friction I've experienced just getting us here.

I had hoped to hire outside help or at least raise enough through livestreaming other SN related work to offset the costs. At this point though I believe that is a lost cause as well. If this was the only major problem, it would be bad enough. Unfortunately, it's just the tip of a very large and very ugly iceberg.

The deeper problem is that everything else has bitrotted over time.

SN's backend is something of a jigsaw puzzle which is documented in one of three places: on the site, on the internal technical wiki (which is currently down), and on the old public facing wiki which is also down. None of that documentation was or is consistent with the actual state of reality, and quite a few parts, like the MySQL cluster, were somewhat esoteric.

In practice, if you want to know how anything was plugged into anything, it was a matter of pulling cables and figuring out what broke. It also doesn't help that the backend is notoriously noisy. That makes it hard to sort out real errors from the chaff. This was a large part of why the Zoo plugin, which does the sidebars, was broken for most of December. It also didn't help that we had three different OSes (Ubuntu, CentOS, Gentoo) which complicated system administration.

Furthermore, there have been major disagreements among the sysops on actually doing any major upgrades. Someone would complain that we should do something. There would be a lot of arguments about it. In most cases, nothing got done. Because of this ongoing friction, it became increasingly more common for no one to install updates. This is why we never upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 back in 2016. I eventually said we should just go to Gentoo, since there was a widespread belief that upgrading the distribution would break everything. This suggestion ultimately just ended up with only our development machine on Gentoo, and that too was woefully out of date.

When I finally checked in in November 2022, after two years, the site had finally reached a breaking point. I talked with some people in #chillax, and I got a state of affairs from mechanicjay, and I decided to do what should have been done long ago.

Clean house.

I didn't ask for permission. I didn't wait for people to answer DMs. I just did it because we had done this go around one too many times in the past.

I will let the community decide if I was justified or not in doing so.

A lot of this involved installing over a decade of upgrades. Setting up and configuring firewalls and removing unneeded services. Backing up and decommissioning old boxes. Given the extended period of time without updates, you can imagine that I at least have some concern at the number of potentially vulnerable backend services that were exposed to the Internet.

I found no evidence of breach, but given the period of time, and general lack of maintenance, I am at best uneasy.

I could have done better.

In the end, I finally installed almost a decade of upgrades in December of 2022, but that only postponed the inevitable. I also trimmed the number of machines and services in an effort to be at least slightly more secure on the Internet. However, ultimately, without a way to bring in new users, SN is slowly going to attrition itself to death.

Some might argue that I simply let it be, or should have let it be in November, but I really did hope that I could pull it out of this death spiral. Over the last few months, it has become clear that the only way work is going to be done is if I do it or if a miracle happens.

The problem is: as part-owner, where do you go from here?

There's also the matter of liability.

Ultimately speaking, if something happened with SN, Matt and I would be jointly responsible since our names are on the legal documents. I tried to find someone to take my place, and failed. I am legally attached to something that is barely being maintained, and frankly, I can't carry this cross any further.

My Role In This Outcome

I guess this falls down to a lot of my personal responsibility. While SN is at its heart a community project, it is also a business, one for which I have served as its president for its entire life. I really had no idea what I was doing when we started, and this had long term effects on SN as a whole. Part of this was that we only had subscriptions as a revenue stream.

Without a more solid revenue stream, the PBC was essentially hostage to the small trickle of money subscriptions. In a volunteer organization, it's a matter of "who shows up to do the work" dictating the direction of the site.

In the early days this wasn't a problem, I had plenty of free time, and people were often willing to help. That's largely how the site got ported to Apache 2, and why we were able to stay up for more than a year. Meanwhile, solving UTF-8 support was one of TMB's and MartyB's projects. As the early enthusiasm died off and staff began to leave, essential tasks were becoming less and less likely to be done.

That ultimately created a negative feedback loop in which technical debt continued to pile up.

SoylentNews also doesn't have a growing community, partially because we have very few inbound links, and are fairly low in search results. In our early days, folks followed us from Slashdot, and some viral posts on places like reddit and HackerNew did help to build the community, but this has largely evaporated.

Growth of some sort is important because communities have a natural attrition rate. People leave, die, or otherwise go inactive. Year over year, the community has shrunk, primarily because we don't bring in a lot of new blood.

Furthermore, the Internet as a whole has changed. When we started, GamerGate was yet to happen. The world couldn't even imagine the rise of the Trump presidency. In theory, the moderation system should have been able to handle disinformation, but the mod system requires a certain critical mass to work. Slashdot's mod system could only work as it does on a large community, and we found at least one critical flaw with its base assumption:

People rarely if ever downvote.

This, combined with ineffective anti-spam meant that it was relatively easy to game the system, and allowing bad actors outweighed good. My perception was SN's signal to noise ratio was becoming more noise year over year, and there were many conversations on this, which ultimately went nowhere. For me, personally, it finally reached a head with COVID. The amount of medical misinformation and similar such disinformation got to the point that I felt we needed to drastically overhaul the site.

This lead to some very bitter arguments.

Ultimately, I was overruled, and I attempted to resign after bitter arguments in the staff channel. My resignation was written, but ultimately never posted, and I left on bad terms with the staff at the time. Consequently, I remained President of the PBC. At that time, I requested Matt remove me from the position, but we never formalized this, primarily because there was no one to replace me. It should also be noted that we were missing a secretary and unable to find a replacement after mrcoolbp withdrew due to personal life reasons.

I could have, and perhaps should have, forced the issue then, but I could still remember how the domain was hijacked in our early days, and didn't want this to be a case of sour grapes. I also had a reasonable belief that SN would still be maintained by the active staff. I turned my attention towards my other endeavors such as my YouTube channel and tried to put it behind me.

Two years passed.

That was not the end of the infighting, and that ultimately led up to TMB leaving in 2021. The site was now running with the bare minimum of maintenance mechanicjay supported by audioguy could give it with no hope of a long term solution in sight. Had I not checked in, and decided to do emergency maintenance, the odds are that it would have been a matter of weeks or months before a severe system crash would have irreparably corrupted the database.

As it was, we had two hard crashes that lost weeks of posts. There were no functioning backups that I could find.

I did two emergency rounds of maintenance that saw the backend database replaced with a standard vanilla MySQL instance and drastically downsized the number of machines, cutting the monthly bill more than half.

However, it's become clear to me that this was too little, too late.

Many of the issues that were present when I resigned were still here. At the end of the day, I found myself caught between my responsibility towards my site and my own frustrations for what it had become. This combined with a personal disaster in my life starting in December meant that I had very little time for SN.

This was also combined with the dawning realization of how difficult it would be to get new sysops and devs to replace myself and those that had left. While I was willing at least to put some of the legwork in, no one really wanted to sit down and help with the business side of things. It felt like everyone else decided we should all hum loudly. While we had some volunteers for sysops, my lack of time, combined with the relatively arcane nature of our backend mostly nothing being done.

I honestly don't know if there was one specific misstep that led to this outcome. However, the need for sites like Slashdot and SoylentNews was already passing when we launched. Slashdot is a shell of itself, and most of the role of news aggregator is taken up with sites like reddit and HackerNews. The need for something like SN has largely disappeared.

That means for SN to exist, it has to exist for itself, and well, that's the rub of it. SN stopped being maintained while I was absent. It wasn't being well maintained well before that point. It's not going to be maintained now simply because I can't justify the time and effort anymore and no one else is putting time or effort into this either.

Suggestions like running ads to try and pay for some of the maintenance costs have either been rejected or at least treated with enough skepticism that makes me doubtful it would help.

Finally, I'm tired of fighting over every single issue which in the end leads to nothing being done and everyone just walking away unhappy.

What Would Have Been Needed To Save SN?

As before, I'll break this into two sections, involving the technical, and the non-technical. To summarize, it essentially required people to take responsibility and pledge to fix it as well as relieve me from my position from the PBC.

Technically speaking, we'd need to be able to refresh the site infrastructure as well as the site's backend dependencies. You're essentially dealing with a legacy Linux install that has been upgraded from Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 22.04 that at least a dozen of sysops have worked on.

To reduce site admin burden, we'd probably end up migrating email, and most services beside IRC and the website to third party hosting providers. This would have solved many of the email and registration issues that have plagued the site since GMail made their spam barriers extremely hostile to external SMTP hosted mail.

We would also need a development environment that properly tracked with production to allow changes to be done incrementally and rolled back, something that was a continuous problem throughout every major site upgrade. This would let us test each aspect of the overhaul and deploy it piecemeal instead of having the site be broken for weeks or months as happened with the much smaller November upgrade.

Ideally, we would use an automation deployment solution such as GitHub Actions which would make sure the machine state was always in sync with the build files, and allow for easy and rapid deployment of backend patches and security updates.

With this all done, it would have allowed site maintenance to easily be done en masse to all machines and without risk of the site breaking in new and arcane ways.

I did talk to Matt about the possibility of either fundraising or selling stock in an effort to finance it.

I also made multiple efforts to find someone who was willing to seriously take over the site and take over the PBC. There were a few email discussions that went ultimately nowhere.

What it boils down to is that to do anything with the site, I would have to put in legwork that, after everything that has been said and done, I am no longer willing to do nor is anyone truly stepping in to try and take over for me.

It doesn't help that nearly every single thing I've laid out here was shot down by at least one other member of staff while at the same time no realistic alternatives were worked on or even proposed.

What Happens Now?

At this point, we need to get the expenses of the PBC to zero. We have about $1,500 USD in the bank, most of which will go to handle our shutdown fees. I want to give a window for people to exchange contact info and write goodbyes. Subscriptions will be disabled on the site by time this post goes live. SN doesn't have a robust infrastructure to process refunds, and TMB wrote most of the code involving that. I am discussing with Matt what our options here are, but in the worst case scenario, any leftover will be donated to the EFF.

A final backup of the VMs and site database will be taken and will be redirected to a static page. Everything representing the site be archived and taken offline. I'm going to hold the domain name and backups in trust in the hope that circumstances in the future may allow for the site to return in some form.

I wish I did not need to say such a thing might happen, but all things must end.

Until we meet again, ~ NCommander

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  • (Score: 5, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 22 2023, @04:33PM (13 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 22 2023, @04:33PM (#1307354)

    Perl is a terrible language. It came about before the internet was a thing, and various bits of web crap were bolted on to it.

    Additionally, you shouldn't be running servers that need to be manually upgraded and databases that need to be manually fscked with.

    Its not conducive to running a website in this day-and-age.

    I run a site that gets half a million hits per minute. It's hosted on a Kubernetes cluster with a Postgres back-end. The total cost for the site is around $500/mo.

    Upgrades are painless. "git commit && git push" runs tests in a matter of ~90 seconds, then Kubernetes spins up new instances, transfers the traffic over, and spins down old instances seamlessly.

    How many forks of slashcode are there? Has it been updated in the last 5 years? Have they ever heard of docker?

    Who cares about a slashdot "clone". How about a new site for nerds that has a non-slashdot-clone threaded commenting system?

    I have half a mind to see what things would be like if the nearly 30 years of legacy Perl crap wasn't holding someone back...

    Starting Score:    0  points
    Moderation   +5  
       Interesting=4, Informative=2, Overrated=1, Total=7
    Extra 'Interesting' Modifier   0  

    Total Score:   5  
  • (Score: 3, Informative) by RS3 on Monday May 22 2023, @06:59PM (4 children)

    by RS3 (6367) on Monday May 22 2023, @06:59PM (#1307422)

    Awesome post and info.

    Not a perl programmer- only done some mods, recently bought some perl books (cheap, paper!). TMB, who was a major coder / contributor here, said perl's string handling was far better than alternative languages. I don't know. Like _everything_, opinions are widely and wildly varying and (too?) often intense.

    Generally life is very dynamic. This site was a fork of /. and started with the slashcode as a base. The founders here wanted to do some things their own way, so imho it made sense at the time. Starting from scratch in any language or technology would have taken huge time and effort. Why reinvent the wheel when it just needs some tweaks.

    Sure, they could have started with forum or blog code, but again, they liked much of greensite, just needed control and to do some things the way they wanted to. I applaud them (SN's founders).

    What to do now is very unclear. There are efforts to establish something...

    • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Tuesday May 23 2023, @02:50AM

      by Reziac (2489) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @02:50AM (#1307539) Homepage still exists as another fork, but has been entirely static since 2017. Not so much motivation or attraction when SN existed. Well, maybe it can fire back up again.

      (I'm amazed to see that I'm still logged in over there, six years later.)

      Of our three, tho, I do like SN the best. The site is ridiculously easy to use and big enough for variety, yet we're not so large that we can't know each other.

      As I say above, seems to me the ideal might be freeze current site, spin up new maintainable code with as much same behavior as possible. And I'm sure it's within our guys' capacity, given the place hasn't fallen over despite the creaking joists and nails sticking out.

      And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
    • (Score: 2, Flamebait) by Bill, Shooter Of Bul on Tuesday May 23 2023, @03:40AM (2 children)

      by Bill, Shooter Of Bul (3170) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @03:40AM (#1307565)

      Perl is awful. This is a vengeance post. But seriously screw everyone who thought perl had such great string handling that it made up for the rest of the terrible design. Sometimes you have flamewars and you doubt that you were on the right side. But then years later you realize you were 100% correct but have no one to gloat over. So here I am at the end of the rainbow gloating over everyone who claimed perl's superior string handling made it a great language. It didn't.

      • (Score: 2) by RS3 on Tuesday May 23 2023, @04:09AM

        by RS3 (6367) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @04:09AM (#1307571)

        Tenor noted. :) I haven't done enough programming to have a strong opinion. I seem to get things done in whatever the situation is, in occasional programming tasks.

        Frankly I don't know if I love or hate any language. Perl is pretty weird, but obviously many liked and like it, so I'm okay with letting them do their thing, and you doing your thing.

        I had to deal with some "forth" stuff some years ago. That was bizarre, but again, someone is productive enough with it.

        I guess I'm trying to be optimistic and self-encouraging in case people are able to keep the site going, and in case I get involved with some admin and programming, being the current codebase is perl, and migrating would be a huge task, and what would you migrate it to?

      • (Score: 2) by Immerman on Tuesday May 23 2023, @03:59PM

        by Immerman (3985) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @03:59PM (#1307704)

        Perl is *wonderful* for 5-line scripts to handle ugly file processing like coercing arbitrary data into an easily-parsed format.

        But I don't understand how anyone would want to use it for for anything large enough to require scrolling. I did that *once* in college, and it was the most painful 2-page program I've ever written. Never again.

  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by timbim on Monday May 22 2023, @08:04PM (6 children)

    by timbim (907) on Monday May 22 2023, @08:04PM (#1307441)

    It needs to be a slashdot clone. That's was the whole purpose of this site. We were upset with the original slashdot so we made a new one. But I still need slashdot.

    • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 22 2023, @09:21PM (5 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 22 2023, @09:21PM (#1307465)

      It needs to be a slashdot clone. That's was the whole purpose of this site. We were upset with the original slashdot so we made a new one. But I still need slashdot.

      Those are some pretty ambiguous requirements there.

      Does it have to share 99% of the codebase with Slashdot?

      Does it have to look 95% like Slashdot?

      Does it just need a threaded commenting system with community moderation similar to Slashdot?

      Does it need the URL structure to be identical to Slashdot?

      Are user journals still a thing? I've been on Slashdot since shortly after it started. I had a 4-digit ID, then lost it in 2001 because I had a stupidly simple password, never thought about it, and never changed it. I've never used journals.

      Is friend/neutral/foe necessary? What purpose does it serve?

      Do you just need RSS or do you need all the bizarre XML back-end crap?

      I seem to recall there was some shitty SOAP API. Is that required? Can it be switched to something non-brain-damaged like REST/JSON?

      I had a company contact me 4 years ago about an insanely outdated app that was still running on Server 2003 with MS SQL 2005. We looked at the app, understood it in depth, and designed a replacement in about a week. It was 100% ready to go, but it looked a bit different. Specifically it didn't look like it was designed in Microsoft FrontPage v0.01alpha. Two of the teams that used it absolutely loved it. One of the teams said "it needs to look and behave *exactly* like the old system" and refused to budge.

      We said "Ok, we'll come up with a system that looks and behaves *exactly* like the old system". Two weeks later we called then and said "it's done". ...and you'll never guess...but they're still running that outadated app on Server 2003 and MS SQL 2005. We cancelled the invoice and walked away.

      Don't be so rigid on your requirements that you make yourself and your application obsolete.

      • (Score: 4, Interesting) by Reziac on Tuesday May 23 2023, @02:55AM (2 children)

        by Reziac (2489) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @02:55AM (#1307544) Homepage

        "Is friend/neutral/foe necessary? What purpose does it serve?"

        I use "Friend" partly as an easy way to get notified of various interesting journals. (Since it apparently comes with the territory.)

        As to your other points... SN exists because Old Green worked for us (5-digit here, so I bow to your superior experience), and New Green did not. We came along because we liked Old Green. We stay because we like SN. Changing it significantly will change how we interact. This place is NOT like forums, reddit, or the fediverse. If we want those, there are already plenty.

        And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
        • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 23 2023, @01:36PM (1 child)

          by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 23 2023, @01:36PM (#1307649)

          I use "Friend" partly as an easy way to get notified of various interesting journals. (Since it apparently comes with the territory.)

          Interesting. I've never found journals to be useful. Not that it matters. I'm just some internet rando with differing opinions. ;)

          As to your other points... SN exists because Old Green worked for us (5-digit here, so I bow to your superior experience), and New Green did not. We came along because we liked Old Green. We stay because we like SN. Changing it significantly will change how we interact. This place is NOT like forums, reddit, or the fediverse. If we want those, there are already plenty.

          I completely forgot about the "mobile redesign". That was terrible.

          I just don't see it as being very difficult to "modernize" the codebase while keeping the main features intact--like nested/threaded comments, voting, anonymous commenting, friend/neutral/foe, article submission queues, and "topics" (or whatever the call them) for things like science, devices, software, etc...

          I'm tempted to do it, but I keep remembering the Tao of Programming (section 3.3 " rel="url2html-1185298">

          There was once a programmer who was attached to the court of the warlord of Wu. The warlord asked the programmer: "Which is easier to design: an accounting package or an operating system?"

          "An operating system," replied the programmer.

          The warlord uttered an exclamation of disbelief. "Surely an accounting package is trivial next to the complexity of an operating system," he said.

          "Not so," said the programmer, "When designing an accounting package, the programmer operates as a mediator between people having different ideas: how it must operate, how its reports must appear, and how it must conform to the tax laws. By contrast, an operating system is not limited by outside appearances. When designing an operating system, the programmer seeks the simplest harmony between machine and ideas. This is why an operating system is easier to design."

          The warlord of Wu nodded and smiled. "That is all good and well, but which is easier to debug?"

          The programmer made no reply.

          • (Score: 3, Informative) by Reziac on Wednesday May 24 2023, @12:54AM

            by Reziac (2489) on Wednesday May 24 2023, @12:54AM (#1307796) Homepage

            Yeah, the new design made my eyes bleed. Tho if one disables javascript, it mostly reverts to a semi-old state.

            One suspects the problem with modernizing is a whole bunch of interdependent parts, and you can't just fix one. Or debug one. Or... as your illuminating tale suggests, one may discover an impossible tangle.

            I don't know how much value there is in journals, but I do occasionally find them interesting enough to read, and that's sufficient to call them "useful". Also their other function -- to be side areas that lack the broad interest one hopes to find on the front page, but are still of value to someone. It's a way of fine-tuning the sorting out of discussions.

            And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
      • (Score: 3, Insightful) by istartedi on Tuesday May 23 2023, @05:19PM (1 child)

        by istartedi (123) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @05:19PM (#1307728) Journal

        I'm convinced that Slash style moderation is the key thing that needs to exist, and a sad loss for the Internet if it isn't around anywhere. In other places on these two threads, it's been pointed out that Slash moderation fails when there isn't a critical mass of moderators.

        At least the original Green Site is still around and still has enough users, so the template is still there even if nobody else is using it.

        Other moderation systems are "all thumbs" both literally and metaphorically.

        To expound upon this--when you have only thumbs up/down, "upvotes", or likes, you've got one bit of info. When everybody can do it easily, everybody does. This contributes to misery like reddits "hive mind" and such.

        The beauty of Slash-style moderation is that it's got just enough variables and limits to overcome that. Capped at 5 per post, only some can moderate and they can't post on the story, and the Karma cap which came in late but turned out to be rather important since it ended the race for Karma (aka Karma whoring) and put new and old users on a more even playing field. The sole unavoidable and somewhat benign concession to this kind of thing is that they don't hide user ID numbers so there's the whole low-ID prestige (or disdain so it evens out).

        Modern social media took a look at this finely crafted system, tried by fire and honed to near perfection in order to foster improved discourse and said, "No, let's be as crass as possible. Let's make it an unrestrained race for likes/thumbs/subscribers/stars/views. That's why most social media is hot garbage.

        Appended to the end of comments you post. Max: 120 chars.
        • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Wednesday May 24 2023, @12:57AM

          by Reziac (2489) on Wednesday May 24 2023, @12:57AM (#1307797) Homepage

          Agreed on the mod system. It has its failings, but overall it works pretty well. And it's part of the site's cultural mindset, which is Not The Same as elsewhere.

          I like the user ID number being visible -- we have a bit of a culture of old guard who know the old things, let's call the user ID number a homage to that.

          And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by NotSanguine on Monday May 22 2023, @08:25PM

    Who cares about a slashdot "clone". How about a new site for nerds that has a non-slashdot-clone threaded commenting system

    How about using something like Pleroma [], GNU Social [] or Diaspora [] as a replacement?

    Yes, I realize that these platforms don't have some of the features (moderation being the most important) that Rehash does, but it's a fairly stable base to start with, that should (at least for the foreseeable future) be relatively well supported.

    No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical. --Niels Bohr