Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee will be Friday, August 25th, 2023 at 20:30 UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when available.
The agenda for the upcoming meeting will be published when available. In the meeting we plan to discuss mechanicjay's report on different entity types and the first draft of the bylaws, which was posted to janrinok's journal previously.
Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:
Our community is encouraged to observe and participate, and is therefore invited to the meeting. SoylentNews is, after all, People!
(Score: 2) by requerdanos on Saturday August 26 2023, @12:13AM
Proposed agenda for 25 August 2023 governance committee meeting:
1) Previous Minutes
2) Proposed Agenda
3) Committee Member Reports on previously assigned tasks
3a) Update from Mechanicjay on corporate structures
3b) report from Jan on Bylaws
5) New Business
5a) Comments from the community.
6) Adjourn
Agenda as approved:
1) Previous Minutes
2) Proposed Agenda
3) Committee Member Reports on previously assigned tasks
3a) Update from Mechanicjay on corporate structures
3b) report from Jan on Bylaws
5) New Business
5a) Discussion about committe direction
5b)Comments from the community
6) Adjourn