Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by NCommander on Tuesday March 05 2024, @11:26PM   Printer-friendly
from the help dept.

So, in the background, the owners of the PBC have been working with staff to get the site moved over to a new legal entity and continue operations. This process is moving slowly, but it is moving, with the expectation that we should be able to fully hand off SN in the next month or so. However, the PBC has burned through its cash reserves, and we have an overdue Linode bill as is for $268 USD. I could write more, but the tl;dr, without money, SN will disappear off the Internet.

Most of the subscriptions understandably stopped due to the uncertainty with site ownership and management. However, we're not able to pay the bills with the trickle coming in. At this point, everyone involved has agreed with and are working towards a solution to move SN to a not-for-profit and 501(c)3, but we do need the communities financial support to get there. If we can raise $500 USD via subscriptions, direct donations, or other means, that would keep the site up past May. As such, if you have let your subscription lapse, or otherwise are able to support SN, please do so now.

Any funds raises will be donated to the *new* NFP as soon as it is able to accept funds. We'll run an update if/when we reach our funding goal.

- NCommander

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  • (Score: 5, Informative) by krishnoid on Wednesday March 06 2024, @03:20AM

    by krishnoid (1156) on Wednesday March 06 2024, @03:20AM (#1347541)

    When SoylentNews gets its 501c3 designation, it would be very easy to charitably donate stock to someone's "donor-advised fund" [] with the (unenforceable) request that it be sent onward to SoylentNews. If you don't trust that they'll forward it on, you can donate a share of a cheap stock and make sure the donor-advised fund holder donates it appropriately.

    ETrade at least has a dedicated page to make it easy to let me donate a share of stock to a 501c3 charity, and I think they also make it easy to donate to a donor-advised fund as well, which will then sell the share and transfer the cash to the destination charity.

    It was so easy to donate a share that I picked a share amount, and on the next page a charity from a pulldown, then clicked "Next". I expected it to show me a confirmation click through, but the next page pretty much just said "Done". I was just trying to check out the charitable transfer mechanism, but it was so frictionless that I had to call their customer support and have it reversed.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +3  
       Interesting=1, Informative=2, Total=3
    Extra 'Informative' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   5