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posted by takyon on Monday March 27 2017, @10:48AM   Printer-friendly
from the drupal-gored dept.

Drupal founder Dries Buytaert expelled Larry "Crell" Garfield from the Drupal community (archive) for his involvement in the BDSM community. Garfield claims this was done at the demand of Drupal Security team member Klaus "klausi" Purer and unknown others secretly pressuring Drupal leadership to have him removed for his private sex life.

takyon: From Larry's response:

I am involved in two such communities, specifically the BDSM community and the Gorean (Gor) community. The former is by far the larger of the two and more varied, although I spend more of my time and activity in the Gorean community. It's a small community, and sadly much of what is found online about it is utter crap, just as most in the BDSM community find the "50 Shades" representation of BDSM to be harmfully misleading. The Gorean subculture is inspired by a science-fiction book series written from the 1960s onward to today, and predicated on a strong sense of personal honor, integrity, and community. It also practices consensual Master/slave relationships, and has a strong gender bias toward male-Dom/female-sub relationships, but that is not the cornerstone of Gorean culture. There are other groups that are biased the other way, or have no gender bias. There are even groups in Chicago (where I live) that have regular "fem-dom" parties. To each their own.

It's the same Gor that was adapted into two films, one of which appeared on an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27 2017, @09:30PM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27 2017, @09:30PM (#484893)

    Wow, overgeneralize much? "A pedestrian got hit with a car, which PROVES that cars are not safe. We have to ban them all!"

    Do you have any studies or metrics on how Codes of Conduct typically impact projects?

    I'll also add that context matters a lot, as does the Code of Conduct being proposed. For example, if there was a code which said "no swearing (specifically [] in publicly view-able venues, no doxing, no ad-hominum attacks," I imagine most people wouldn't have a problem.

  • (Score: 3, Informative) by jmorris on Tuesday March 28 2017, @12:24AM (1 child)

    by jmorris (4844) on Tuesday March 28 2017, @12:24AM (#484950)

    In theory yes, in practice not so much. So far, pretty much 100% of proposals for a CoC have been SJW entry attempts, usually successful. And it normally isn't just the CoC that is the problem, it is the attitude that comes in with "those" people. Look at the systemd fight in Debian. What could that possibly have to do with a CoC you might ask? Everything. What happened, a cabal from on high mandated the change, declared there would be zero accommodation or tolerance for the dissenters. In other words it was top down authoritarian and zero tolerance. That is exactly the same mindset that SJWs brought in with their CoC and "Women in Debian" initiatives. In other words, Debian is now SJW converged and no longer cares about the original purpose of the project; it pursues social justice as a primary goal and the new leadership lord around their authority in ways openly harmful to the long term survival of the project. That is the impossibility of SJW convergence illustrated.

    Read the Devuan mailing lists. While systemd was the immediate cause of the fork, restoring the focus on freedom, the user and an open community drive their work more than simply eliminating systemd, In point of fact, were it not the case that the packages and patches enabling systemd tend to exclude the possibility of competing systems in the same repo and the lack of manpower to fix all of those problems, it is clear they would like to actually include systemd as part of their goal of promoting user freedom. They don't say it openly but if they did include systemd there would no longer really be a reason for Debian to exist other than inertia and I suspect they realize that possibility exists and would like to see that happen. See XFree86 for how that process works, they weren't SJWs but became authoritarian, so they lost the mandate of the users and vanished.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2017, @04:10PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2017, @04:10PM (#485251)

      The problem is that you're a bit crazy and starting to see conspiracies everywhere. Has it happened and will it happen again? Sure. But that is like me saying every judeo-christian follower is a pedophile because so many catholic priests have turned out to be.
