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SoylentNews is people

posted by takyon on Monday March 27 2017, @10:48AM   Printer-friendly
from the drupal-gored dept.

Drupal founder Dries Buytaert expelled Larry "Crell" Garfield from the Drupal community (archive) for his involvement in the BDSM community. Garfield claims this was done at the demand of Drupal Security team member Klaus "klausi" Purer and unknown others secretly pressuring Drupal leadership to have him removed for his private sex life.

takyon: From Larry's response:

I am involved in two such communities, specifically the BDSM community and the Gorean (Gor) community. The former is by far the larger of the two and more varied, although I spend more of my time and activity in the Gorean community. It's a small community, and sadly much of what is found online about it is utter crap, just as most in the BDSM community find the "50 Shades" representation of BDSM to be harmfully misleading. The Gorean subculture is inspired by a science-fiction book series written from the 1960s onward to today, and predicated on a strong sense of personal honor, integrity, and community. It also practices consensual Master/slave relationships, and has a strong gender bias toward male-Dom/female-sub relationships, but that is not the cornerstone of Gorean culture. There are other groups that are biased the other way, or have no gender bias. There are even groups in Chicago (where I live) that have regular "fem-dom" parties. To each their own.

It's the same Gor that was adapted into two films, one of which appeared on an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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  • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Thursday March 30 2017, @06:02PM (3 children)

    by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Thursday March 30 2017, @06:02PM (#486653) Journal

    You, er, haven't been reading a single fucking thing I've written, have you? Make like an Abit mobo and quit posting; you're done here.

    I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 1, Troll) by The Mighty Buzzard on Thursday March 30 2017, @06:14PM (2 children)

    by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Thursday March 30 2017, @06:14PM (#486660) Homepage Journal

    Just like a SJW. Get spanked and declare victory. Sad, really.

    My rights don't end where your fear begins.
    • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Thursday March 30 2017, @06:23PM

      by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Thursday March 30 2017, @06:23PM (#486667) Journal

      You're delusional, and everyone reading this thread can see it. Literally your entire post history for this subthread is "nuh uh" and "fuck you SJW" and "Hurr hurr this here dictionary sez..."

      Whereas I've pointed you to primary sources (yes, the blog post cites an academic paper) that show you are not only wrong, but have been wrong since before Judaism existed.

      And your response to this? Ironically, and darkly hilariously, it is *precisely what you just accused me of in your last post.*

      I'm actually interested, in the way one is interested in venomous animals or lethal diseases, in what could possibly make you so wrongheaded. Oh, I know you can't be saved, and that's fine, but out of curiosity I'd like to figure out what makes you tick.

      I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
    • (Score: 2) by melikamp on Thursday March 30 2017, @09:07PM

      by melikamp (1886) on Thursday March 30 2017, @09:07PM (#486748) Journal

      Hahahahahaha, OMG, what fun this thread is.

      Hey, Mr. Dictionary, what the hell is "SJW", anyway? You are obviously using it as a pejorative. Which part of it do you actually find deplorable? Is being "social" deplorable? Is "justice? Is "warrior"? Are you saying people are awful because they fight for justice? Because they fight for issues which affect the entire society? Or because they dare to think about justice in the context of the entire society? What about a Donny-boy supporter who is actively fighting on the side of ICE against illegal immigrants? What about unlicensed mercs with attack dogs who drew blood in Dakota? Are they fighting for what they see as "social justice" (the pipeline was declared legal, while immigrant workers in question are not), or are they bigoted terrorists fighting for their own personal well-being at the expense of minorities? Since you don't call them SJWs, you must mean the latter, right?