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posted by Fnord666 on Saturday April 29 2017, @05:28AM   Printer-friendly
from the where-to-draw-the-line dept.

Officials in Xinjiang will deny benefits to children with certain Islamic or Islam-related names:

Many couples fret over choosing the perfect name for their newborn, but for Muslims in western China that decision has now become even more fraught: pick the wrong name and your child will be denied education and government benefits.

Officials in the western region of Xinjiang, home to roughly half of China's 23 million Muslims, have released a list of banned baby names amid an ongoing crackdown on religion, according to a report by US-funded Radio Free Asia.

Names such as Islam, Quran, Saddam and Mecca, as well as references to the star and crescent moon symbol, are all unacceptable to the ruling Communist party and children with those names will be denied household registration, a crucial document that grants access to social services, healthcare and education.

Muhammad, Jihad, Medina, Mujahid, Arafat, Imam, Hajj, and Yultuzay are also banned.

Also at NYT. Reuters story about other restrictions that went into effect on April 1st.

Related: West Facing 'Payback' for Colonialism, says China's State-run Paper
China's Xi Jinping Negotiates $46bn Superhighway to Pakistan
Facebook's Zuckerberg Meets With China's Propaganda Chief, Social Media Mocks Facebook Block

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  • (Score: 1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @07:17AM (25 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @07:17AM (#501474)

    Naming your kid "Muhammed" is child abuse. It forever prevents being part of western society. It marks you as part of a hostile culture, and in self-defense many westerners are inclined to return the favor.

    If there ever is a reason to remove a child from a family, this is it. You're killing that child's future.

    Starting Score:    0  points
    Moderation   +1  
       Troll=3, Insightful=2, Informative=1, Underrated=1, Total=7
    Extra 'Troll' Modifier   0  

    Total Score:   1  
  • (Score: 3, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @07:36AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @07:36AM (#501478)

    Name your kid Cassius Clay instead.

  • (Score: 2) by Lagg on Saturday April 29 2017, @10:16AM

    by Lagg (105) on Saturday April 29 2017, @10:16AM (#501502) Homepage Journal

    Heh, hostile culture. I'm going to guess you're american. We're officially no longer allowed to call other countries, societies or cultures therein hostile due to what we are comparatively :)

    At the same time. Good point. Can't see anyone named Muhammed getting a job here in the desert. But I feel like what I think is the problem is different from what you do.

    -- [] 🗿
  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by wonkey_monkey on Saturday April 29 2017, @12:54PM (14 children)

    by wonkey_monkey (279) on Saturday April 29 2017, @12:54PM (#501532) Homepage

    Naming your kid "Muhammed" is child abuse. It forever prevents being part of western society.

    Some people are perfectly having no part of Western society. It's not the pinnacle of existence just because it happens to be where you live.

    systemd is Roko's Basilisk
    • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Saturday April 29 2017, @01:28PM

      by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 29 2017, @01:28PM (#501540) Journal

      Actually, I am at the pinnacle of existence. But, that's cool, not everyone can be at the pinnacle. It makes life better if not everyone is trying to become the king of my mountain. Enjoy life down there on the plateau!!

      “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
    • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Sulla on Saturday April 29 2017, @03:01PM (12 children)

      by Sulla (5173) on Saturday April 29 2017, @03:01PM (#501553) Journal

      Try explaining that to the police in Singapore when you litter.
      Try explaining that to the local police when you insult the King in Thailand
      Try explaining that to the mob in Saudia Arabia when you are a woman and didnt wear a burqa

      When in Rome you do as the Romans do. This comes back to the larger argument against immigration. People like to bitch about sending the Mexicans back, but they don't want George down the street to be sent away. People only care about sending "those other illegals I sont know" away. In general Mexicans (in general anyone from the americas) integrate well and the melting pot works because we both take something from the other, our cultures are similar enough that it works out.

      There is this changed perspective that the melting pot is bad and everyone needs to stay separate and vibrant -- except for the dominate western culture that is expected to change itself to be more in line with what the newer immigrants find acceptable. Immigrants from Asia, the Americas, Ireland, etc kept their traditional near and dear, but they didnt/dont honor kill relatives and demand we accept it because thats just their culture. Immigration, like marraige, means you need to cleave yourself free from your parents and start something new.

      No other people that have moved to the US have had as different a culture from us as the current immigrants from the ME.

      Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @06:40PM (10 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @06:40PM (#501618)

        There is this changed perspective that the melting pot is bad and everyone needs to stay separate and vibrant

        Nope. That was always the perspective of the dominant culture.
        That you think otherwise just shows that you, like all bigots, are historically illiterate.
        The exact same complaints you make today have been made about every group of immigrants since before the revolution.
        We've always had chinatowns, little italies, etc. And we've always had people like you bitching about them about not integrating. And they have always integrated at the exact same rate as all previous waves of immigrants.

        For fucks sake, Mohammed himself is carved into the building of the supreme court. []

        • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @08:07PM (6 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @08:07PM (#501652)

          For fucks sake, Mohammed himself is carved into the building of the supreme court.

          So? The song of the Marine Corps speaks about "from the shores of Tripoli", referring to the victorious battles, brought about by self-defense, over the Islamic Barbary Pirates' bases in said country.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @09:03PM (5 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @09:03PM (#501669)

            And the US military has turned the honorific "haji" into a synonym for "sand nigger."
            What they sing about is a lot less representative of the country than the supreme court.

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @09:55PM (4 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @09:55PM (#501683)

              What [the Marine Corps] sing about is a lot less representative of the country than the supreme court.

              Is this the same Supreme Court that claimed that black-skinned people aren't human? []

              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @11:34PM (3 children)

                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @11:34PM (#501720)

                Its the same supreme court that overturned the dred scott ruling.
                Your tea is so weak, its tasteless.

                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @05:04AM (2 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @05:04AM (#501794)

                  the same supreme court that overturned the dred scott ruling.

                  [citation needed]

                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @11:41AM (1 child)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @11:41AM (#501825)

                    Don't be dense.
                    There have been many rulings affirming the 1866 civil rights act that was passed in order to nullify the dred scott decision.

                    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @02:13PM

                      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @02:13PM (#501857)

                      How many more years do you expect it'll take for Mohummad's image to be "overturned" from public buildings as a figurehead of an ideology that calls for a global war of conquest?

        • (Score: 2) by Sulla on Saturday April 29 2017, @10:40PM (2 children)

          by Sulla (5173) on Saturday April 29 2017, @10:40PM (#501701) Journal

          I don't recall those living in our various Chinatowns or Little Italies participating in honor killings.

          Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @11:31PM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @11:31PM (#501716)

            I don't recall those living in our various Chinatowns or Little Italies participating in honor killings.

            Again, your historical illiteracy is proof of nothing beyond your ignorance.

            Families have been killing their own kids for being gay for centuries.
            Men have been killing women for cheating on them since forever too.
            Especially when the woman hooks up with a black man. []

            Honor killing is still on the books as a legal defense in some states.
            It was successfully used in a Georiga state court just a couple of years ago. []

            So don't give me this shit about honor killing being unique to muslims. If anything, muslims in american have much lower rates of violent crime than native born whites. Out of a couple of million american muslims how many have committed and honor killing? Like maybe 3? If you think 3 out of 3 million is a meaningful number you aren't just illiterate, you are a fucking innumerate.

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @03:40PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @03:40PM (#501876)

              fuck muslims and their goat fucking, child molesting profit.

      • (Score: 1, Flamebait) by Runaway1956 on Saturday April 29 2017, @10:54PM

        by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 29 2017, @10:54PM (#501705) Journal

        This changed perspective . . .

        No, the melting pot isn't bad. But, immigration implies a relation, or relationship. Kinda like getting married, where a new relationship is created and built. If he can't stand her family, the relationship is going to see rocky time. Vice versa, of course. A marriage requires a lot of things, starting with similar values, and complementary expectations. I know that in some parts of the world, neither the bride nor the groom has any voice in getting married, but here in America, they both have an equal voice.

        With the illegal aliens, one of us has no voice. I/we have our house, and we are comfortable in our house. Some stranger who we don't even know decides to move in, and we have no say in it. That's the whole point of the "illegal" in "illegal aliens". I/we don't want to marry every Carlos, Juan, and Jiminez to wander into the open front door. At the VERY least, knock on the door, and ask permission to come into the house.

        Courtesy, respect, morals - if you have none of those, well, hell no we don't need or want a relationship with you!

        Pretty much every man and woman in America would defend themselves from the burglar breaking in the front door, but many can't understand that the burglar IS a burglar.

        Remember that they aren't "immigrants" - they are ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS. Those who take the time and effort to jump through all the hoops required by law are STILL WELCOME HERE!!

        Remember that Illegal is not a race. It isn't racist to expect people to knock at the door, and ask permission to come into the house. It isn't racist to defend your home from the illegal alien invaders.

        As for those you mention from the mid-East - to true. Specifically, Muslims demanding that we adust to their culture. Hell no, we won't adjust. Western/Euro history has a tradition of fighting back, and resisting an aristocracy which assumed all the "rights" and "privileges" which Islam demands for itself. Honor killings for infidelity and/or adultery? You bet! Maybe not so much for insulting God, but when arranged marriages were the thing, there were probably enough "honor killings" to keep the women in line.

        And, that's what makes the liberal/progressive alliance with Islam so very crazy. Islam wants to turn our clocks back by several hundreds of years, if not a thousand year or more!

        “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
  • (Score: 3, Funny) by Runaway1956 on Saturday April 29 2017, @01:27PM (5 children)

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 29 2017, @01:27PM (#501539) Journal

    I must point out that China isn't exactly "western". Maybe you meant that it forever prevents the kid from being part of far-Eastern society?

    “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @04:19PM (4 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 29 2017, @04:19PM (#501573)

      Xinjiang Province is the westernmost part of China.

      • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Saturday April 29 2017, @04:33PM (3 children)

        by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 29 2017, @04:33PM (#501577) Journal

        Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
        Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat;
        But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
        When two strong men stand face to face,
        tho' they come from the ends of the earth!

        Kamal is out with twenty men to raise the Border-side,
        And he has lifted the Colonel's mare that is the Colonel's pride:
        He has lifted her out of the stable-door between the dawn and the day,
        And turned the calkins upon her feet, and ridden her far away.
        Then up and spoke the Colonel's son that led a troop of the Guides:
        "Is there never a man of all my men can say where Kamal hides?"
        Then up and spoke Mahommed Khan, the son of the Ressaldar:
        "If ye know the track of the morning-mist, ye know where his pickets are.
        At dusk he harries the Abazai -- at dawn he is into Bonair,
        But he must go by Fort Bukloh to his own place to fare,
        So if ye gallop to Fort Bukloh as fast as a bird can fly,
        By the favour of God ye may cut him off ere he win to the Tongue of Jagai.
        But if he be past the Tongue of Jagai, right swiftly turn ye then,
        For the length and the breadth of that grisly plain is sown with Kamal's men.
        There is rock to the left, and rock to the right, and low lean thorn between,
        And ye may hear a breech-bolt snick where never a man is seen."
        The Colonel's son has taken a horse, and a raw rough dun was he,
        With the mouth of a bell and the heart of Hell
        and the head of the gallows-tree.
        The Colonel's son to the Fort has won, they bid him stay to eat --
        Who rides at the tail of a Border thief, he sits not long at his meat.
        He's up and away from Fort Bukloh as fast as he can fly,
        Till he was aware of his father's mare in the gut of the Tongue of Jagai,
        Till he was aware of his father's mare with Kamal upon her back,
        And when he could spy the white of her eye, he made the pistol crack.
        He has fired once, he has fired twice, but the whistling ball went wide.
        "Ye shoot like a soldier," Kamal said. "Show now if ye can ride."
        It's up and over the Tongue of Jagai, as blown dustdevils go,
        The dun he fled like a stag of ten, but the mare like a barren doe.
        The dun he leaned against the bit and slugged his head above,
        But the red mare played with the snaffle-bars, as a maiden plays with a glove.
        There was rock to the left and rock to the right, and low lean thorn between,
        And thrice he heard a breech-bolt snick tho' never a man was seen.
        They have ridden the low moon out of the sky, their hoofs drum up the dawn,
        The dun he went like a wounded bull, but the mare like a new-roused fawn.
        The dun he fell at a water-course -- in a woful heap fell he,
        And Kamal has turned the red mare back, and pulled the rider free.
        He has knocked the pistol out of his hand -- small room was there to strive,
        "'Twas only by favour of mine," quoth he, "ye rode so long alive:
        There was not a rock for twenty mile, there was not a clump of tree,
        But covered a man of my own men with his rifle cocked on his knee.
        If I had raised my bridle-hand, as I have held it low,
        The little jackals that flee so fast were feasting all in a row:
        If I had bowed my head on my breast, as I have held it high,
        The kite that whistles above us now were gorged till she could not fly."
        Lightly answered the Colonel's son: "Do good to bird and beast,
        But count who come for the broken meats before thou makest a feast.
        If there should follow a thousand swords to carry my bones away,
        Belike the price of a jackal's meal were more than a thief could pay.
        They will feed their horse on the standing crop,
        their men on the garnered grain,
        The thatch of the byres will serve their fires when all the cattle are slain.
        But if thou thinkest the price be fair, -- thy brethren wait to sup,
        The hound is kin to the jackal-spawn, -- howl, dog, and call them up!
        And if thou thinkest the price be high, in steer and gear and stack,
        Give me my father's mare again, and I'll fight my own way back!"
        Kamal has gripped him by the hand and set him upon his feet.
        "No talk shall be of dogs," said he, "when wolf and gray wolf meet.
        May I eat dirt if thou hast hurt of me in deed or breath;
        What dam of lances brought thee forth to jest at the dawn with Death?"
        Lightly answered the Colonel's son: "I hold by the blood of my clan:
        Take up the mare for my father's gift -- by God, she has carried a man!"
        The red mare ran to the Colonel's son, and nuzzled against his breast;
        "We be two strong men," said Kamal then, "but she loveth the younger best.
        So she shall go with a lifter's dower, my turquoise-studded rein,
        My broidered saddle and saddle-cloth, and silver stirrups twain."
        The Colonel's son a pistol drew and held it muzzle-end,
        "Ye have taken the one from a foe," said he;
        "will ye take the mate from a friend?"
        "A gift for a gift," said Kamal straight; "a limb for the risk of a limb.
        Thy father has sent his son to me, I'll send my son to him!"
        With that he whistled his only son, that dropped from a mountain-crest --
        He trod the ling like a buck in spring, and he looked like a lance in rest.
        "Now here is thy master," Kamal said, "who leads a troop of the Guides,
        And thou must ride at his left side as shield on shoulder rides.
        Till Death or I cut loose the tie, at camp and board and bed,
        Thy life is his -- thy fate it is to guard him with thy head.
        So, thou must eat the White Queen's meat, and all her foes are thine,
        And thou must harry thy father's hold for the peace of the Border-line,
        And thou must make a trooper tough and hack thy way to power --
        Belike they will raise thee to Ressaldar when I am hanged in Peshawur."

        They have looked each other between the eyes, and there they found no fault,
        They have taken the Oath of the Brother-in-Blood on leavened bread and salt:
        They have taken the Oath of the Brother-in-Blood on fire and fresh-cut sod,
        On the hilt and the haft of the Khyber knife, and the Wondrous Names of God.
        The Colonel's son he rides the mare and Kamal's boy the dun,
        And two have come back to Fort Bukloh where there went forth but one.
        And when they drew to the Quarter-Guard, full twenty swords flew clear --
        There was not a man but carried his feud with the blood of the mountaineer.
        "Ha' done! ha' done!" said the Colonel's son.
        "Put up the steel at your sides!
        Last night ye had struck at a Border thief --
        to-night 'tis a man of the Guides!"

        Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
        Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat;
        But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
        When two strong men stand face to face,
        tho' they come from the ends of the earth!
        Rudyard Kipling

        “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
        • (Score: 1, Troll) by aristarchus on Saturday April 29 2017, @07:58PM (1 child)

          by aristarchus (2645) on Saturday April 29 2017, @07:58PM (#501649) Journal

          Let's just ignore Runaway, to save him embarrassment. He is directionally and historically challenged. He has a pinnacle up his alimentary tract, and his parents gave him an illegal name. And he has an LCD TV. Poor, poor, Runaway!

          (On the other hand, perhaps we misunderestimate Runaway! Could he be making a obscure reference to the Mohist Classic, "Kung-sun Lung", which asserts that "a white horse is not a horse." Mutandis mutandum, Western China is not the West? Could this be what Runaway means? A veiled critique of the metaphysics of substance and the rectification of names by the Confucian schools of Chinese thought? . . . No, not really possible. More likely a plain and simple lack of comprehension.)

          • (Score: 1, Offtopic) by Runaway1956 on Saturday April 29 2017, @10:36PM

            by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 29 2017, @10:36PM (#501697) Journal


            “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
        • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Reziac on Sunday April 30 2017, @03:32AM

          by Reziac (2489) on Sunday April 30 2017, @03:32AM (#501778) Homepage

          And if they persist in trying to mingle East and West, the East may discover that *they* are locked in with the Saxon.

          It was not part of their blood,
          It came to them very late,
          With long arrears to make good,
          When the Saxon began to hate.

          They were not easily moved,
          They were icy -- willing to wait
          Till every count should be proved,
          Ere the Saxon began to hate.

          Their voices were even and low.
          Their eyes were level and straight.
          There was neither sign nor show
          When the Saxon began to hate.

          It was not preached to the crowd.
          It was not taught by the state.
          No man spoke it aloud
          When the Saxon began to hate.

          It was not suddently bred.
          It will not swiftly abate.
          Through the chilled years ahead,
          When Time shall count from the date
          That the Saxon began to hate.

          -- Rudyard Kipling

          And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
  • (Score: 2) by MichaelDavidCrawford on Sunday April 30 2017, @02:00AM (1 child)

    by MichaelDavidCrawford (2339) Subscriber Badge <> on Sunday April 30 2017, @02:00AM (#501750) Homepage Journal

    One of the best managers I ever had. I'd gladly work for him again.

    Yes I Have No Bananas. []
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @05:07PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2017, @05:07PM (#501914)

      Anecdotes are not data. A positive personal experience with someone named Muhammed does not negate the vile, repugnant history of his namesake, nor the violent, incompatible ideology of Islam, of which Muhammed is both prophet and example for Muslims to pattern their lives after.