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posted by Fnord666 on Sunday June 18 2017, @02:52PM   Printer-friendly
from the Turkish-coffee dept.

Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has furiously condemned the US decision to issue arrest warrants to 12 members of his security detail because of their involvement in a bloody brawl with peaceful protesters in Washington DC last month.

In a dramatic escalation of tensions between two Nato allies, Erdoğan said on Thursday that his government would "fight politically and judicially" against the warrants that had been issued earlier in the day.

[...] The ministry said in a statement that the ambassador was told the decision to issue arrest warrants was "wrong, biased and lacks legal basis".

"That the brawl in front of the Turkish Ambassador's Residence was caused by the failure of local security authorities to take necessary measures; that this incident would not have occurred if the US authorities had taken the usual measures they take in similar high level visits and therefore that Turkish citizens cannot be held responsible for the incident that took place," the statement said.

Erdoğan echoed these statements in televised remarks on Thursday night. "Why would I take my guards to the United States if not to protect myself?" he said.

[...] US senator John McCain called for Turkey's ambassador to the US to be removed from the country because of the fight and to charge those involved with the incident.

"After all, they violated American laws in the United States of America, so you cannot have that happen in the United States of America," McCain told MSNBC last month. "People have the right in our country to peacefully demonstrate and they were peacefully demonstrating."

The House committee on foreign affairs echoed the senators' call in a letter to secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. "Alarmingly, this behavior is indicative of the broad crackdowns on political activists, journalists and religious freedom in Turkey that have greatly harmed Turkish democracy in recent years," the letter said.

Source: The Guardian

In 2011 an incident happened at the UN, Ban-Ki Moon apologized to Turkey for a "misunderstanding" which left UN security officers injured.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 18 2017, @03:39PM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 18 2017, @03:39PM (#527491)

    Was gonna make a simple post: "fuck that guy" but I'll just piggy back on yours!

  • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 18 2017, @04:07PM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 18 2017, @04:07PM (#527502)

    Fuck yeah! Covfefe that guy!

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 18 2017, @04:21PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 18 2017, @04:21PM (#527511)

      With a kinfefe!