A couple days back, Newsweek reports:
Feminist activists on Sunday are planning to commemorate last year's Women's March, the response to the election of President Donald Trump that was widely regarded as the biggest demonstration in U.S. history.
As they do so, the so-called alt-right—an anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic movement that has struggled to recruit women—is aiming to co-opt this political moment with a series of stunts, including spreading propaganda and a counterdemonstration in Knoxville, Tennessee. This targeting of a feminist event is part of an ongoing pattern of misogynistic behavior in the movement, according to activists and a rights group that spoke to Newsweek.
[...] Trolls from 4chan, an imageboard website that is popular with the alt-right, are planning to post signs at women's studies departments on college campuses Sunday with the hashtag #mybordermychoice, a deliberate perversion of the abortion-rights slogan "my body my choice," according to a series of posts on the site and research conducted by antifascist activists.
[...] Lecia Brooks of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a rights group, told Newsweek that Heimbach [Leader of the Traditionalist Workers' Party] is "no defender of women," referring to altercations involving the opposite sex he has had at demonstrations.
Heimbach replied to that notion by saying legal abortion and illegal immigration were victimizing the unborn and women, and that "women have had their femininity put under attack by a culture that treats them as either sex objects or as mere economic cogs in the capitalist system." Heimbach is a critic of the capitalist system while also being a critic of socialism, and views a "national socialism" system that includes only white non-Jews as an alternative to both. He said the policies of his group were structured to "empower women to their God given honorable place as true equals to men in society through their unique role as mothers and wives." To be clear, he is an ardent critic of contemporary feminism.
Message received, very clear.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @03:49AM (19 children)
Really now? Is this what passes for nazis these days? Me thinks the lady doth protests too much. From what I am seeing, they're just like hippies protesting those dour no-fun-allowed policing moralists.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday January 27 2018, @04:17AM (14 children)
What I find really interesting is that aristarchus, absolutely a troll himself, can't tell the difference between a nazi and someone who likes winding up feminists. I mean I would have thought organizing on 4chan would be a dead giveaway.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 5, Informative) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @06:25AM (7 children)
"Dead giveaway" you say? 4chan eh? Just winding up feminist, right?
(I'm sorry to cause this to decent soylentils, but I think the today's hour of head-from-ass extraction have come for TMB.)
So, Buzz, here, I'll let them speak for themselves [tradworker.org]
Unless you think the TWP will wear pussy hats (do you?), I must surmise they publicly declare they'll come with pitchforks.
So, TMB, you reckon a pitchfork is the appropriate implement to wind-up the feminists?
Just asking, you see, maybe I'll send you one in exchange for some photos of you using it the way you see fit... careful, though, some uses of pitchforks may be frowned upon by the... ummm... "violently imposed monopoly".
(I'd grin ... but I can't... this is too sad, to say the least. Apologies once again, this is straight from the proud-nazi horse's mouth, no other honest interpretation possible)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:51AM
Holey Fuck! That sounds just like TMB, in his more rational moments! Based on emotion? Check his most recent journal!
(Score: 5, Touché) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:05PM (5 children)
And now you're doing it as well?
When group C comes from 4chan, particularly a board known for spending all its time trolling, it's a safe bet that they're just trolling a motherfucker or two.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:15PM (4 children)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:51PM (3 children)
Irrelevant. Doesn't matter if group A are using mean words or double-barrel chainsaws. Does nothing to refute that group C != group A.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @02:03PM (2 children)
Group C is irrelevant to the problem. Group C equality to group A even more so.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday January 27 2018, @02:15PM (1 child)
Yes, so why are they explicitly mentioned and lumped in with group A?
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:42PM
Because they were acting together with the neo-nazis against the women's march.
After all, the para exists in TFA, wasn't invented by aristarchus.
Apart from "lumping" themselves with the real, existing and acting nazi (in contrast with a comment suggesting a denial of nazi existence), the quoted para names them "Trolls from 4chan".
It is you that build a strawman in pretending aristarchus said they are nazies.
Mind you, the "4chan trolls are nazies" is undecidable with the information at hand. They may actually be nazi, so far there's no evidence to the contrary.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 2) by DeathMonkey on Saturday January 27 2018, @07:46AM (5 children)
None of it even makes sense! Who the fuck is Heimbach?!
Just for the record, this liberal supports their effort to maybe post some posters somewhere...
(Score: 5, Informative) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @08:06AM (3 children)
Meet "the poor guy" Matthew Heimbach [rationalwiki.org]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:43AM (2 children)
Chanting "Death to America" is bad now? Leftists and their Naked Emperor Obama didn't seem to mind when they were sending planes filled with unmarked cash directly to Iran, despite the President's own State Department declaring them the world's #1 financier of terrorism.
(Score: 3, Informative) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @10:25AM
(shhhh... not so loud, you fool.
If you ask me, no, it's doubleplusgood if so you like, I can't care less, me not living in USA; do whatever you like with you country, it's yours, I have no right to tell you what to do with.
I only pointed that, indeed, those are neo-nazis and indeed they plan to get involved in a counter-demonstration. I don't know, thinking the last time it happened, maybe my documented warning may save some lives.
However, there's this person, goes under the jmorris pseudonym here, he's a true evergreen unwavering patriot, the child of revolutionaries, he owes them the duty to uphold and defend what was given to him, that which was purchased so dearly in Patriot blood [soylentnews.org].
I don't think he'll be pleased to hear you... but maybe he'll forgive you this time if you promise you let him keep his gun. You promise, right?)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @05:16PM
you are confusing Saudi Aramco and Iran. Iran (shias) is against ISIS (sunnites), unlike the Arabs. remember that the 911 hijacker were from Saudi Arabia...
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:22PM
I think the clue to the answer is in TFS.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 5, Informative) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @05:54AM
Careful, boy, who you call hippies. I mean, look, the Traditionalist Worker Party [wikipedia.org] may object in their specific way (yes, they are neo-Nazi).
A good precaution posting AC, but don't rely on it too much.
Why TWP you ask? If you read TFA, you'll find the explanation:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 0, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @08:34AM
The modern interpretation of the word "Nazi" is "anyone who doesn't embrace the progressive narrative word for word." As such it's screamed at so many people so often that it's well on its way to losing its status as an insult.
Oddly enough, it seems like the attempt to retain its shock value consists of yelling it louder and more often, hastening its fading.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:11AM (1 child)
As per usual with an aristarchus submission, it behooves all and sundry to check out the Original submission [soylentnews.org], before the eds cut the heart out of it for fear of getting sued by nazis.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:39PM
I think what he means is 'before the eds did their job, removed the personal bias and concentrated on the facts reported in the quoted source'. The place for personal views is here, in the comments.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.