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posted by janrinok on Saturday January 27 2018, @03:19AM   Printer-friendly
from the You-fight-like-a-girl dept.

A couple days back, Newsweek reports:

Feminist activists on Sunday are planning to commemorate last year's Women's March, the response to the election of President Donald Trump that was widely regarded as the biggest demonstration in U.S. history.

As they do so, the so-called alt-right—an anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic movement that has struggled to recruit women—is aiming to co-opt this political moment with a series of stunts, including spreading propaganda and a counterdemonstration in Knoxville, Tennessee. This targeting of a feminist event is part of an ongoing pattern of misogynistic behavior in the movement, according to activists and a rights group that spoke to Newsweek.

[...] Trolls from 4chan, an imageboard website that is popular with the alt-right, are planning to post signs at women's studies departments on college campuses Sunday with the hashtag #mybordermychoice, a deliberate perversion of the abortion-rights slogan "my body my choice," according to a series of posts on the site and research conducted by antifascist activists.

[...] Lecia Brooks of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a rights group, told Newsweek that Heimbach [Leader of the Traditionalist Workers' Party] is "no defender of women," referring to altercations involving the opposite sex he has had at demonstrations.

Heimbach replied to that notion by saying legal abortion and illegal immigration were victimizing the unborn and women, and that "women have had their femininity put under attack by a culture that treats them as either sex objects or as mere economic cogs in the capitalist system." Heimbach is a critic of the capitalist system while also being a critic of socialism, and views a "national socialism" system that includes only white non-Jews as an alternative to both. He said the policies of his group were structured to "empower women to their God given honorable place as true equals to men in society through their unique role as mothers and wives." To be clear, he is an ardent critic of contemporary feminism.

Message received, very clear.

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  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Sulla on Saturday January 27 2018, @06:27AM (2 children)

    by Sulla (5173) on Saturday January 27 2018, @06:27AM (#628735) Journal

    When I showed my wife the 'my borders my choice' images she thought they were funny as hell. A woman has a border to keep out unwanted men and some men decide to cross it anyways, we call this rape. A country has a border to keep out unwanted men and we call this "looking for a better life". My wife is a bit conservative but she thinks it is pretty fair to call someone who violates your personal space against your best wishes and can hurt you in the process a rapist.

    Europeans invaded and conquered North America and one of the places founded was the US. The US decided to allow new people to come but they have to follow a process. Illegal immigrants are the same as the original pioneers were - they are invaders and conquerors. I like immigrants, the ones that come here legally, and am okay with increasing the numbers we take and making it easier to come in. But I think anyone willing to spit in our face by violating our laws should not be here.

    Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
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    Total Score:   3  
  • (Score: 2) by realDonaldTrump on Saturday January 27 2018, @08:05AM

    by realDonaldTrump (6614) on Saturday January 27 2018, @08:05AM (#628757) Journal

    Back in my hometown, in New York City, there were two horrible terrorist attacks. The attack with the truck and the attack with the pipe bomb. Both done by LEGAL immigrants. By RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS. These attacks underscore the dangers we face from around the globe. We're bringing in the worst of the worst. People are coming here legally, then they do terrible crimes. The lottery system and chain migration, we’re gonna end them fast. Congress must get involved immediately, and they are involved immediately. And I can tell you, we have tremendous support. They will be ended.

    And the H-2A and H-2B visas, we were bringing in too many of the WORST people on those. From Haiti, from Belize, from Samoa. They were bringing diseases, they were doing fraud, they were staying too long. No more! Because I cut them off. I love the people. There’s a tremendous warmth. And they’re very hard-working people. I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians. But I don't want them coming to the USA!

  • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:58PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:58PM (#628841)

    Fortunately the incremental logical from violations of interpersonal space through private property rights to protection of civic borders is irrefutable. Unfortunately, logic is not a component of leftist* thought. Nonetheless, a handy video explainer. []

    * The dogmatic cult mentality of the terminally stupid that propels left wing rationalists (like myself) to centrist and centre right positions