A couple days back, Newsweek reports:
Feminist activists on Sunday are planning to commemorate last year's Women's March, the response to the election of President Donald Trump that was widely regarded as the biggest demonstration in U.S. history.
As they do so, the so-called alt-right—an anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic movement that has struggled to recruit women—is aiming to co-opt this political moment with a series of stunts, including spreading propaganda and a counterdemonstration in Knoxville, Tennessee. This targeting of a feminist event is part of an ongoing pattern of misogynistic behavior in the movement, according to activists and a rights group that spoke to Newsweek.
[...] Trolls from 4chan, an imageboard website that is popular with the alt-right, are planning to post signs at women's studies departments on college campuses Sunday with the hashtag #mybordermychoice, a deliberate perversion of the abortion-rights slogan "my body my choice," according to a series of posts on the site and research conducted by antifascist activists.
[...] Lecia Brooks of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a rights group, told Newsweek that Heimbach [Leader of the Traditionalist Workers' Party] is "no defender of women," referring to altercations involving the opposite sex he has had at demonstrations.
Heimbach replied to that notion by saying legal abortion and illegal immigration were victimizing the unborn and women, and that "women have had their femininity put under attack by a culture that treats them as either sex objects or as mere economic cogs in the capitalist system." Heimbach is a critic of the capitalist system while also being a critic of socialism, and views a "national socialism" system that includes only white non-Jews as an alternative to both. He said the policies of his group were structured to "empower women to their God given honorable place as true equals to men in society through their unique role as mothers and wives." To be clear, he is an ardent critic of contemporary feminism.
Message received, very clear.
(Score: 5, Interesting) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @06:45AM (7 children)
Once upon a time, TMB, you said the best argument for freedom of speech is that you know the opinion and you can refute it to kingdom come and beyond [soylentnews.org] In your words
Now, I know this world is far from ideal, what I'm curious if you'll take a step towards this ideal and destroy their ideology [tradworker.org]. Unless, of course, you refrain from exercising your right because you think the Traditionalist Worker Party is right.
Mmm... what say you?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:58AM (3 children)
You stopped beating your wife yet?
(Score: 3, Insightful) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @10:40AM
Huh!! Good try, valiant effort, pity you missed. I'm not married. Seriously, I swear.
In regards with the accusation of "loaded questions"... mmm... what to say? Rhetoric is still free speech, right? Is not illegal, is it now?
Look... "to refute" implies there's a logical argument being made, one that is fallacious but pertaining to something rational. I cannot ask anyone, much less our dear TMB, to properly refute the incoherent ramblings of those lunatics, there's no trace of rationality there.
So there... please do tell TMB that this time I'll be pleased with only a disavowing - if he's saying something to amount to "Those are nuts, there's nothing with them that I can agree, I even regret the time I spent reading their garbage but thanks for pointing out them animals may pose a real danger for humans" or something on this line, he'll get the respect every human that admits a mistake is worth of (in my eyes, that's quite a lot of respect).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFiw2jMy-0 https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @10:43AM (1 child)
This question is best addressed to TMB, but I understand he has no wife, only a roomie, and a boat, by which I think he means just a skiff. Which one are you accusing him of beating?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 28 2018, @07:27PM
Is "boat" now the euphemism we are using for TMB's mantool going forward, in which case I think even calling it a skiff may he far too generous. Even so, judging by his posting history, I'm fairly certain I know which one he's been beating (off).
(Score: 3, Interesting) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:20PM (2 children)
Those particular type of wannabe Nazis debunk themselves better than I could every time they open their mouths. They don't need my help. I'll stick to debunking the wannabe Nazis that're actually dangerous. You know, the higher education system, the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, and the political party that SIEG HEIL's every time they demand something.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @05:55PM (1 child)
I am a pot smokin, canadian french leftist (classical liberalist, not to be confused with neoliberalism or political correctness) , working in higher education and I endorse this message.
The only difference in french Canada is that the endoctrinement is coming from the students instead of coming from the academic establishments.
The regressive left is starting to show up on campus and it is getting ridiculous. Ridiculous to the point of having to change the permanent record number structure : it encode the sex of the student and this is offensive to 2 snowflakes, so it must be changed.
it use to be that shocking performance art was appreciated by the left, nowadays the new left would cry on every the media at the first hint of dissention. You could still probably stage a play in which the performer would piss on Jesus but you could not that to Maommed.As a true liberal I want to be able to shit on Jesus and Mahomet and be criticised on the merits of my artistics performance and not on who I shat on.....
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @11:42PM
Agree. Boomers and Generation X engaged in a brand of left wing politics driven by individualism and personal freedom. The modern left are collectivist, psychotic and authoritarian. We're a decade into this, with the last five years showing an intolerance that is moving older leftists to centrist positions and young right wingers further right. Illustrative that the centre left and centre right are now openly engaged in debate and uniting around shared values of personal liberty.
There are members here who don't seem to understand the political flip or how bad it's gotten and that with today's youth the edgy, Pepe-posting shitlords equate to yesterdays rational leftists and stand for many of the same values. While the regressive far-left represent the same authoritarian, anti-liberal and puritanical attitudes as yesterdays Christian conservatives. Genuine progressives have to accept that and work with what we have.