Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account:
US President Donald Trump has been permanently suspended from Twitter "due to the risk of further incitement of violence", the company says.
Twitter said the decision was made "after close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them".
Mr Trump had earlier been locked out of his account for 12 hours.
Twitter then said that it would ban Mr Trump "permanently" if he breached the platform's rules again.
Reacting to the permanent ban, Trump 2020 campaign adviser Jason Miller tweeted: "Disgusting... if you don't think they're coming for you next, you're wrong."
It comes after Mr Trump tweeted several messages on Wednesday, calling the people who stormed the US Capitol "patriots".
Hundreds of his supporters entered the Capitol building as the US Congress attempted to certify Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election. The ensuing violence led to the deaths of four civilians and a police officer.
The siege took place just hours after Trump addressed supporters and told them: "We will never give up; we will never concede."
[...] On Thursday, Facebook said it had suspended Mr Trump "indefinitely". The popular gaming platform Twitch also placed an indefinite ban on the outgoing president's channel, which he has used for rally broadcasts. So has Snapchat.
Two online Trump memorabilia stores were closed this week by e-commerce company Shopify. On Friday, Reddit banned its "donaldtrump" forum for the president's supporters.
[...] The big question now is, can Trumpism survive without the backing of mainstream media? Or will it simply slip into the shadows of the internet?
(Emphasis retained from original.)
Also at Ars Technica, CNET
Full Twitter explanation at:
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:01PM (6 children)
Lock him up!
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:08PM (5 children)
No need for a fascist mob. I think some idiots in Republican Party have woke up. We'll see what happens, I guess.
In Germany, the politicians thought they could use Hitler too for their own agenda. That worked out well. The only reason Capitol Hill is not burned down and this blamed on the ANTIFA and BLM and the Democrats is that Trump was an idiot. There are much smarter fascists in the wings that are ready to take over if this is not stopped now.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:19PM (2 children)
Or because the police let in the reluctant "rioters". There is video of security leading them in while they look confused.
It was all fake just like the economy and everything else now.
(Score: 5, Informative) by helel on Saturday January 09 2021, @04:49PM (1 child)
Some members of the insurrection were off duty Capitol Police [] and those on duty were quite cordial [] with the crowd. The police didn't let the rioters in as some kind of trick - Many of them were on the side of sedition.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @06:20AM
84% of police polled voted for Trump and Trump was endorsed by all police unions that endorsed a candidate (comprising a large majority of all existing police unions).
(Score: 4, Interesting) by Thexalon on Saturday January 09 2021, @04:21PM
We're up to, last I looked, a total of 5 Republican members of Congress out of 261 that have "woke up". 1 of those 5, Mitt Romney, was already "awake" enough to vote for removal of Trump last year during the impeachment proceedings. A majority, 147 of them, continued to vote in favor of the president's attempts to overturn the election knowing the claims they were voting for were complete hogwash and knowing that the president had just been involved in a violent assault on Congress. And that leaves 109 that weren't willing to vote for a doomed attempt to overthrow democracy but did want to ensure that the president wasn't punished for attempting to overthrow democracy.
I don't think they were asleep. I think they were either (a) supportive of what happened, or (b) scared enough of the president and his paramilitary forces to do his bidding.
"Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Sunday January 10 2021, @01:20AM
They didn't "wake up," they just realized that the useful idiots actually acting on the rhetoric they've been fed would be bad for their (the elites') stock portfolios. This is the entirety of, for example, Mitt "Bain Capital" Romney's opposition. No one on the GOP has a conscience, not since Nixon did his thing.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 1, Flamebait) by epitaxial on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:27PM (1 child)
The adult has taken away the child's toy.
(Score: 0, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:41PM
adultprofithas taken awayis greaterthe child's toyif they ban Trump than if they don't.FTFY
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:31PM (6 children)
...all this has been brewing for a long time.
except now, with the stress caused by the pandemic, and other stuff, things have surfaced.
his mannerism did not help to "pacify", for whatever that would be worth.
now, the "suits" are back in bizniz, and you will hear mature people say mature things.
and things will continue to rot under the surface.
also remember, that people do not reason, they react, mostly while being oblivious to who we are.
and also, stuff do not exist, if nobody needs them.
as example, sweden. irrelevant of what you think, they filled the country with people without having jobs to offer them + them believing that if you are kind and give freely, you are an idiot.
in time, and not much, only a "facist totalitarian" regime will be able to solve the situation.
and also, people do not seem to be able to distinguish between an opinion, an analysis, and a desire.
what i say, i have to say based on my analysis, it is not my opinion or my desire.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:43PM (3 children)
...about the free word.
yet again as example we take sweden.
there are _some_ gatherings, _some_ strangely professional "racist" sites, but in everyday life you never meet these characters, and also people tend to commute and work a lot, so there is no time to forge conspiracies.
the only conspirators are the "anti free word" people who want to shut down the imaginary AdolfHiltlerists and antijews.
they do that because it makes them feel important. and it fills up their empty lives.
not because there is a real nazi infestation going on.
and since the nazis and various other culprits do not exist, random opinions about other cultures or countries policies are classified as racism.
random stuff are classified as offensive.
look at twitch, u cant say "blind run" cuz blind people are offended...
many of u seem to think that ur enemy strides around in uniforms, distributing pamphlets about latest gaschamber innovation...
while u are worse then them all...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:53PM (2 children)
poor victim
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:00PM (1 child)
as long as u dont forget the rules of engagement, little people...
cuz if u ever meet me in uniform...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:32PM
Gots a domestic terrorist here threatening to murder citizens. Should look into the above poster, maybe throw him in gitmo.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @04:06PM
Here we don't mind what happens in sith-hole countries like sweden.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @05:36PM
What's wrong with attracting people with CEO-potential?
(Score: 2, Informative) by Improbus on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:38PM
Riddance. Should have happened years ago.
(Score: 2) by Revek on Saturday January 09 2021, @03:45PM
I don't have a twitter account. These people have a strange frame of mind where they think online chat is how you mainly practice free speech.
This page was generated by a Swarm of Roaming Elephants
(Score: 2, Informative) by helel on Saturday January 09 2021, @04:15PM (9 children)
Trump has been inciting violence against peaceful BLM protesters for months now, from calling the peaceful protesters "terrorists" to defending right wing terrorists such as Kyle Rittenhouse. All that time Twitter did nothing more than stick a "this tweet is factually untrue" link under his posts. When more right wing terrorists were caught planning to kidnap the Democrat governor of Michigan Trump defended their actions on Twitter and the platform allowed him to keep doing it.
Only now that Trump has gone so far as to send his violent followers after Republicans [] does Twitter see fit to do anything about Trumps calls for violence. Twitter and Facebook are not, and never have been, left leaning and if either platform had any interest in "censoring the right" they'd have banned Trump four or five years ago.
(Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @05:39PM (1 child)
Nice trolling
(Score: 1, Troll) by helel on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:25PM
If the facts of the situation don't align with your politics anyone who mentions them is a troll?
(Score: 2) by crafoo on Monday January 11 2021, @12:15AM (6 children)
BLM is a terrorist organization. Pretty much the definition of one.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @12:53AM
Naming your organization after a hashtag is very effective for dismissing criticism, especially when the media doesn't care. But where's the evidence that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Black Lives Matter Foundation [], or the Movement for Black Lives are terrorist organizations? I don't see any.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @01:59AM
Mmmm yesss, show everyone how insane you truly are!!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @02:01AM (2 children)
Crafoo is a terrorist. Saw a pic of him storming the capital, with him wearing a shirt with a big Q on it, and the words "Truth the Plan". Turns out there weren't no plan, and he was pretty stupid for believing there was one, but he's still a right-wing nut-job racist terrorist!
(Score: 2) by crafoo on Monday January 11 2021, @07:29PM (1 child)
Now that's just mean. Qlarpers are all boomers worried about their SS checks.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 12 2021, @02:01AM
Not in the videos I saw, very few boomers. If anyone is worried about their SS checks then they should have been paying attention and not voted for Trump. I know, they believed Trump's lies, so sad.
(Score: 2) by helel on Monday January 11 2021, @02:25AM
I don't suppose you could provide some proof of this claim?
(Score: 4, Insightful) by oumuamua on Saturday January 09 2021, @05:07PM (6 children)
With Trump about to leave the spotlight you may think; 'close call, everything goes back to normal'. But I remind you Andrew Yang's words: Trump was only a symptom [] []
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @12:41AM
I expect Andrew Yang will be silenced and downplayed to the point of being ignored. In 2016 everyone knew that electing Trump was a giant "Fuck You" to the establishment.
However, for the past four years they have diligently downplayed that and boosted Trump's election as the actual problem rather than the public's response to problems.
They are not going to bail on that narrative now, it gives them a license to ignore too many problems while looting the coffers and blaming the deplorables.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @05:23AM (4 children)
You're right up to a point. Four years ago, I would have agreed with you. I'm not nearly so sure now.
Most Trump supporters care about the things Mr. Yang describes. Being ignored far too long by the establishment allowed the rise of populists like Donald Trump and, for that matter, Bernie Sanders.
The violence isn't driven by most Trump supporters. It's driven by a small vocal faction who want to impose their will on the nation by any means necessary. This small faction, the most extreme of Trump's base, is who is rioting and who stormed the Capitol. Their numbers are growing and they're more deeply entrenched than four years ago. This isn't about policy and, frankly, Trump hasn't been very effective at implementing his policies. It's about radicalization and brainwashing. COVID-19 has contributed to this by the social isolation and people being home, out of work, with lots of time to find Qanon content online. And when I say 'Qanon', I'm referring to the collection of conspiracy theories driving the most extreme people.
Qanon isn't about logic or reason. It's a cult driven by apocalyptic ideas that make it eerily similar to ISIS. The people on the extreme right aren't simply looking for their needs to be addressed. They've reached critical mass where they can cause serious damage. Banning Trump and Lin Wood from Twitter is probably validation of the conspiracy for the true believers. Shutting them down now is too little, too late.
Addressing people whose needs have been neglected by the establishment will help, but it won't placate the most ardent of Trump supporters. The people who can be reached by Mr. Yang's ideas weren't the people storming the Capitol on Wednesday. We should follow Mr. Yang's advice, but I fear it won't solve the problem.
I don't have the answers. I just hope that January 20, 2021 doesn't take its place in the history books alongside April 12, 1861.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @02:22PM (3 children)
Except if you look around you'll find most Trump supporters defending the insurrectionists and continuing the claims of a stolen election.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @07:54PM (2 children)
I base my assumptions on the ideas in this article, because they seem reasonable: []
Yes, you have a lot of people who say they believe in Qanon, a deep state, or that the election was stolen. In summary, only a very small portion of people believe the most extreme elements of these conspiracy theories. I suspect the same applies to some of the other conspiracies, too.
If the more moderate right strongly rejected these ideas, they would lose support right away. This hinges on moderate Republicans to do the right thing. So far, they haven't done so. Yes, there are very real concerns about the power that a few technology companies have to silence speech. Marco Rubio was on Fox News talking about that this morning. He could have said that the concentration of power is alarming and this could be a slippery slope. Instead, he said the left is taking this opportunity to destroy the right. He went for more us versus them fear mongering. This is a moderate Republican, and that allegation about the left trying to destroy the right was the headline when Fox posted the interview on YouTube.
I believe it's relatively easy to pull most Trump supporters away from backing the most extreme ideas. The problem is the number of hardcore Trump supporters, the true believers in the conspiracies, has grown and continues to do so. It only takes a very small fraction of these people to be incredibly dangerous. As long as they have the support of many moderates on their side, it's easy for them to amass mobs like they did on Wednesday.
I'm convinced that the best way to shut down the far right is to show they've built their ideology on lies. They believe that Trump is working to bring down a cabal of satanic pedophiles that is running Congress and the largest and most influential corporations in the world. We need to be making the case loudly, clearly, and transparently that this conspiracy is a lie. We need to convince as many people as possible on the far right that the foundation of their beliefs is a lie, then let the right collapse.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @12:30AM
To my mind, it doesn't look like they care much, one way or the other, about truth or lies. Given that, I think your suggestion of showing them that their ideology is built on lies will be futile. Put another way, I don't think you c an argue or debate someone out of a position that they did not enter into rationally. Just my $0.02 worth.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @02:38AM
This sums up the problem the Right has with the Left. You think that compromise means do it your way. You have the delusion that you are the epitome of reason and light, that your values are the only rational ones so anyone who disagrees is crazy.
That gun control cake comic is funny, but the principle applies to every Left position. You attempt to 'Zeno's paradox' the policy all the way to your side. You wonder why the Right won't compromise with you any more, it's because a deal is never settled. The agreed position is just the new starting point for a new 'compromise' towards the Left.
(Score: 2) by legont on Saturday January 09 2021, @05:23PM (3 children) []
Telegram, the only real communication platform in existence.
The subscription rate is over 1000 people per minute.
"Wealth is the relentless enemy of understanding" - John Kenneth Galbraith.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @05:41PM
mmm, that just looks like a copy of his Twitter feed. Does he even own that id?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @08:55PM (1 child)
Do you have to use Morse code on it?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @07:41PM
No but you can if you want. []
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:02PM (7 children)
I knew it. The fuckers are gonna boogaloo, and they have some high-level support. They're gonna fuckin' boogaloo, and you ain't seen nothing yet. ICFI/Socialist Equality Party: Details emerge of high-level state involvement in Wednesday’s coup attempt []
And the Democratic Party cannot help us. Biden defends Republican Party coup conspirators []
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:34PM (6 children)
Meanwhile here in reality, Nancy "People will do what they do" Pelosi is the coup plotter. [] Even Vox said she is a threat to national security. []
(Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:38PM
You boys think you can succeed where Robert E. Lee failed? You're not half the man he was.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by helel on Saturday January 09 2021, @07:11PM (4 children)
If you're making claims about what VOX said, why don't you link to their article []? Oh, that's right, because you're lying about what VOX said!
And since when are introducing articles of impeachment a coup? Did the Republican congress critters who impeached Bill Clinton commit a coup?
Besides which, she introduced those articles before Trumps attempted coup because she was worried he might try to overthrow the government. Turns out she was right [].
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @07:21PM (3 children)
>> you're lying about what VOX said!
> "She’s playing a dangerous game with America’s national security."
Where is the lie?
> she introduced those articles before Trumps attempted coup
What "coup"?
(Score: 2) by helel on Saturday January 09 2021, @08:28PM (2 children)
VOX categorically did not call Pelosi "threat to national security." You stated that they did. That is a lie. But then you've clearly read the VOX article so you know as well as I do that you're lying so what more is there to say about it.
The one in which he told his supporters "After this, we’re going to walk down — I’ll be with you — we’re going to walk down to the Capitol ... demand that Congress do the right thing []" and then they stormed the capitol building with bombs [], zip cuffs, and guns [].
And why did they get into the building at all? Because Capitol [] Police [] allowed them in and slowed the DC National Guard's [] response by hours.
Just because the execution was laughable doesn't for a second reduce the seriousness of what Trump attempted this week.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @08:52PM (1 child)
> VOX categorically did not call Pelosi "threat to national security." You stated that they did. That is a lie.
Oh, it's the phrasing where someone playing a dangerous game with national security is somehow not a threat to national security? I was not quoting them literally and the linguistic equivalence is valid - making you the liar.
> The one in which he told his supporters
The one in which he told his supporters one thing and a bunch of lunatics did something else? Are charges of violent entry and disorderly conduct what you would expect for people involved in an actual coup? Oh, you're lying again!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @12:37AM
For a bunch of incompetent coup plotters, yes.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:22PM (4 children)
Seem like they are rounding up the freakshow that was the coup, or siege or insurgency or whatever gross overstatements one like to use already. The dude that went to the speakers office and put his feet up on her desk has already been arrested. The "Q-shaman" (really?!) has been arrested to, he is the guy that walked around with some kind of pelt and a horned helmet and had several viking:ish tattoos on his chest and stomach including a hammer and a valknut (three interlocking triangles). Then we had the usual amount of people that looked like they had just left some kind of asylum.
This is the coup or insurgency you feared? The late night freakshow? I have seen scarier people at the Rocky horror show.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:35PM (2 children)
Yes, shaman. Asatru is a religion that has shamans. On the Christian Identity side of the boogaloo, you have ministers. Don't mistake these people for cosplayers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:59PM (1 child)
I wasn't aware of that Q was part of the Norse pantheon. His self-proclaimed shamanism probably amounts to nothing.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @04:36AM
The ministers are ordained by mail, and it's probably something of that caliber with the shamans. I would not anticipate an authentic reconstruction of German/Scandinavian paganism, no. Something influenced by hunter culture probably along with a vague notion that dying a martyr in the boogaloo will get them 72 valkyries in Valhalla.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @08:27PM
Is Q the same as Qanon? I also heard there is a babyQ.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @06:51PM (6 children)
SN is infested with literal traitors to the US and these morons really think they are morally justified. Thankfully there are more non-crazy users, but we do have a real problem.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @07:15PM (5 children)
Arguably none of us here has the political power to be a traitor.
What we do have is a community divided by the messaging of the tech oligarchs and the MSM. Some believe them because of their previous reputation, the historical positions that the Democrats and Republicans each previously represented, and the comfort of being in a group that thinks alike. Others see that their interests are nefarious, that their roles have become mixed up, and the comfort of being in a group that thinks alike.
Some are scared that Covid-19 is going to kill them and their loved ones en masse, others believe that the government reactions to Covid-19 are a political plot to remove Trump and deaths due to government policies are going to be higher than any natural deaths from the disease. MSM anoints the scared party to be followers of Science, creating religion-like animosity over what once used to be a perpetual inquiry on what is real and where nothing was "settled".
The situation is completely insane, and all of us "traitors" and "patriots" can do now is to see what happens January 20th. Will there be proscription of one half of the country? Don't think so, the aim was to get power which they did. Will life return to normal? Perhaps, I'm guessing the rich and powerful don't want to continue the lockdowns. Will BLM and Antifa be repressed? Definitely, they are no longer useful.
(Score: 2) by helel on Saturday January 09 2021, @10:31PM (3 children)
The MSM is deeply biased but that bias is, and always has been, a right wing bias [].
Before the election I saw posters here claiming COVID-19 would disappear the day voting ended because it was no longer useful. It didn't.
Now you claim it'll disappear the day after the inauguration? It won't.
Do you know why it won't? Because it is real.
The divide we see isn't about Democrats and Republicans. It's about basing our world view on reality or... not.
We've all heard the pithy rejoinder "reality has a liberal bias." It's funny but it's an inversion of the truth. Liberals base their world view on reality.
That's why the goalposts of conservative COVID talking points have been moved from "it's no worse than the flu" to "it'll go away in the summer" to "deaths are being misattributed to COVID, if it was real we'd see excess deaths" to "the excess deaths are caused by the Democrat conspiracy, it'll end after the election" to "it'll end after inauguration." The conservative view was not based on reality and so it must be constantly updated to explain away the truth.
And in that time the liberal view of the virus has gone from "it's way more dangerous than the flu, if we don't respond accordingly it'll be a disaster" to "it's way more dangerous than the flu and killed over 350k Americans!"
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @10:43PM (2 children)
Who do you think Biden is, but a right winger?
Schumer danced on the streets with his mask off. Businesses were taking small steps back to normalcy. And then Trump challenged the election, so they had to "increase the Covid!"
So is heart disease, and it kills more than the flu/Covid.
(Score: 2) by helel on Sunday January 10 2021, @01:29AM (1 child)
And so the goalposts keep on sliding...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @02:32PM
Yup, trying to discuss reality with conservatives is now a losing proposition. Lies and fluid narratives have been trained into them by Fox and the rest of the propaganda outlets. Truth changes to fit the narrative, and their supporters have taken on those qualities. It doesn't matter what facts you present, either they call the facts lies or they move the goal posts in circles.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @10:45PM
You can be a traitor even if you're an unemployed dickless piece of shit that leeches off society. As the 6th made clear.
(Score: 2) by quietus on Saturday January 09 2021, @08:38PM (24 children)
Not directly related to this twitter and/or Capitol thing, but I wonder: is the pattern of Red vs Blue states still the same, compared to the last election/the election before that? Or does the division between Trump vs Biden voters now run equally among the states? Level of income? House owners versus renters?
The news chatter over here is about division within the United States, not between the States.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @09:29PM (2 children)
There was an interesting article on this here []. In general it's the same. Vast majority of all counties went for Trump, majority of extremely high density counties went to Biden. The popular vote difference, as always, was just a product of California/New York.
The funniest thing was the DNC thinking they might stand a chance in Texas. Just shows you how out of touch these people are with the people they claim to represent. Since I think most probably don't know what I'm referencing - do you know how to find somebody in Texas who supports stronger immigration laws, less identity politics, and so on? Find a man of clear Mexican heritage who speaks English natively. And there's more every day.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Sunday January 10 2021, @01:25AM (1 child)
Land doesn't vote, people do.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 3, Insightful) by helel on Sunday January 10 2021, @04:14AM
I think it's safe to say that if land could vote it sure as fuck wouldn't vote Republican.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @12:57AM (20 children)
One of the most interesting statistics is one that is really hard to find. What was the change in vote totals from 2016 that gave the victory to Biden?
As far as I can tell, Trump polled about the same/slightly more across all counties. Some random changes due to natural population drift, but reasonable looking variation.
Compare Biden's totals to Clinton's and he got roughly the same in most counties, but with occasional massive increases in specific places. I find those increases especially suspicious, because in those counties the Trump vote didn't go down. It wasn't because voters switched sides, suddenly there were extra votes.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Azuma Hazuki on Sunday January 10 2021, @01:29AM (16 children)
Do you think the massive "get out the vote" campaigns had anything to do with it? More people voting = more votes, huge surprise.
The GOP has a problem, which can be succinctly if a bit glibly summed up as "market saturation." They have a solid base but it's not growing all that much. Republicans vote more than Democrats do, not least because plenty of Democrats are poor and disenfranchised (and not helped by the Post Office fuckery and deliberate removal of polling places in Dem-heavy counties!). So the GOP can't really get too many more votes that it has, while the Dems have room to grow, as it were.
Besides which, the GOP has now torn itself in half. The much-vaunted Republican "unity" is a polite way of saying "fanaticism." The problem with this unity is that when ideological differences inevitably split the base, you end up with *two* sets of frothing fanatics who can't be reasoned with--and they are opposed to one another. Trump's camp and the "we love Mammon just a little more than White Surfer Jesus and Fat Orange Jesus" camp are going to tear each other to shreds.
Personally I can't wait. May they all rip each other to pieces and give Satan 70+ million reconstructive surgery jobs to do in Hell.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @02:09AM (5 children)
> Do you think the massive "get out the vote" campaigns had anything to do with it?
As opposed to mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, ballot "healing" and lax signature validation? Most countries prohibit practices like these because they facilitate fraud. Biden's "win" was due to highly localized anomalies - all but one of the bellwether counties favored Trump and by an average of 16 points.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @04:38AM (4 children)
Still no evidence for your allegations huh? Poor saps, they honestly believe what Trump says. Facepalm.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @05:15AM
Stupid is, as stupid does, or some kind of Forrest Gump folk wisdom. Or, perhaps, they are just stupid. Trump is a PT Barnum? Yankee grifter? And they fell for it, hard.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @01:42PM (2 children)
Every point made in the comment you replied to is true.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @02:07PM
Drop a link then.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @02:38PM
Then present some kind of evidence for once! Please let it be better than some paper in a ditch that isn't even opened to show the valid ballots being dumped. So far all we've seen is smoke and mirrors, and some drunk chick ranting at a judge in the most cringey display of Rudy's bad choices.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @04:05PM
You might want to rethink your "market saturation" hypothesis. In 2016, when there were no irregularities, Trump gained more votes than any republican president ever. And this year he gained more votes than any president ever.
The one and only issue he ran into was Biden suddenly pulling tens of thousands of votes out of nowhere exactly when it mattered to give him the bare minimum necessary to edge him out in all of the battleground states, which he was losing. At one point during the middle of the election Vegas was giving Trump 4:1 odds as the favorite. I knew it would have been a great time to toss a couple thousand down on Biden just because the odds of 'magic votes' appearing was certainly much better than 4:1. Too bad. Could've made a ton. :D
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @03:07AM (8 children)
No surprise there were more people voting, but it is about the patterns. Trump's votes increased slightly across the board. Biden's votes (over Hilary) had massive localized increases.
A typical county pattern:
Now add a fifth column (R-D)2016 - (R-D)2020
That second row is suspicious.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Tuesday January 12 2021, @10:03AM (7 children)
Again...lots of "get out the vote" campaigns, and we have black women to thank for saving us from another 4 years of this shit. I hope like hell that at some point in the near future our history books will put in more than just a few token references to Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Tuesday January 12 2021, @02:54PM (5 children)
They gotta do historically important things first and they just haven't much. Unless you care more about skin color than what's actually historically relevant. Which would make you a racist fuckwad.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 0, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 12 2021, @10:43PM (1 child)
What part of saving the country from a dictator is not historically relevant?
Oh right, you're one of the moronic traitors that doesn't give two shits about your own ideals when they inconvenience you. Get fucked you moldy dimwit.
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday January 13 2021, @05:10PM
Which dictator would that be and which black woman did it?
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 1, Troll) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday January 13 2021, @02:02AM (2 children)
What the AC said. You're a disingenuous shit-stirring troll and nothing you say should be taken any more seriously than an unwelcome puff of methane in a hotel elevator.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday January 13 2021, @05:11PM (1 child)
Point me out lots of black women that did something historically relevant or shut your very angry pie-hole.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday January 13 2021, @11:30PM
Ooooh, you *really* do not like that one, do you? :) Good ol' misogynoir! The information is there for you to find. But I know you're not going to, because it's fundamental to your worldview that all black women are stupid, lazy, overweight slobs who steeeeeal your tax moneeeeeeyz for welfare and drive cadillacs and buy $1000 flagship phones with it while the innocent hu-white man does an honest day's work for an honest day's pay, right? :)
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 13 2021, @01:14AM
Which were massively successful in a few counties and had almost no effect on the rest? It's not that the total was so obviously wrong, as the distribution of extra votes. They are concentrated in just a few locations.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 10 2021, @02:11AM
Yeah cause like we always have 100% turnout....
Why are you wasting your breath? Shouldn't you be cleaning your guns and doing some last minute wargames?
Part of me says that maybe I should go take a backpacking trip up north, just in case the USA falls.
The other part of me tells me that you people are so disconnected from reality, you are so incapable of seizing political power, that maybe I should just get a bunch of weed and enjoy the fireworks from my balcony.
You know I feel like betting. What's the chances you'll command any artillery or air support? Are you dipshits capable and crazy enough to launch nukes? That sort of thing.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @02:05AM (1 child)
Let me guess, you cain't "tell" very far. Bet I could throw your ass further. You are lying, to cover the fact that you are stupid. And paranoid. We are out to get you.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @02:21AM
It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.
(Score: 2) by Lester on Saturday January 09 2021, @10:43PM (1 child)
If he hadn't been the president, his account would had been suspended long, long, long ago
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 09 2021, @10:49PM
If he hadn't been the president, nobody would give a shit about his tweeting.
(Score: 2) by nostyle on Sunday January 10 2021, @05:44PM
(With apologies to Joni Mitchell)
I've heard from clods from both sides now
Repubs and Dems - and still somehow
It's lame elections I recall
I really don't like clods - at all.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @02:09AM
Gone from Twitter and now popping up everywhere []
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 11 2021, @02:11AM
Gone from Twitter and now popping up everywhere []