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Aus MyHealhRecord OptOut Extented Again

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2018-11-15 09:08:01 from the Honeypots'r'Us dept dept.
Digital Liberty

When the Australian government originally announced that the online health care record system would change from optin to optout there was a backlash from the community over privacy and security concerns. After several months an opt out period was started where people could contact the government to declare that they do not want their medical data stored on the system. The surge in numbers to opt out initially caused long delays and system crashes as the Australian Digital Health Agency tried to keep up with demand to opt out. After the first few weeks the demand dropped, until last week where in the final days of the opt out period large numbers of people decided to opt out at the last minute. Due to concerns with system security and issues with last minute opt out requests the My Health Record opt out period has been extended to January 2019 []. So far, one in 25 people have decided to opt out of the online electronic health record system.

Original Submission