It seems whoever owns the Atari name is going to cash in with a new Linux and AMD based "console". From Techpowerup []:
Atari is back in the console game with their upcoming Ataribox which is slated for a late spring 2018 release. At the heart of the system is a specially designed AMD processor running on Radeon Graphics technology. According to the Atari team, they've opted to implement a customized version of Linux operating system into the Ataribox to bring a full PC experience for the TV.
I guess Hollywood is not the only one that can drag up old properties and wring the blood from them. Might make a decent Steambox, I suppose. Also, wouldn't be complete without crowdfunding!
The Ataribox team will be launching a campaign on Indiegogo next month to crowdfund the development of the console. In regards to pricing, we expect it to cost between $250 and $300 depending on the edition and memory configuration.