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Apple Unveils... a Titanium Credit Card

Accepted submission by takyon at 2019-03-26 20:27:10

Apple announces Apple Card credit card []

At Apple's "show time" services event today, it announced a new Apple Card credit card, promising to improve things about the credit card experience with simpler applications, no fees, lower interest rates, and better rewards.

To get an Apple Card, users will be able to sign up on their iPhone in the Apple Wallet app and get a digital card that they can use anywhere Apple Pay is accepted "within minutes." Customers will also be able to track purchases, check balances, and see when their bill is due right from the app. There will be a physical titanium card, too, but there's no credit card number, CVV, expiration date, or signature. All of that authorization information is stored directly in the Apple Wallet app.

Apple also says that it'll use machine learning and Apple Maps to label stores that you use in the app, and use that data to track purchases across categories like "food and drink" or "shopping." [...] Like many of Apple's products, privacy is a big push here. "Apple doesn't know what you bought, where you bought it, and how much you paid for it," said Jennifer Bailey, VP of Apple Pay. All of the spending tracking and other information is stored directly on the device, not Apple's servers. The company also promises that "Goldman Sachs will never sell your data to third parties for marketing and advertising."

Other companies have offered 3-4% cash back for certain purchases [].

Also at Ars Technica [].

See also: Apple's 2%-cash-back credit-card rewards are interesting, but I'm convinced people are overlooking the best part []
Apple's new credit card holds a lot of promise, but read the fine print before signing up []
Tim Cook says Apple Card is a game changer. Experts are not so sure []
Apple's move into banking raises the bar for fintech, traditional credit cards []

Original Submission