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Huawei hysteria is a false alarm, Culture Secretary tells MPs

Accepted submission by James Orme at 2019-05-09 09:02:56 from the News dept.

The UK Government has still not made a final decision on the inclusion of Huawei in the UK’s 5G networks, Culture Secretary Jeremy Wright has said.

Mr Wright warned [] some assumptions about Huawei and how embedded it was in some parts of existing networks were “wrong” and was not helping the debate.

Giving evidence to MPs at the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, he said concerns raised about Huawei were less about the threat of espionage but because of engineering issues with the firm’s equipment.

Fears have been raised that Huawei could be used by the Chinese state as a route to spy on the West, with the US pressuring allies to distance themselves from the company.

Source: []

But Mr Wright said Huawei was already the subject of stricter analysis than many other companies because of the “nature of Huawei and where it comes from”.

Original Submission