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Facebook Researchers Show Off Machine Learning-Based Upsampling Technique

Accepted submission by takyon at 2020-07-03 23:32:23

Neural SuperSampling Is a Hardware Agnostic DLSS Alternative by Facebook []

A new paper published by Facebook researchers [] just ahead of SIGGRAPH 2020 introduces neural supersampling, a machine learning-based upsampling approach not too dissimilar from NVIDIA's Deep Learning Super Sampling []. However, neural supersampling does not require any proprietary hardware or software to run and its results are quite impressive as you can see in the example images, with researchers comparing them to the quality we've come to expect from DLSS.

Video examples on Facebook's blog post [].

The researchers use some extremely low-fi upscales to make their point, but you could also imagine scaling from a resolution like 1080p straight to 8K. Upscaling could be combined with eye tracking and foveated rendering to reduce rendering times even further.

Also at UploadVR [] and VentureBeat [].

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Original Submission