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SoylentNews is people

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SN Poll Ideas

Rejected submission by DannyB at 2021-10-14 19:42:35 from the polls-with-dancers dept.

What virtual emotional support animal should be included with each new SN account?
* Unicorn
* Centaur
* Troll
* Euclid's Elephant
* Special Porpoise
* Crying Hyena
* Other (please specify in comments)

Witch is yore most least favorite?
* Homonyms
* Synonyms
* Antonyms
* Homophones
* Homophone Heterographs
* Heteronyms
* Homographs
* Homographs w/ different pronounciations
* Other (please specify in comments)

Who should the government go after next?
* Duck Duck Go
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Big Oil
* McDonalds
* "rust belt" makers of ICE vehicles
* Other (please specify in comments)

Where are we most likely to first discover evidence of extraterrestrial life?
[_] Mars
[_] Europa
[_] Enceladus
[_] Titan
[_] Venus
[_] Mercury
[x] Other (please specify in comments)

Poll: Which will happen first
* First human born on Mars
* Self driving cars for everyone
* End of internal combustion engines
* Male contraceptive
* AI is much more smarter of the human mind
* SLS launches

Poll: When do you take down the Christmas tree?
* Day after Christmas
* New Year's day
* January
* February
* March
* April
* I wait for it to come down by itself

Pronounciation of 'char':
* care
* car
* steaks burnt to a crisp
* Other (please specify in comments)

* spaces
* tabs
* unicode blank symbol(s)
* indentation must die!
* Other (please specify in comments)

Preferred text encoding:
* UTF-8
* UTF-16
* Cp-1252
* 7 bit ASCII
* UTF-640 (640 bits per char ought to be enough for anybody)
* Emojis only please
* Other (please specify in comments)

Dependency injection framework?
* coffee
* fancier coffee (eg. Starbucks)
* energy drink
* diet soda (eg. Diet Coke)
* soda (not diet)
* caffenited water
* decaffeinated by a guillotine
* Other (please specify in comments)

Which do you find most useful:
* tmux
* screen
* multiple tabs in GUI terminal emulator, separate connections
* multiple laptops
* I can't do more than one thing at once!
* Other (please specify in comments)

What moderation do you prefer your posts to receive?
* Normal
* Insightful
* Interesting
* Informative
* Funny
* Touché
* Underrated
* Overrated
* Disagree
* Offtopic
* Redundant
* Flamebait
* Troll
* Inciteful
* Other (please specify in comments)

What to call members of US Space Force?
* Spacemen (spacepersons)
* Rocketeers
* Astronauts
* Geeks
* Space Pilots
* Space Cadets
* Spaced Out
* Other (please specify in comments)

Which database engine?
* PostgreSQL
* MySQL / Mariah DB
* Microosft SQL Server
* Oracle
* Excel
* Other (please specify in comments)

Which web browser?
* Chrome
* FireFox
* Safari
* Edge
* Vivaldi
* text mode browser (
* Mosaic
* Other (please specify in comments)

Price of your first magic black smoke ?
(or incandescent semiconductor)
* $1 - $10
* $11 - $100
* $101 - $300
* $301 - $1000
* More than $1000
* bodily injury
* Other (please specify in comments)

Recreational activity? (even if merely observer)
* Electrical misadventures (arcs, smoke, etc)
* Chemical misadventures
* Laser misadventures
* Radio misadventures
* Rocket misadventures
* Dating misadventures
* Other (please specify in comments)

Your first car was made after:
* 2010
* 2000
* 1990
* 1980
* 1970
* 1900
* Other (please specify in comments)

When computer identifies yur misspelling, you:
* google
* ddg
* grammarly
* bing it
* ignore it
* have a drink
* Other (please specify)

Preferred answer to stupid questions (other than this one):
* Phaser
* Photon torpedo
* Light Saber
* Crude blaster
* Other (please specify)

When you're in the zone (focused, performance), you're at...
* business zone
* residential zone
* school zone
* hospital zone
* no passing zone
* erogenous zone
* Other (please specify)

How is your primary workspace lit?
* Fluorescent
* Incandescent
* glow from the computer monitor
* oil / gas / wood / coal
* Other (please specify)

How often do you replace your primary PC?
* less than one year
* Yearly
* 2 years
* 3 years
* 4 years
* 5 years
* Other (please specify)

First place you go with technical question?
* Stack Overflow
* Experts Exchange
* Quora
* Reddit
* 8chan
* Other (please specify)

Last time you used a slide rule?
* 2020
* 2019
* within last 5 years
* within last 10 years
* within last 20 years
* Other (please specify)

If limited options available?
* McDonalds
* Burger King
* Sonic
* Five Guys
* I'd rather chew my leg off
* Other (please specify)

Most responsible (or to blame) for modern tech:
* Brin
* Page
* Torvalds
* Gates
* Zuckerberg
* Gore
* Other (please specify)

How many people's phone number do you know from memory?
* zero
* one (or more)
* five (or more)
* ten (or more)
* my own only
* not my own ... I don't call myself
* Other (please specify)

If you won a self driving car:
* would sleep while riding
* would remain awake with blindfold
* Would use computing device
* What better time to read
* Eat, shave, bathe, etc
* Other (please specify)

Which speech impediment?
* Common
* Scheme
* Emacs
* AutoCAD
* Racket
* Clojure
* Other (please specify)

Favorite type of spam robo call:
* this is the vehicle warranty center...
* this is regarding your credit card...
* if you have a stuent loan...
* Other (please specify)

Which war to fight first:
* vi vs emacs
* tabs vs spaces
* static vs dynamic typing
* gui vs text
* functional vs OOP
* Light vs Dark theme
* Other (please specify)

Which is most likely to steal your vital organs first?
* Mobile network (AT&T, Verizon, etc)
* ISP (Comcast, etc)
* Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
* Google
* Microsoft
* Car dealership
* Other (please specify)

When will the SLS first fly?
* 2022
* 2023
* 2025
* 2030
* 2038
* 3000
* Other (please specify)

And ... a lot of past poll from SN would be good for another try.
Possibly with comparison to previous results.
(and link to original poll)

Original Submission