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Scientists Try to Bring Australian ‘Tiger’ Back From Extinction

Accepted submission by upstart at 2022-05-26 09:25:52

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Scientists try to bring Australian ‘tiger’ back from extinction []:

Nearby, Tarulli sat behind the screen of a powerful, giant microscope in its own closet-sized room, watching cells interact with reproductive hormones. Downstairs, Frankenberg checked on the dunnarts. A molecular biologist named Axel Newton, in a white coat in another section of the lab, said he still can’t quite believe he could be taking the first steps toward bringing an animal back from extinction. He added nutrients to a collection of cells to make them grow. “This is how it happens,” he said. “You start here.”

Journal Reference:
Just a moment..., (DOI:,further%2015%25%20are%20Near%20Threatened.)

Original Submission