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posted by mrpg on Tuesday December 19 2017, @10:55PM   Printer-friendly
from the new-rules dept.

As reported by The Huffington Post:

New rules implemented on Twitter Monday have led to the suspensions of accounts belonging to prominent neo-Nazis, white nationalists and other far-right extremists.

[...] "You may not make specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death, or disease of an individual or group of people," states Twitter's rule for "violent extremist groups," which went into effect Monday.

"This includes, but is not limited to, threatening or promoting terrorism," the rule continues. "You also may not affiliate with organizations that – whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform – use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes."

[...] The "alt-right ― a loose association of neo-Nazis, white nationalists, assorted racists, fascists, and other far-right elements that has used Twitter for years to organize and recruit ― anticipated today's "purge," with many preparing to make the jump to Gab, a largely rules-free micro-blogging platform used primarily by white nationalists.

Related: Twitter: Our Blue Check Marks Aren't Just About "Verification"

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 19 2017, @11:28PM (42 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 19 2017, @11:28PM (#612050)

    Well you won't find any argument from me or probably many other liberal types on here. The double standard is fucked, very likely just another salvo in the culture wars.

  • (Score: 2) by bob_super on Wednesday December 20 2017, @12:01AM (41 children)

    by bob_super (1357) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @12:01AM (#612068)

    Triple Stadard, please: There's the violent extremists from the right (Boo! Out!), from the left (Yuck!), and then the Orange one (UNLIMITED TWEETS!!!!!)

    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by wisnoskij on Wednesday December 20 2017, @12:14AM (40 children)

      by wisnoskij (5149) <reversethis-{moc ... ksonsiwnohtanoj}> on Wednesday December 20 2017, @12:14AM (#612074)

      The Alt-right (by definition) is just a group of people who voted wrong. I am not saying none of them are violent, but I have never heard any any popular organization/talking head who ever promoted violence and they are far down the statistics ladder on violence compared to ISIS affiliated people and far-left terrorists. Anti-fa openly calls for the death and assault of wide swaths of the population of America; Their is nothing ambiguous on the stance on violence.

      • (Score: 4, Informative) by Grishnakh on Wednesday December 20 2017, @01:20AM (34 children)

        by Grishnakh (2831) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @01:20AM (#612091)

        The Alt-right (by definition) is just a group of people who voted wrong. I am not saying none of them are violent, but I have never heard any any popular organization/talking head who ever promoted violence

        The way I remember it, the alt-right people in Charlottesville were armed with assault rifles, used violence to push past other protesters (many of whom were religious types), and one of them drove his car into a group of protesters, murdering a woman.

        The antifa people at the event had no guns and according to the reports I read, simply attempted to hold a protest line. And they certainly didn't murder anyone. The alt-right did.

        • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @01:47AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @01:47AM (#612099)

          Take your fake news away and join in a chorus of Amazing Grace to keep the Trump truth train a chuggin!

        • (Score: 3, Informative) by wisnoskij on Wednesday December 20 2017, @01:55AM (3 children)

          by wisnoskij (5149) <reversethis-{moc ... ksonsiwnohtanoj}> on Wednesday December 20 2017, @01:55AM (#612101)

          That is nonsense, where do you get your facts. It is well documents that the originators of that alt-right event continually called for non-violence. Antifa openly admits that they went to the alt-right event to assault the alt-righters. There is no equivalence there.
          You cannot murder by accidentally scaring someone into a heart attack

          • (Score: 3, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @08:11AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @08:11AM (#612207)

            Or driving a car into them. And yes, the Jews broke their windows too, right??

          • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @04:30PM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @04:30PM (#612351)

            You cannot murder by accidentally scaring someone into a heart attack


            That article claims they charged him with Murder 1, but I thought this was a textbook case of Murder 3.

            • (Score: 2) by Immerman on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:07PM

              by Immerman (3985) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:07PM (#612366)

              I didn't read the article, but if he didn't intend to kill her wouldn't that be Murder 4 / involuntary manslaughter? Murder 3 is voluntary manslaughter (at least here in the US), aka a crime of passion murder, which means they did intend to kill the person in the moment, but hadn't planned on it, and committed the act under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed"

        • (Score: 4, Informative) by jmorris on Wednesday December 20 2017, @02:11AM (21 children)

          by jmorris (4844) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @02:11AM (#612112)

          The way I remember it...

          But you are a lying moron. Pretty much every word of your description is so wrong it ain't a mistake. The word that best fits is LIE.

          And again kids, what is the First Law of SJW? SJWs Always Lie. Not usually, not sometimes, ALWAYS.

          the alt-right people in Charlottesville were armed with assault rifles

          This is lying by omission. It IS true the Unite the Right people were armed. Virgina allows open carry so this isn't a problem. What you failed to note is that even under the heaviest incitement the Government and Antifa could muster they maintained absolutely perfect fire discipline. Not a single round was released by any of the Unite the Right people, even as it became clear the government had set them up in a trap, even as antifa maimed some of them with ghetto flame throwers and some sort of chemical attack that caused one man permanent eye damage. They held their fire because they understood the danger. The State of Virgina (Democreep gov tied to the Clintons of course) had the National Guard mustered to the North of the park ready to swoop in and massacre the lot of them at the first sound of gunfire.

          Now lets examine a few facts you again lied by omitting. Unite the Right had obeyed the law, purchased a permit to hold an event in the park, paid to setup a stage, PA system etc. They had provided plenty of notice to the local government and coordinated with them in good faith as to security arrangements. Antifa did none of these things, had no permit, was blocking a public street, etc. The police were obviously on Antifa's side and equally obviously under orders from both the city and State government to execute the actions they took. What the police did was, at the last minute, declare the event an "unlawful assembly" because of the presence of Antfa and order everyone to disperse. Instead of doing things by the normal book, and dispersing the two groups in different directions to prevent conflict they did the exact opposite. They formed a line and forced the Unite the Right people South, directly into the waiting (and obviously coordinated) arms of Antifa. All of these facts can be found in the official after action report and have so far resulted in the Chief of Police resigning and it is expected that resignations in the State Police are next.

          used violence to push past other protesters (many of whom were religious types)

          Nope. And Antifa is Communist so lets not pretend there were any "religious types" in that crowd of misfits.

          and one of them drove his car into a group of protesters, murdering a woman.

          You are batting 1000 here. Nope, that guy would have been at Unite the Right but showed up late, after they had been ordered to disperse. He drove into a crowd of Antifa and they set upon his car with ball bats and iron bars. This is of course an unwise course of action, people that situation will tend to feel their life expectancy outside the car to be zero and tend to push the gas to get the hell outta dodge. Which is of course what happened and many protesters failed the Dodge Challenger challenge and went flying hither and yon. But he didn't kill the one bitch that died. Don't believe me, go search NBC's video archive and you can watch her own mother in glorious HD explain how her daughter had a heart attack. Paramedics couldn't get her heart restarted because she was too effing fat.

          Andrew Anglin used these facts in a hate filled but also very humorous post on the Daily Stormer, which event triggered the whole controversy with keeping a domain name registered more than a few weeks that is still ongoing.

          Because I'm feeling assholish I'm linking Dailystormer []. But from there you can follow the links to MSM versions and you can watch the NBC video.

          • (Score: 5, Informative) by coolgopher on Wednesday December 20 2017, @02:45AM (3 children)

            by coolgopher (1157) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @02:45AM (#612120)

            Uh... you can't really argue that he didn't unprovoked drive into a bunch of protesters, which had the direct result of one person dying and several injured. Whether the protesters where antifa nutters, alt-right nutters, religious nutters or any other variety of nutter (or even non-nutter) doesn't change the fact that the driving nutter is a cold-blooded asshat who is a menace to civilized society. I mean, have you even looked at a video []?!

            As for the defence of "[his car was] set upon with ball bats and iron bars"; after someone's maliciously run people over that's a lame fucking ass excuse of a defence. You live by the sword you die by the fucking sword. I would morally have no problem with him being lynched then and there in response to his action. And I'd say the same if the roles were reversed and the driver was antifa and the crowd alt-right. It's fucked up, that's what it is. Sides don't play into that part.

            • (Score: 1, Troll) by wisnoskij on Wednesday December 20 2017, @03:32AM (1 child)

              by wisnoskij (5149) <reversethis-{moc ... ksonsiwnohtanoj}> on Wednesday December 20 2017, @03:32AM (#612131)

              Very little is proven or even known about the incident. A car hit some people, and an onlooker died of a heart attack.
              No one has of yet provided evidence of any intent (flight, accident, assault, murder). If the intent had been premeditated murder, cars are capable of driving fast enough to do so, which it clearly was not as the people he hit were only bruised.

              • (Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @07:52AM

                by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @07:52AM (#612202)

                Fuck man, a woman gets murdered and you downplay by saying some people only got bruised so its no big deal? Get the fuck out you propagandist shill / moron.

            • (Score: 2, Flamebait) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:07PM

              by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:07PM (#612367) Journal

              Nor can you argue that Antifa staged an illegal, violent protest, with the result that a woman died. Paint it black, and your Antifa are just as black as anyone. []

          • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:15AM (3 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:15AM (#612163)

            But you are a lying moron.

            And you, jmorris, are a moron lying. So now sod off, and go bate your master. No one here likes you, and no one reads you, if you get beyond 120 characters . . . . wait a minute!

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:27PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:27PM (#612387)


            • (Score: 2) by Tara Li on Wednesday December 20 2017, @09:32PM (1 child)

              by Tara Li (6248) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @09:32PM (#612556)

              A second vote for *wrong*.

              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 21 2017, @10:04PM

                by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 21 2017, @10:04PM (#612977)

                A third vote for "right". *alt-right* is alt-wrong.

          • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:56AM (10 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:56AM (#612178)

            They held their fire because they understood the danger. The State of Virgina (Democreep gov tied to the Clintons of course) had the National Guard mustered to the North of the park ready to swoop in and massacre the lot of them at the first sound of gunfire.

            Do you understand what you just said? If it wasn't for the threat of massive retaliation you jackbooted thugs would have murdered people. And you wonder why people don't like your chosen group. It's all just a massive conspiracy against you, no waaaay that it's your group who is in the wrong.

            • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @07:52AM (1 child)

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @07:52AM (#612201)

              Wait! From this entire post I cannot tell which jackbooted thugs we are talking about, except that it was not the Antifa. Right wing militia, who hold their fire, since fire would be, well, at least assault with a deadly weapon, or attempted thereof, or actual murder in America. And some cretian asshole unreconstructed fucking nazi lover here has the audacity to refer to this as "fire control"? Please, next time, pop off a few rounds, so we can see how the alt-right insurrection is going to play our. Remember, "The South will Lose Again!"

              • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:14PM

                by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:14PM (#612372) Journal

                That is correct, lackwit. It is a great demonstration of fire control. When someone is swinging a club at your head, you are JUSTIFIED if you shoot him down. Life, asshole. Reality, asshole. Gt acquainted with it.

            • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:12PM (7 children)

              by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:12PM (#612371) Journal

              It is you who does not understand reality. The "jackbooted thugs" as you call them had every right in the world to start gunning down the communis/socialist/leftis/progressive bastards who were attacking them. The "jackbooted thugs" were smarter than your socialists. They understood that they had entered an ambush, and the olny way to survive that ambush, was to deny the socialists the expected reaction.

              So - which side is more like Mahatma Ghandi, here? Not your socialists, that's for damned sure. Most likely, none of them had ever read a word that Ghandi said.

              • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:22PM

                by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:22PM (#612379)

                The "jackbooted thugs" as you call them had every right in the world to start gunning down the communis/socialist/leftis/progressive alt-right bastards who were attacking them.

                FTFY, you anti-America traitor, Runaway!

              • (Score: 2) by bob_super on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:01PM (5 children)

                by bob_super (1357) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:01PM (#612413)

                > had every right in the world to start gunning down

                Just no.
                In a civilized world, you're entitled to a proportional response to the threat, if you cannot retreat and let/make the cops do their job.

                Think of it that way: if you could mow down any threat, then the antifa idiots should have been allowed to open fire on the Nazi scumbags, just for being Nazi scumbags.

                > communis[sic]/socialist/leftis[sic]/progressive bastards

                As an old fart, how many people did you personally know who took up arms and risked their life to go kill some Nazis ? Would they slap you in the face for throwing every name you think is an insult to shame people who oppose extreme-right/Nazi-salute parades in your own country (not condoning the violence part of antifa, which is dumb)?

                • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:11PM (4 children)

                  by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:11PM (#612425) Journal

                  No. Right back at you, no. This "proportional response" is nonsense. In any civilized world, you end a threat if possible. If not possible, then you retreat. Proportional response is nonsense. When a man swings a club at your head, you are not obliged to run from him, look back to see if he is still chasing you, run some more, look back again, and only shoot him if he chases you for a whole mile. The bastard swings a club at your head, you double tap his ass, and end the threat, immediately.

                  And, THAT is the situation in which those Nazi marchers found themselves. Except, as I have already noted, they were perfectly aware that they had marched into an ambush.

                  How many people I have known pesonally? Many. I even met some Jews who had survived the death camps. (Three who verified the fact, by showing me their tatoos) Slap me in the face? I hardly think so. Some, maybe most of them, would recognize Antifa as modern Brownshirts.

                  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by bob_super on Wednesday December 20 2017, @07:38PM

                    by bob_super (1357) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @07:38PM (#612475)

                    Swinging a club at your head is "assault with a deadly weapon". Feel free to put a bullet in the idiot, but try not to hit bystanders, who could take umbrage if you didn't use an opportunity to retreat and de-escalate instead. (context is everything)
                    Threatening you with slogans and fists when you're holding an assault weapon is not a situation where you're likely to get sympathy from many people if you open fire.

                    Nazi sympathizers should always have the feeling they are marching into an ambush. They're fucking Nazis. Not oh-my-god-commies-are-a-threat-wait-no-they-collapsed idiots, full-blown racist-warmongering-holocaust-again assholes. I don't agree with the violence of AntiFa, though I agree with the need to confront Nazis anywhere they show up.

                    But you more than deserve that slap, for insulting those Holocaust survivors by saying they would equate violent anti-fascists with brownshirts or Holocaust supporters. The Resistance was probably the same as the Gestapo, right? Shame on you.

                  • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @07:53PM (2 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @07:53PM (#612488)

                    In any civilized world, you end a threat if possible. If not possible, then you retreat. Proportional response is nonsense.

                    You are a dangerous imbecile, Runaway. You do not live in Florida. "Stand your ground" is only racist dogwhistle for cowardly ammosexuals like the child-killer Zimmerman. You have a duty to retreat. You are legally obligated to retreat. Frigging Russians pretending to be Arkansawsians!!

                    • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday December 20 2017, @10:15PM

                      by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @10:15PM (#612582) Journal

                      Runaway is an old, angry, impotent (in both senses of the word) asshole who peaked somewhere around age 13 in gym class and thinks having (so he tells us...) been in the armed forces for a while makes him every Tom Clancy protagonist ever written rolled into one. Sometimes it really is that simple. He's getting more and more unhinged day by day, and it really would not surprise me if he ended up committing murder-suicide at some point within the next few years.

                      I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
                    • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 20 2017, @11:46PM

                      by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 20 2017, @11:46PM (#612614) Journal

                      When I feel threatened, I'll shoot. If the DA wants to be an asshole, then I'll stand trial. No plea bargain, mind you, but a real trial. Twelve people will have to decide, unanimously, that I had some "duty to retreat".

          • (Score: 1, Troll) by Grishnakh on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:44PM (1 child)

            by Grishnakh (2831) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:44PM (#612400)

            You're a lying racist piece of shit too, just like your buddy Runaway. The video was quite clear: he intentionally drove straight into protesters.

            I sincerely hope you die in a fire too, you neo-Nazi asshole.

            • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 20 2017, @11:48PM

              by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 20 2017, @11:48PM (#612616) Journal

              Link to this video that "clearly shows" anything. The only videos I've seen are confusing herky jerky camera images that swing all over the place.

        • (Score: 3, Troll) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 20 2017, @04:02AM (4 children)

          by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 20 2017, @04:02AM (#612136) Journal

          And, you're making stuff up, twice. The Charlottesville crowd weren't "alt-right", They were genuine Nazis and/or neonazis.

          Secondly, the Nazis were attacked by your peaceful left crowd - physically attacked.

          Oh - third. If they were armed with assault rifles, why is it that the guy drove his car over the communist bitch who died? Why didn't he just shoot her, and avoid damaging his car?

          Your narrative needs a lot of work.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @04:32AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @04:32AM (#612153)

            Your narrative needs a lot of work

            Maybe that is because, quite literally, none of it is true? Don't be a useful idiot, Runaway. Just stay the Normal Arkansas idiot we all know and love.

          • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Grishnakh on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:41PM (2 children)

            by Grishnakh (2831) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:41PM (#612398)

            Neo-Nazis are a major part of the alt-right. Just ask Richard Spencer, and major alt-right leader and white supremacist.

            The Nazis weren't attacked according to the journalism I read, and the accounts by peaceful churchgoing protesters, who actually thanked the antifa people for their assistance (though they were really surprised they'd be allied with them).

            "Communist bitch"? That proves that you're another white supremacist asshole just like all the Nazis. Welcome to my enemy list.

            • (Score: 0, Flamebait) by Grishnakh on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:42PM

              by Grishnakh (2831) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:42PM (#612399)

              I should have added, "you disgusting sack of racist shit." Now go fuck off and die in a fire.

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 21 2017, @01:34PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 21 2017, @01:34PM (#612771)

              there was violence initiated by both side, I remember seeing a 5-10 minute video compilation (I think it was by ben shapiro) of instance of violence after another alternating instances where the alt-right and antifa started it

              neither side was looking good in Charlottesville
              both sides had groups that came there ready and hoping for a fight
              and yes the guy with car -from what I know- was definitely the worst one of the lot that day

        • (Score: 4, Insightful) by DeathMonkey on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:30PM

          by DeathMonkey (1380) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:30PM (#612432) Journal

          Twitter controlling what's published on it's own platform: The root of all evil.
          Actually murdering someone for exercising their own first amendment rights: totally fine.

        • (Score: 4, Informative) by DeathMonkey on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:53PM

          by DeathMonkey (1380) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:53PM (#612445) Journal
      • (Score: 1, Insightful) by crafoo on Wednesday December 20 2017, @04:18AM (4 children)

        by crafoo (6639) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @04:18AM (#612143)

        The label alt-right was created to wrap up anyone with arguments you do not wish to address honestly into a tidy compartment. Now everyone that is placed into this compartment can be safely demonized and ignored. It's a very dishonest tactic. It's counterproductive if your goal is to achieve and maintain a civil society.

        I've always considered myself a liberal. One day a blue-haired millennial approached me and chided me for my wrong beliefs. Liberal means ranking everyone now according to perceived historic oppression and "lifting up their voices". Apparently liberal now also means policing each others ideas, words are violence (comical), and equality of outcome no matter the personal level of effort is a noble goal. I get called alt-right for essentially holding classical liberal ideals. These people are ridiculous. They are only taken seriously in so far as they are useful to their masters.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:19AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:19AM (#612165)

          The label alt-right was created to wrap up anyone with arguments you do not wish to address honestly into a tidy compartment.

          So, my rather stinky Crafoo, you are admitting total ignorance of the origin of the term "alt-right"? Such ignorance disqualifies you from any meaningful input into the debate here, so you should just roll up into a ball, and sob tears of infinite conservative confusion. The Alt-right has Alt-ed you. Too bad, So Sad! MAFA!

        • (Score: 3) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:18PM

          by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 20 2017, @05:18PM (#612375) Journal

          Damned right that post was insightful. When liberals denounce liberal tactics, you people should wake up and look around. Not every liberal swills the Kool-Aid. Listen to the ones who don't.

        • (Score: 3, Touché) by DeathMonkey on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:34PM (1 child)

          by DeathMonkey (1380) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @06:34PM (#612436) Journal

          The label alt-right was created to wrap up anyone with arguments you do not wish to address honestly into a tidy compartment

          Richard Spencer coined the term Alt-Right. []

          • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday December 20 2017, @10:19PM

            by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Wednesday December 20 2017, @10:19PM (#612584) Journal

            Holy spicy sheepshit with extra onions, you hit that one out of the park :) Nice!

            I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...