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SoylentNews is people

posted by cmn32480 on Tuesday June 16 2015, @01:01PM   Printer-friendly
from the what-are-these-girls-you-speak-of? dept.

RealDoll, after almost 20 years of selling "the world's finest love doll," is developing an animated, robotic, artificially intelligent head that can be switched onto existing RealDoll bodies. The purpose, according to RealDoll's founder and CEO Matt McMullen, is to "arouse someone on an emotional, intellectual level, beyond the physical."

If you haven't heard of RealDoll before, the company makes expensive ($5,000-$10,000, £3,200-£6,400) but very realistic sex dolls. The dolls (which come in male and female varieties) have fully poseable skeletons, silicone skin, and are roughly the same weight and size as a real human. The dolls have interchangeable faces and orifices.

The reality that Westworld and AI imagined decades ago has arrived. What are the ethical implications? Would you be willing to use one?

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  • (Score: 2) by present_arms on Tuesday June 16 2015, @08:44PM

    by present_arms (4392) on Tuesday June 16 2015, @08:44PM (#197031) Homepage Journal

    I used them all :P

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2