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Title    Cambridge University Adds Trigger Warning for Shakespeare
Date    Friday October 20 2017, @01:36AM
Author    Fnord666
from the et-tu-brute? dept.

takyon writes:

⚠ Warning: Contents of summary and comments may be offensive. ⚠

Cambridge Uni students get Shakespeare trigger warnings

Shakespeare contains gore and violence that might "upset" you, Cambridge University students have been warned. The "trigger warnings" - red triangles with an exclamation mark - appeared on their English lecture timetables.

Lectures including Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus contain "discussion of sexual violence, sexual assault", the BBC's Newsnight programme has learned.

The university said the warnings were "at the lecturer's own discretion" and "not a faculty-wide policy". The lecture timetables were issued to this term's students by the university's faculty of English.

[...] Asked about the warnings, one Cambridge academic who did not wish to be named, said their "duty as educators was to prepare students for the world not protect them for three years". Prof Dennis Hayes from Derby University's education faculty said: "Once you get a few trigger warnings, lecturers will stop presenting anything that is controversial... gradually, there is no critical discussion".

Cambridge University said the English faculty "does not have a policy on trigger warnings", but added: "Some lecturers indicate that some sensitive material will be covered in a lecture... this is entirely at the lecturer's own discretion and is in no way indicative of a faculty-wide policy."


Also at Cambridge News, The Guardian, and The Independent.

Original Submission


  1. "takyon" -
  2. "Cambridge Uni students get Shakespeare trigger warnings" -
  3. "Cambridge News" -
  4. "The Guardian" -
  5. "The Independent" -
  6. "Original Submission" -

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