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Title    Aliens May be More Like Us Than We Think
Date    Thursday November 02 2017, @01:57AM
Author    martyb
from the sasquatch++ dept.

AnonTechie writes:

Hollywood films and science fiction literature fuel the belief that aliens are monster-like beings, who are very different to humans. But new research suggests that we could have more in common with our extra-terrestrial neighbours, than initially thought.

In a new study published in the International Journal of Astrobiology scientists from the University of Oxford show for the first time how evolutionary theory can be used to support alien predictions and better understand their behaviour. They show that aliens are potentially shaped by the same processes and mechanisms that shaped humans, such as natural selection.

The theory supports the argument that foreign life forms undergo natural selection, and are like us, evolving to be fitter and stronger over time.

[...] The paper also makes specific predictions about the biological make-up of complex aliens, and offers a degree of insight as to what they might look like.

[...] 'There are potentially hundreds of thousands of habitable planets in our galaxy alone. We can't say whether or not we're alone on Earth, but we have taken a small step forward in answering, if we're not alone, what our neighbours are like.'

[Also Covered By]:

Darwin's aliens (open, DOI: 10.1017/S1473550417000362) (DX)

Evolutionary exobiology: towards the qualitative assessment of biological potential on exoplanets (DOI: 10.1017/S1473550417000349) (DX)

Original Submission


  1. "AnonTechie" -
  2. "" -
  3. "Darwin's aliens" -
  4. "DX" -
  5. "Evolutionary exobiology: towards the qualitative assessment of biological potential on exoplanets" -
  6. "DX" -
  7. "Original Submission" -

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