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BBC Encourages Rebellious Welsh Town to Move Offshore

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-11-14 15:28:26

A bunch of small Welsh business folk are playing the likes of Amazon and Google at their own game, by proposing to move their tax domiciles offshore – with the connivance of the publicly funded Beeb [].

According to an upcoming BBC documentary – The Town That Went Offshore – five businesses based in Crickhowell, Powys have banded together to try and emulate their much bigger rivals. They include a baker, a coffee shop, an optician, an outdoors retailer and, strangely, a smoker.

Apparently, coffee shop owner Jo Carthew reckons “we've put our heads together, and worked out a way to mimic these big tax dodgers. It's jolly clever."

Local optician Irena Kolaleva said that having worked out a way to register themselves abroad, “we’ve got a moral obligation".

We assume Irena means “a moral obligation” to expose such financial chicanery, rather than lumping herself in with Goldmans’ boss Lloyd Blankfien, who claimed back in 2009 that bankers “do God’s work”.

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