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CIA Chief: Terrorists Harder to Find, Because of Leaks, Reforms

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2015-11-18 02:40:50
Digital Liberty

On Monday at the Center for Strategic & International Studies' Global Security Forum, John Brennan [], Director of the US' Central Intelligence Agency, spoke about the recent bombings in Paris. In what many commentators took as a reference to Edward Snowden, but could instead refer to the Church Committee [], Brennan predicted that finding the attackers will be more difficult than it would have been, had intelligence services been left unchecked:

In the past several years, because of a number of unauthorized disclosures and a lot of hand-wringing over the government's role in the effort to try to uncover these terrorists, there have been some policy and legal and other actions that are taken that make our ability collectively, internationally to find these terrorists much more challenging.

I do hope that this is going to be a wake-up call particularly in areas of Europe where I think there has been a misrepresentation of what the intelligence security services are doing by some quarters that are designed to undercut those capabilities.


There are a lot of technological capabilities that are available right now that make it exceptionally difficult both technically as well as legally for intelligence security services to have insight that they need to uncover it.


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