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A Closer-Than-Normal Moon Will Bring Higher-Than-Normal Tides This Summer

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2017-06-09 03:20:47 from the coastal-areas-beware dept.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration offers the following advisory []

Select a region below to see when you may experience higher than normal tides from June-August 2017. Depending on non-tidal conditions (wind, storms, etc.) regions may experience impacts before or after the dates mentioned here.

NOTE: Higher than normal high tides alone do not necessarily cause coastal flooding. However, higher-than-normal high tides are becoming increasingly impactful due to continued sea level rise. High tide flooding [] that causes a nuisance along the coast (such as flooded streets, washed out beaches) is more likely to occur during these periods depending on your location along the coast. More severe flooding may result if adverse weather--heavy rains, strong wind, or big waves--conditions are present.

Questions answered for different regions:

When will the tides be higher than normal?
Where might I expect high tide flooding?
Why will they be higher than normal?
What kind of impact might I expect along the coast?

Original Submission