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How Microsoft Turned Consumers Against Skype

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2018-05-13 06:42:00

Bloomberg writes about how Microsoft turned consumers against a once popular brand, Skype. Before its sale in 2011, Skype was quite popular despite many shortcomings. After its purchase, existing shortcomings have been amplified and new ones added.

In March tech investor and commentator Om Malik summarized the negativity by tweeting that Skype was “a turd of the highest quality” and directing his ire at its owner. “Way to ruin Skype and its experience. I was forced to use it today, but never again.”

The purchase price was $8.5 billion USD, which will will be hard to recover from Skype itself, which will be hard to recover, so other factors must be at play but are not mentioned.

Original Submission