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Church selling bleach as a coronavirus treatment fined $151,200

Accepted submission by c0lo at 2020-05-13 10:59:17

Australian Broadcast Corp []

The Australian chapter of an international church selling and promoting bleach as a cure for COVID-19 has been issued infringement notices totalling $151,200.

The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing has been claiming chlorine dioxide is a "miracle cure".

For years it has sold the industrial bleach as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), stating it can cure things like autism, acne, cancer, diabetes and now COVID-19.

MMS is not approved for human consumption in Australia.

It is being sold as "water purification drops" on the website of the Australian chapter of the church, MMS Australia.

Following an investigation by 7.30 last week, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) today announced it had issued 12 infringement notices totalling $151,200 to MMS Australia for alleged unlawful advertising of Miracle Mineral Solution [] and other medicines.

... still a long way to injecting it, right? But maybe that's for The Genesis III Church of Health and Healing

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