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NPC-131072 (7144)

(email not shown publicly)

Yo' Mama

Journal of NPC-131072 (7144)

The Fine Print: The following are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
Tuesday May 03, 22
01:56 AM

Hello frens,

This is sure to calm things down politically.

“Some such supporters have been motivated by a desire to suppress the size of the African American population,” Alito writes. “It is beyond dispute that Roe has had that demographic effect. A highly disproportionate percentage of aborted fetuses are black.”

Those of us on the morally and intellectually superior left know to ignore such white grievance and defer to BLM on racial justice issues. Nice try conservitards!

Saturday April 03, 21
01:20 AM

Hello frens,

Those of us on the morally superior left need to avoid politics now the orange man is gone. Still, we desperately need to discuss white supreme violence and our plans to put the perps in camps. If only our camps weren't full of the traffiked migrant children we invited!

And how can a Republican State Governor ban women from women's sport? Those of us with huge swinging girl-dicks must protest.

As a trans-racial trans-female am I even safe stalking women in public any more? What are those of us on the morally superior left to do about white supremacist misogyny in the Joe Biden Era? This isn't what we voted for, I invite you to share your thoughts on MY lived experience and oppression below.

Saturday November 07, 20
08:25 PM

Hello frens,

Great news. The nightmare is over. Farewell to a President whose election was tainted by allegations of illegitimacy, who was supported by open white supremacists, who put children in cages and was impeached for threatening to withhold funds from Ukraine. In years to come, no one will ever admit to voting for this stupid psychopath.

Those of us on the intellectually and morally superior left will now need to convene a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to punish fascist wrongthink and realize our vision of an ethical state. Fascism may not be finally defeated until the favored corporate candidate is installed but, for now, let's celebrate, refund the WHO and party like it's 2016. Then we can get down to business and mobilize the forces of trunalimunumaprzure.

Friday September 18, 20
12:00 AM

Hello frens,

It has been a long time since the site was graced with one of my journal entries. My extended absence being a detriment to the political tenor of journal entries is understood but your patience is appreciated and will now be rewarded.

A recurring issue in comments is descent into quarreling about moderation abuse and "sock-puppetry". This is of serious concern to those of us on the morally superior left. Our obviously and unquestionably correct opinions are frequently brigaded and moderated down while conservative opinions are moderated upwards. This is a problem all progressive, liberal and tolerant users of this site can agree on. This will not do.

I shall now humbly offer my brilliant proposal to remedy the ongoing tragedy of Soylent News. A solution so amazing it can be summarized in three words:- mail-in moderation. It would work by mailing a postcard containing a list of comment ids and the moderation to be applied.

Conservatives may complain that the card needs a user id and the system would allow anonymous cowards to moderate but there is no evidence for this ever having happened. Conservatives will also complain that such a system is open to abuse, that there will be no chain of custody as with moderation performed via the site. But consider. For all the complaining about moderation abuse and sock-puppetry there is absolutely zero evidence of fraud with mail-in moderation. Conservatives are stupid.

Now I am sure that I have convinced everybody else on the intellectually superior left of the efficacy and desirability of this system, it is simply a matter of discussing the practical implementation. I look forward to reading your comments.

Thursday January 17, 19
01:11 AM

Hello frens,

It's clear from events in the UK that knife control measures there have not gone far enough and I have just been catching up with a horrible story

A crazed man wielding a hammer walked into a Brooklyn seafood buffet restaurant late Tuesday afternoon and, in an unprovoked attack, beat three men in the head, one fatally, police said.

Following arrest a block from the crime scene, the perp was last seen being wheeled into the back of an FDNY ambulance after providing dubious justification for his actions.

The hammer-swinging madman charged with killing an Asian chef at a Brooklyn buffet told cops he was inspired by a movie about Chinese mistreatment of women, law enforcement sources said Wednesday.

De-Blasio must act to stop such crimes in NYC, it's time to discuss hammer control somewhat seriously. He should make it known around town that having a hammer sees you sent down. Just pass laws as such and this is a beat uh u can't touch.

Saturday December 29, 18
11:22 PM

Hello Frens.

As we approach the New Year, almost two years into the Trump presidency, I'd like to take time to appreciate the continued bravery and resilience of our fine resistance activists by considering two recent viral videos.

The first video is from a Gamespot in Albuquerque in which a lovely transwomen takes a principled stand against the transphobia that has become all too common in the age of Drumpf. I posted a twitter link to this video in a discussion yesterday but it was modded troll by one of the many SN resident transmisogynists.

The second video is from an Xhale store in Georgia where an employee calmly and reasonably rails against a racist, nazi Trump supporter. In response, Xhale revealed themselves to be a fascist sympathizing company by firing their star employee.

Two such incidents in the final days of 2018 demonstrates the power of direct action and great ideas. Let us hope that 2019 will be a glorious year for those of us on the morally superior left and that racist, sexist, transmisogynistic bigots and right wing nutjobs will finally start appreciating our civility and utopian vision for the future.


Monday November 05, 18
11:16 PM

Hello Frens,

After the shock of the PTSD inducing Kavanaugh confirmation we have a chance to make our voices heard in the midterms. Republicunts never change but we have the best people. People like Keith Ellison Robert Menendez Cory Brooker and of course Hilldog. We also have the best politics and the moral high ground.

Don't forget to vote on the 7th or the migrant caravan will be our last hope.
