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posted by mattie_p on Monday February 17 2014, @04:55PM   Printer-friendly
from the my-little-printer dept.

similar_name writes: "The prospect of children printing their own Transformers and My Little Pony toys is a step closer, after toy firm Hasbro revealed a partnership with 3D printing company 3D Systems. The two companies are working together to 'co-develop and commercialize innovative play printers and platforms later this year.'"

[Ed. Note] The first one I would print is Applejack.

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  • (Score: 1) by Hombre on Tuesday February 18 2014, @07:09AM

    by Hombre (977) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @07:09AM (#1454)

    Sorry, no, it was not an Insightful comment. It shows a profound lack of understanding of how the 3D modeling industry works, and especially how access to the models is gained.

  • (Score: 1) by mtrycz on Tuesday February 18 2014, @08:20AM

    by mtrycz (60) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @08:20AM (#1479)

    Would you mind correcting it then?

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    • (Score: 1) by Hombre on Tuesday February 18 2014, @06:56PM

      by Hombre (977) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @06:56PM (#1801)

      I already posted a couple of comments. No one wants to listen.

      First, 3D modeling is primarily done at a small scale, as in lone developer in his bedroom level. The made for Hollywood stuff that's done by the big production teams isn't the same. You build a model for animation very differently from how you build it for 3D printing, to the point where these animation models won't print without major re-working. You're better off starting from scratch.

      As has been pointed out repeatedly, many modelers have already given away their models for free, so suddenly finding them on TPB is pretty irrelevant. The bigger problem is finding your model being listed for sale on Turbosquid by someone who didn't make it but is now getting paid for it.

      At that point you could argue that someone who bought such a model could then put it on TPB. Obviously they wouldn't get the benefit of a free model, but everyone else would. Think of this as being like people putting up Photoshop or Office.

      Except for one small problem. That was an animation model, not a 3D printable model. It'll require a lot of work to turn it into a printable model. Printable models are done on contract or for personal use. At least, any model that's actually interesting is. Such models aren't likely to be made available.

      Someone above pointed to a link on TPB to show that it's actually already happened. For example, the search returns an AR-15 lower receiver. Guess what? That model was given away freely, by its creator, years ago. Who cares if it's on TPB now?

      The claim is that a proliferation of cheap 3D printers is going to result in ready-for-printing 3D models suddenly becoming available on TPB against the creators wishes.


      I have a model ready to print on my work station. I do not want you to have it. Explain how you're going to get it. I don't know the first thing about computer security and I can state with certainty that you will NEVER get my model unless I specifically give it to you.

      It's not like my workstation's name is Valuable Customer 3D Models. You might figure out which computer on the network is mine, but you have no way of knowing that there's a 3D model there. That is, you have no way of knowing that my computer is the one you're supposed to be targeting unless I tell you. I'll believe that you're engaged in mass hacking for personal financial records before I'll believe you're narrowing your search for 3D models.

      The closest concern there'd be is if there were a hack at a 3rd party printing service like Shapeways. You don't think they've secured their system? Maybe not enough.

      But that wasn't the concern. The concern is the proliferation of cheap home 3D printing and the unauthorized availability of suitable models.

      If I give the model away then who cares if it ends up on TPB.

      If you pay me to do a model for you then I don't care what you do with it. If I then give away your model I'll never work again.

      If I make a model that I want to be able to license to everyone to print on their own, for a small fee, I'm not doing it until there's a protocol in place that will do it securely and keeps you from capturing my model. Much more realistically I'll just print it for you on my printer and mail you the finished product.

      Any 3D model, ready for 3D printing, that's readily available for free to anyone who wants it, is already available because its creator made it so. Availability on TPB is a red herring.

      • (Score: 1) by mtrycz on Tuesday February 18 2014, @08:03PM

        by mtrycz (60) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @08:03PM (#1864)

        Hey Hombre, thanks for the insight. I don't actually agree with some of the things you say, but thanks for your time nonetheless.

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        • (Score: 1) by Hombre on Wednesday February 19 2014, @04:14AM

          by Hombre (977) on Wednesday February 19 2014, @04:14AM (#2144)

          I'd be interested to see what you disagree with because really, no one ever responds other than to say that they disagree. I've had this conversation quite a few times. The responses are always examples of stuff that's now on TPB (like Garin's GW stuff, which he put on TPB himself, thus proving my point), claims of being able to hack some workstation assuming that you can find the right needle in a stack of needles, claims about human nature, etc., all while never actually providing an example of how these models are going to miraculously appear where their creator didn't want them.

          I have well over 10,000 3D models on my work station, the vast majority of which I got from someone else. I can say with absolute certainty that not a single one was acquired without the creator's permission.

          The last thing to add is what I told ArchAngel: We also need to differentiate between the legitimate rights holder and the actual 3D modeler, e.g., Disney vs. me making a model of a Star Destroyer. AFAICT that was never the question. The conflict was just that somehow, someway, a model of X was going to end up on TPB without its creator's permission, and that's just not going to happen.

          Someone making a 3D model of IP they're not licensed to *will* happen, and that is no different from what we've seen in a whole slew of industries.

          • (Score: 1) by mtrycz on Wednesday February 19 2014, @09:43AM

            by mtrycz (60) on Wednesday February 19 2014, @09:43AM (#2284)

            Yes, I was too busy yesterday to elaborate anything insightful, and I'll also be concise now, sorry.

            I'm not in the industry or anything, I've never even printed a 3D model, but I think it WILL progressively gain popularity, as 3D printers are becoming more widespread, no matter what.

            Maybe not while it's still maintaing a niche status, but soon enough.

            I don't actually disagree with you, that authors and copyright holders should have their credit and benefit, but look at what's happened to the music and movie industry. As far as these go, you can find virtually anything on the webs today, legal or not.

            There's also the upcoming factor of 3D scanners. Given that it's not an exact copy, and not the same quality, but if it's "good enough" for practical reasons, it'll gain popularity.

            Obviously the small scale, artisan-like production will not have to be afflicted, but for the rest, it's just a matter of time.

            (Also, I don't understand the meaning of your last sentence, it looks like you're contradicting yourself?)

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