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posted by cmn32480 on Wednesday November 04 2015, @07:11PM   Printer-friendly
from the time-to-skip-middle-age dept.

Gina Kolata reports at The New York Times that something startling is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Unlike every other age group, unlike every other racial and ethnic group, unlike their counterparts in other rich countries, death rates in this group have been rising, not falling, primarily because of the declining health and fortunes of poorly educated American whites who are dying at such a high rate that they are increasing the death rate for the entire group of middle-aged white Americans. "It is difficult to find modern settings with survival losses of this magnitude," say Ellen Meara and Jonathan S. Skinner.

Though not fully understood, the increased deaths are largely thought to be a result of more suicides and the misuse of drugs and alcohol, driven by easier access to powerful prescription painkillers, cheaper high quality heroin and greater financial stresses. Death rates for people with a high school education or less rose by 22 percent while they actually fell for those with a college education. The rise in death rates among middle-aged white Americans means half a million more people have died in the US since 1998 than if the previous trend had continued. The death toll is comparable to the 650,000 Americans who lost their lives during the Aids epidemic from 1981 to the middle of this year, the researchers say. Anne Case and Angus Deaton warn that middle-aged Americans who are turning to drink and drugs are set to suffer more health problems than their elders unless the downwards trend can be halted. "This is not automatic. If the epidemic is brought under control, its survivors may have a healthy old age. However, addictions are hard to treat and pain is hard to control, so those currently in midlife may be a 'lost generation' whose future is less bright than those who preceded them."

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  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by cubancigar11 on Wednesday November 04 2015, @09:25PM

    by cubancigar11 (330) on Wednesday November 04 2015, @09:25PM (#258527) Homepage Journal

    The alarming rise of suicide among white men of USA becomes 'rise in death rates for middle-aged white Americans'.

    No mention of gender when if it is male? Check!
    Suicide becomes death in middle-age? Check!

    Great going. First define the problem away from unwanted solutions, then try to find solutions.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +3  
       Insightful=2, Interesting=1, Total=3
    Extra 'Insightful' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   5  
  • (Score: 2) by PartTimeZombie on Wednesday November 04 2015, @09:36PM

    by PartTimeZombie (4827) on Wednesday November 04 2015, @09:36PM (#258531)

    I'm pretty sure no-one gives a toss about middle-aged white men.

    • (Score: 5, Insightful) by Francis on Wednesday November 04 2015, @10:00PM

      by Francis (5544) on Wednesday November 04 2015, @10:00PM (#258543)

      Probably, but nobody cares about the huge number of young black men that just disappear either.

      Personally, I think they're both serious problems that need addressing, but because it involves men, it's considered less important than fictitious issues like the pay gap. Things are starting to change, I saw an ad up on the bus for a men's only homeless shelter, but for the most part, you better not be a man that fails. Because you're fucked.

      • (Score: 5, Insightful) by edIII on Wednesday November 04 2015, @11:44PM

        by edIII (791) on Wednesday November 04 2015, @11:44PM (#258575)

        The entire article is almost trolling quite frankly. It got me riled up, because I *feel* this way. Anytime people seem to mention racism and discrimination, they can in the same breath, somehow exclude white men from being victims at all. That's not unique to "me" either. Transgender people get excluded from gay and lesbian events historically, as well as bisexual people. A fact that very much surprised me when I learnt of it. Honestly expected them to have some solidarity, but I'm not surprised that some lesbians would be arrogant douches attempting to exclude some others for 'co-opting the discussion'.

        Basically, everyone can be guilty of this ugliness. I've noticed the behavior in minorities and those classes seeking protection against what they themselves are guilty of. I entirely object to affirmative action and social programs, that by definition, do not apply to me. Why? For the *sole* two reasons that I'm apparently white (even though my ancestry clearly indicates otherwise), and I possess a penis (a modest one).

        Do I not get to feel bad about that? I've been told, "No. You're a white male. You get everything in the world handed to you". Yet..... I don't. I've worked extremely hard with no handouts whatsoever. I'm deeply in the cracks with serious medical conditions and going on five years with no medical care and no hope. I'm NOT a woman or a minority, so most programs I don't have access to at all. In fact, when I show up, I always need to explain to financial services the same story. Those people keep asking me for money, or that I can clearly borrow from somebody.

        In the public, the discussion always seems to be same old shortsighted stupidity. There are TWO classes in America people. The 1%, and the 99%, and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COLOR OF ANYTHING, OR WHAT GENITALIA YOU PUT IN YOUR MOUTHS. The myth of the white man is exactly that. A myth. Most people don't know an extremely rich white man that's s sociopath like any Wall Street executive. I know a few (1 degree from Dick Cheney even), but the vast majority are working stiffs just like me, getting screwed over, just like everyone else. We are all equally fucked.

        As long as people keep up with this retarded bullshit, you're missing the ugly truth. The 1% is as diverse as you are globally, but pits the 99% against themselves with bullshit like this convincing them that "evil white men" are the problem, when the truth is that the average middle aged white man is just as fucked by the 1% as everyone else. Where they see lavish lives lived in decadence, articles like this show the ugly truth I live everyday. The fact I work for equality in all things is made meaningless by the color of my skin.

        It's hard, it's brutal, no one is coming to help, and my options are suicide or keep going by myself. Nobody will give me any lenience or slack because of my color, and I'm the only one that cares for my penis. If I'm still writing here tomorrow, well, you know what I chose.

        Yeah. I completely get why suicide rates are up. Nobody to blame anything on, and nobody gives a shit to listen to you.

        All I have to do to be the evil white man is this:

        #BlackLivesMatter to #WhiteLivesMatter. Both tags are true, yet one is acceptable.

        Technically, lunchtime is at any moment. It's just a wave function.
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 05 2015, @12:50AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 05 2015, @12:50AM (#258593)

          You were getting my sympathy until you used the ugly slur against intellectually disabled persons.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 05 2015, @01:03AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 05 2015, @01:03AM (#258597)

            Retard? As in, retarded: not meeting full potential. A person that does not fully use their intelligence is just as retarded as someone with a mental disability which is physical incapable to thrive.

            To think that word means anything except its intended and original meaning is literally retarded.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 05 2015, @01:34AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 05 2015, @01:34AM (#258610)

            Does anyone ever use it as a slur against intellectually disabled people?

            Do you really think that the parent meant any offence to the mentally handicapped? If not, then you should try to convince the parent to not use the word instead of saying something that might make him/her defensive.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 05 2015, @01:52AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 05 2015, @01:52AM (#258619)

          The US decided to develop certain programs to try to correct some of the disparities that are caused, at least in part, by low-income status and race. It is unfortunate that not everyone who is down on their luck has government help available to them and that some people take advantage of government help when they don't need it.

          I think many people get confused and assume that all white men have an advantage and are, therefore, the enemy that is keeping them in a disadvantaged state. Two problems with this is that they ignore the fact that everyone is subject to bias and that the vast majority of people, including white men, are pro-equality.

        • (Score: 2) by joshuajon on Thursday November 05 2015, @03:08PM

          by joshuajon (807) on Thursday November 05 2015, @03:08PM (#258876)

          I'm reasonably certain you'll scoff at what I'm about to say, but it's worth a shot anyhow. Part of the idea when people talk about white privilege or male privilege is that it isn't apparent. Some have even made the argument that we are conditioned to ignore it as a fundamental part of it's nature. Here's a list of examples from an essay called Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack that I encourage you to consider. If you find even some of these things to be true consider that they might not be true for those of another race. That's the white privilege you asserted doesn't exist:

          1. I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.

          2. If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area which I can afford and in which I would want to live.

          3. I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.

          4. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.

          5. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.

          6. When I am told about our national heritage or about "civilization," I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.

          7. I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race.

          The rest of the essay is pretty enlightening as well. It can be found here [].

          • (Score: 2) by edIII on Thursday November 05 2015, @09:48PM

            by edIII (791) on Thursday November 05 2015, @09:48PM (#259114)

            I still, and will always, forever, continue to assert that white privilege and male privilege is not only offensive morally and intellectually, but is a complete myth. "Check your privilege" is about the worst thing I've seen the world produce in my life. You are essentially saying that certain advantages exist because of my skin or penis, and not *only* that, but that it controls the arguments that I can make. The *real* facts of a situation are irrelevant and/or immaterial, as long as I "check" my "privilege", find the color of my skin objectionable and not fit for purpose in the argument.

            No white man can ever complain since privilege exists for him, whether or not it is actually true nobody wants to talk about. I'm not scoffing at you, since you've presented yourself very well, and are asking for cooperation in an experiment. I will cooperate in good faith.

            1. I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.

            True for anybody, and any race. Unless you're speaking about a different country? Last time I checked in the United States our Constitution allows peaceful assembly as a right. It's been amended a few times, and I do believe at this point very little discrimination exists at all. Certainly not one as stupid as race. Quite frankly, if we still suffered from it, Muslims would be an interment camps like the Japanese were in World War II.

            If you think law enforcement picking on #BlackLivesMatter disproves my point, then sadly, you are deluded. Whether a group is multi-colored, white, black, or purple, it can very easily be subjected to abuse by those in power. It's a very dangerous and sad myth that the white man is above this.

            Kelly Thomas was white. His murderers were multi-colored and diverse men acting like animals behind badges. Where was his white privilege that day? It would be more accurate to say that rich people have privilege, when they can be recognized as such by their attackers. Predators and abusers, that are found everywhere, truly don't care about the color of skin. Only who you know, how well you can defend yourself, etc. Typical operating procedures for cowards and badged brigands.

            2. If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area which I can afford and in which I would want to live.

            Nope. Certainly not just because I'm white with a penis. In the past, absolutely yes. That was because of six figure income (worked my ass off), I owned multiple houses (again, worked my ass off), and never failed to pay a bill. Ever. I'm not sure if my credit report said "WHITE PRIVILEGE HERE" on the top of it, but I'm fairly certain it had far more to do with my ability to speak, how I presented myself, and the color-blind facts of my credit report and assets.

            Now, I have two foreclosures because some sociopaths on Wall Street sold my houses twice, for a total of four times, with no mortgage note being transferred or ultimately available for production. With full doc and six figures no bank would even speak to me. Looking nice, white, and male, apparently made no difference speaking to the bank employees. In 18 months all of the equity was gone, and the country had tanked.

            Guess how much ability I have now to find a place? Guess if my "white privilege" is working against me? It is. I've been turned down several times solely because of my penis. I realize that it's illegal under law, but can I really get made at a 50 year old woman for not wanting to live with a man she doesn't know? I promise you this; My "white privilege" hasn't magically found me a roommate in the last 7 weeks of looking. Nor has it found an apartment complex willing to let me in... without a near $2,000 nonrefundable deposit because of my credit report.

            My "white privilege" is clearly malfunctioning. Moving on.

            3. I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.

            No. That's BECAUSE I'm white with a penis. I've noticed my entire life that I've needed to convince people that I'm *not* some soul sucking Republican wanting to oppress them. If there is a black man that feels uncomfortable around strange groups of people because of his skin, he should know that many white guys like me don't have it any different. We can feel just as self-conscious, and I've walked up to groups of people and felt myself prejudged.

            Regardless of that, I ultimately know that my neighbors will be pleasant to me if they aren't insufferable assholes or bitches. Why? I don't rely on my "white privilege". I rely on the fact I'm a genuinely nice guy, and given the Golden Rule, it will only be a matter of time before I start receiving the same treatment from others.

            That's held true most of the time. The assholes who are determined to still be assholish to me, are not an indication of anything really. There's always a couple of em'.

            4. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.

            I go shopping alone most of the time anyways. I'm not exactly certain how to answer this question. I've experienced being followed before. You know what? I've been followed with intent eyes around a convenience store before. I've even been asked to find something and leave before.

            Still think it's a bullshit question though, and it has more to do with how the individual is presenting themselves. Mark "Fuck Your Privacy" Zuckerberg would get the same treatment walking into a convenience store with a hoodie and sun glasses. A big black man dressed to the 9's smiling and speaking nicely? I honestly don't think so. I see a gangsta thug because of the dress, tattoos, their body language, and they way they present themselves. Yes, I do somewhat prejudge them and am very careful till I can assess them. That's a color-blind stereotype. Take the same man, even a black one, and dress him in a suit, have him act naturally, speak cogently, and smile? I might be walking up to him to say hi, introduce myself, or ask if he needs assistance.

            5. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.

            Uhhhh.... which race isn't? Last time I checked (which I don't watch commercials or advertising) TV was very diverse. Grimm has a black detective, Stitchers is very diverse (across the board and the two people in charge are black and Muslim), and that's off the top of my head. Honestly, other than the joke about their being no Muslims in Star Trek, I'm not seeing how this can be possibly be true or related to "white privilege" in any way, shape, or form. Haven. That's about the only show I can that doesn't represent very well, but that's actually explainable. Why would there be black people in a town hidden by magic, that has been since the 1600's?

            Unless by race you mean transgendered or similar? That's changing. Some dude turned into a chick is apparently the new hotness for media to latch on to.

            6. When I am told about our national heritage or about "civilization," I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.

            I'm American. We're told the truth. White people didn't make America. Immigrants looking for better lives unwilling to put up with any shit from a king is what made my country. Later on, it was Chinese labor that did quite a bit of it, followed by a lot of contributions from Mexicans. Of course, there is that whole ugly forced labor deal with black people we purchased from slave traders. They contributed quite a bit to the building of America.

            America isn't about white people. America is about freedom, opportunity, and equality. At least on paper.

            7. I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race.


            Sorry, but that is some intensely funny shit. Are we talking about some backasswards people like the state of Kansas or Oklahoma? What books refuse to testify to the existence of a people? I never read of a book that doesn't testify to the existence of people, but I know of plenty that refuse to testify to anything older than 6500 years.

            Yes. 1000% yes. I'm 100% positive that curricular materials for my children will be accurate. From an anthropological perspective, they will receive accurate information about the culture and origins of different races of people across time and history.

            The rest were pretty much the same bullshit, but let me touch on this one:

            21. I can go home from most meetings
            of organizations I belong to feeling
            somewhat tied in, rather than isolated,
            out-of-place, outnumbered, unheard,
            held at a distance, or feared.

            I'll let you take a wild guess on this one. I don't feel like I belong to shit, even though I share the same dreams, ideals, and vision as anyone seeking equality in the world. Please stop deluding yourself. "White Privilege" doesn't exist except as some irrational hurtful bullshit some people say. I've never felt privileged for one second in my entire life.

            I feel right now that if I were to attempt to join a group fighting for equal rights, that some people may not accept me initially because I'm a white male that looks fresh from a Republican convention. Yeah, I feel very outside of everything and excluded.

            It may have something to do with fucking idiots saying "white privilege" to me all the time while I've nearly lost everything in my life, and to my knowledge, plenty of people across all colors and races (including white) have as well. It doesn't exist for me, and I can't find existence of for others either.

            I'm not trying to call you a fucking idiot either, it's just very hurtful for me to continually hear this stuff. I don't have a lot of appreciation for the malfunctioning intellects that promulgate it, and I sorely wish they would open their eyes and hearts to the truth. I'm one of you. Stop excluding me please on the basis of my skin and gender.

    • (Score: 4, Funny) by Mr Big in the Pants on Thursday November 05 2015, @12:23AM

      by Mr Big in the Pants (4956) on Thursday November 05 2015, @12:23AM (#258588)

      "I'm pretty sure no-one gives a toss about middle-aged white men."


      Divorce lawyers, salesmen, fast food outlets and other parasites love this sort of host...

      • (Score: 1) by dierdorf on Thursday November 05 2015, @05:11AM

        by dierdorf (5887) on Thursday November 05 2015, @05:11AM (#258685) Homepage

        "I'm pretty sure no-one gives a toss about middle-aged white men."

        Actually, the comment should say that no-one gives a toss about STUPID UNEDUCATED middle-aged white men. They are much more likely to belong to the NRA and the Tea Party than does the general population, and the more of them die, the better off the USA will be. Survival Of The Fittest has a converse: Death of the Dumbest.