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SoylentNews is people

posted by NCommander on Thursday April 03 2014, @07:34PM   Printer-friendly
As of today, Brendan Eich has stepped down as CEO of Mozilla. From the Mozilla blog:

We didn't act like you'd expect Mozilla to act. We didn't move fast enough to engage with people once the controversy started. We're sorry. We must do better.

Brendan Eich has chosen to step down from his role as CEO. He's made this decision for Mozilla and our community.

Mozilla believes both in equality and freedom of speech. Equality is necessary for meaningful speech. And you need free speech to fight for equality. Figuring out how to stand for both at the same time can be hard.

Our organizational culture reflects diversity and inclusiveness. We welcome contributions from everyone regardless of age, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender-identity, language, race, sexual orientation, geographical location and religious views. Mozilla supports equality for all.

We have employees with a wide diversity of views. Our culture of openness extends to encouraging staff and community to share their beliefs and opinions in public. This is meant to distinguish Mozilla from most organizations and hold us to a higher standard. But this time we failed to listen, to engage, and to be guided by our community.

As of this time, there is no named successor or statement on who will be taking over Mozilla's leadership.

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  • (Score: 2) by Angry Jesus on Friday April 04 2014, @12:18PM

    by Angry Jesus (182) on Friday April 04 2014, @12:18PM (#26144)

    > But getting someone fired for participation in protected political speech

    Skipped most of your sophistry, but that particular bit is such a common meme it needs to be quashed.

    Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences for your speech. If you have a job that depends on public opinion then losing your job because of public opinion is part of the deal. If you can't handle that risk, don't take that kind of job in the first place.

    Your personal problem here is that you don't agree with public opinion. Own that instead of trying to employ pretzel logic to dance around it.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 2) by Sir Garlon on Friday April 04 2014, @01:55PM

    by Sir Garlon (1264) on Friday April 04 2014, @01:55PM (#26189)

    It's possible to agree that gay people should be able to get married if they want, yet disagree with tarring and feathering someone who opposes that position.

    [Sir Garlon] is the marvellest knight that is now living, for he destroyeth many good knights, for he goeth invisible.
    • (Score: 2) by Angry Jesus on Friday April 04 2014, @03:29PM

      by Angry Jesus (182) on Friday April 04 2014, @03:29PM (#26237)

      > It's possible to agree that gay people should be able to get married if they want,
      > yet disagree with tarring and feathering someone who opposes that position.

      This isn't about just someone. This is about someone who wanted to represent an organization that claims a set of principles in contradiction with that belief.

      Every time someone defends Eich they have to leave out part of the story. That you have to lie through omission to make your point pretty much proves your point is invalid.