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posted by martyb on Friday November 27 2015, @02:53AM   Printer-friendly
from the waiting-for-the-128-GB-ewe dept.

Samsung has developed the world's first 128 GB DDR4 registered memory modules for servers. From the press release:

Following Samsung's introduction of the world-first 3D TSV DDR4 DRAM (64GB) in 2014, the company's new TSV registered dual inline memory module (RDIMM) marks another breakthrough that opens the door for ultra-high capacity memory at the enterprise level. Samsung's new TSV DRAM module boasts the largest capacity and the highest energy efficiency of any DRAM modules today, while operating at high speed and demonstrating excellent reliability.

From The Register:

The Register is aware of servers with 96 DIMM slots, which means ... WOAH! ... 12.2 terabytes of RAM in a single server if you buy Samsung's new babies.

Samsung says these new DIMMS are special because "the chip dies are ground down to a few dozen micrometers, pierced with hundreds of fine holes and vertically connected by electrodes passing through the holes, allowing for a significant boost in signal transmission."

There's also "a special design through which the master chip of each 4GB package embeds the data buffer function to optimise module performance and power consumption."

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  • (Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 27 2015, @03:41AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 27 2015, @03:41AM (#268504)

    DDR4 SDRAM RDIMMs using TSVs (Through silicon vias) with stacked dies (4 deep). Built on the 20nm process, 8 gb per die (4GB per package). This version is only 2,400 megabits per second (They mean per wire: that's the effective bus speed (double the clock speed), which isn't great for DDR4) but faster (and higher power) versions are planned.

    I think its worth noting that not all computers can simply have all their ram slots filled with massive ram: often there is a limit on the amount of supported ram.

    The summery is phrased like we both don't know what through silicon vias are, or what registered/buffered memory (R in RDIMM) means: If you are going to provide a dumbed down explanation, please also provide the technical term for a nice combo of clarity+education.

    • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 27 2015, @06:12AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 27 2015, @06:12AM (#268534)

      I think its worth noting that not all computers can simply have all their ram slots filled with massive ram: often there is a limit on the amount of supported ram.

      FWIW, intel's Xeon E7 arch has 46-bit physical addressing [] which works out to 64TB of ram.

    • (Score: 4, Interesting) by ledow on Friday November 27 2015, @09:55AM

      by ledow (5567) on Friday November 27 2015, @09:55AM (#268599) Homepage

      Not being funny, but I'm a tech guy and... I don't really care.

      The TSV stuff? Makes no difference to the way the chip operates as far as I'm concerned. I know what they are, but that's it.
      Stacked dies? Cool science and everything but, again, why would I care?
      20nm process? I'm sure the number means something to some people. I know what it means, represents, etc. but in a product it's just a marketing statistic.

      2,400 megabits per second. That means something. That's a number that may affect me. With caveats as you've pointed out.

      But the critical point is your middle one - can I just slap this in a computer and have it work? Probably not. And in terms of server things, it may even be years before someone like Lenovo etc. certify this kind of tech to go into my Blade servers.

      Honestly, although the details sound cool, they are literally just trivia. Samsung could well be making them up, is anyone checking or even able to check?

      But it's a 128Gb RDIMM at a certain speed. That's all most people, even most people building servers for a living, ever need to know.

      As such, most techies probably find the explanations handy for the first time they encounter the terms, but its' really nothing more than a trivia factlette to know, or care, or bother to find out.

      It's like processors and processor sockets nowadays. At one time I knew them all and could tell people all kinds of useless information. Now that I buy computers in the hundreds, I can't remember the last time I *ever* had to research what socket a motherboard had, or what processors were compatible with that. I honestly couldn't care, and my suppliers sort it out for me when I tell them I need 8-cores with this much RAM and these ports on the back. At worst, I would find out the "code number" of that socket on a motherboard I like, google the processors that fit in that, and when I find the combination I like, I would buy it. What the name, technology, size or whatever other statistics of that socket is? Who cares? I have little clue what the Intel numbering system is at all nowadays, it has almost zero correlation to the features or speeds of the chips, and motherboard sockets are even worse.

      Honestly, who here really buys server RAM on the basis of anything other than "128Gb, please, and make it the fast stuff, and buy the proper IBM/whatever stuff so it doesn't void my warranty"?

      • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 27 2015, @01:14PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 27 2015, @01:14PM (#268642)

        Yep, your long rant shows that you really, really, you really mean it, really, don't care.

        Bug off.

      • (Score: 2) by takyon on Saturday November 28 2015, @05:24AM

        by takyon (881) <{takyon} {at} {}> on Saturday November 28 2015, @05:24AM (#268997) Journal

        But it's a 128Gb RDIMM at a certain speed.

        These modules are 128 gigabytes, not gigabits. 128 Gb = 16 GB.

        [SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by darkfeline on Friday November 27 2015, @08:40AM

    by darkfeline (1030) on Friday November 27 2015, @08:40AM (#268580) Homepage

    Wonder what the power cost will be simply refreshing those 12.2 terabytes of RAM? That's a lot of energy gone simply keeping the memory active.

    Join the SDF Public Access UNIX System today!
    • (Score: 2) by Gravis on Friday November 27 2015, @01:10PM

      by Gravis (4596) on Friday November 27 2015, @01:10PM (#268641)

      less power than it takes to power the screen on your cellphone.

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by rob_on_earth on Friday November 27 2015, @10:30AM

    by rob_on_earth (5485) on Friday November 27 2015, @10:30AM (#268606) Homepage

    So when can I buy a motherboard for a desktop machine that will take these?

    And before you ask I love playing with Blender 3D

    In fact what is the most memory you can get on self build desktop at the moment?

    I remember looking a good few years ago and all the motherboards had weird restrictions either on the total size per module or the number of modules.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 27 2015, @01:46PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 27 2015, @01:46PM (#268654)

    So, any empirical data as to how they handle heat dissipation?