In a warehouse basement in Brooklyn’s Red Hook neighborhood late last year, a handful of self-taught network engineers gathered to casually discuss how they might make Time Warner Cable irrelevant in their lives.
Toppling—or at least subverting—a telecom monopoly is the dream of many an American, who are fed up with bait-and-switch advertising campaigns, arbitrary data caps, attacks on net neutrality, overzealous political lobbying, lackluster customer service, and passive-aggressive service cancellation experiences that are a common experience of simply being a broadband internet customer these days. The folks at NYC Mesh are actually doing something about it.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 27 2016, @01:50PM
We have software and hardware that does this thing called “routing” handling just about everything you mentioned.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 28 2016, @05:44AM
no not really.
our "modern" network is very static. oh, sure we can reconfigure it manually
but the tcp/ip isnt smart, it's just packet switched which is smarter then circuit switched.
ofc its possible to make a packet switched network smart but we're not there yet.
i don't think that routers do much talking to each other, that is traffic from router-2-router, not traffic THROUGH routers.
the routers themselfs dont do much chit-chatting. the possible routes are made and entered through human intervention.
the mpath software that allows to use multiple uplinks in the same device at the same time is pretty
cool and the right step in the right direction, but i think it has to be enabled both on the client and server.
anyways, i would compare the present state of routing to downloading via ftp, but it could be like bit torrent.
you can try, if you will, to contemplate the hypothetical situation of two willing participating houses, one with a comcast uplink and one with ATandT uplink which are connected to each other through wifi.
you can "maybe loadbalance" and configure failover but anything more ... good luck.
for the link loadbalancing the device responsible would have to talk and report to other uplink devices to inform them about this information.
what we have now is just round robin and weighted , ex. 30-70, load-balancing.
also no word on the uplink devices talking to each other and figuring out by themselfs which link is faster to facebook or youtube and routing request according to that latency metric.
normal people without access to real networks cannot play and experimemt with this thus the development of new routing and network paradigmas is stuck to "old fart teaching at university" mentality and not "born in a garage".
the merits of "static routing" and "ospf switching" is that it's easy to bill, that is to able to tell who owes who how much money...