The "good bacteria," or probiotics, that fill the pomegranate drink are everywhere these days, in pills and powders marketed as super supplements. Probiotics are said to improve digestive and immune health. They're touted as potential treatments for conditions ranging from inflammatory bowel disease to eczema to tooth decay. Some marketing campaigns even hint that they can prevent the flu.
Scientific evidence, however, does not necessarily support those claims.
Studies in rodents and small groups of humans point to possible health benefits of consuming probiotics. But there have been only a few large human trials — in large part because Food and Drug Administration rules have dissuaded food companies and federally funded researchers from conducting the types of studies that could confirm, or refute, the proposed benefits of consuming "good" microbes.
(Score: 2) by quixote on Wednesday January 27 2016, @08:23PM
If they aren't, you have bigger problems than bad bacterial flora in your large intestine.
What affects the ecology of bacteria in the colon is the contents of the colon. That's composed of undigested food such as different kinds of fiber, the breakdown products of digestion, digestive acids from the liver, breakdown products from the bacteria living there, and so on.
The reason yoghurt and sauerkraut and fibrous food help is not because of the bacteria they contain. Those (you hope!) got killed in the stomach. They help because by the time you've finished digesting them, what's passing through the large intestine is conducive to the growth of bacteria associated with good health.
Changing diet can change intestinal ecology drastically, so, yes, what you eat matters for that. But not in the sense that eating, say, Lactobacillus acidophilus somehow makes it all the way to the colon and starts a "good" colony.
It is possible to introduce specific strains of bacteria to the colon, but it's done from the other end and is called a fecal transplant. And, yes, there's very interesting research coming out showing that changing intestinal ecology can have far-reaching effects on health and disease.
(Score: 2) by takyon on Wednesday January 27 2016, @08:36PM
Are you sure Lactobacillus can't survive the stomach? They do excrete acid after all.
Well, I looked it up and it turns out THEY CAN: [] [] []
See bolded portion and compare to:
I was about to say that effects could be seen before anything reaches the stomach. For example, bacteria in the mouth affect tooth decay, and tooth decay is linked with heart disease (I'm not sure about the causality).
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 27 2016, @09:33PM
Just because some bacteria is good for your gut doesn't mean it's also good for your teeth.
(Score: 2) by takyon on Wednesday January 27 2016, @09:56PM
Every part of your body has different kinds of bacteria living on it. The microbiome is necessarily a complex subject
It means that the introduction of certain bacteria could be considered an oral health treatment.
On the subject of bacteria good for your gut being good for your teeth, I found this: []
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 2) by quixote on Friday January 29 2016, @11:18PM
Interesting! And good news for those of us trying to improve our large intestine bacteria.
It is still true, though, that the largest effect on those bacteria is the environment they're given. If your diet is meat+sugar, just as an extreme example, the occasional dose of probiotics won't help much. If you have one of those healthy Mediterranean diets they're always on about, you'd be very likely to have good intestinal flora without any added probiotics. (Although yoghurt is or can be part of that diet, so there's that.)
Anyway, cool to learn something new with good links to sources. :D