I would like to clarify some points on the in-progress submission and voting process.
If you plan on making a submission then I also recommend you read the original article with full instructions. Unfortunately, if you did not register to vote before April 12, you are out of luck for this vote.
If you want more information about bounces, plain text email, or voting read this comment by audioguy.
(Score: 1) by unitron on Tuesday April 15 2014, @07:48PM
...in the previous article was the requirement to monkey with the preferences page in order to have a voice in this.
I wasn't planning on submitting a suggestion for a name, since I'm sure others here will easily outshine me in that, so I just skimmed the article, which appeared to be aimed solely at name suggestion submitters.
something something Slashcott something something Beta something something
(Score: 2) by Koen on Tuesday April 15 2014, @08:16PM
I have no name I want to submit, I can submit one for you if you want.
/. refugees on Usenet: comp.misc [comp.misc]
(Score: 2) by unitron on Thursday April 17 2014, @01:50AM
I don't have one to submit, but apparently the only way to know which ones are being voted on is to have gotten the email I had no idea was going to be sent out, and only sent to those who checked off some box that appears to have been added to a preferences page only after the last time I looked at it, with no particularly noticeable announcement that it had been so added.
something something Slashcott something something Beta something something
(Score: 1) by Koen on Tuesday April 15 2014, @08:19PM
Ignore my previous post, I only read your first sentence before replying.
/. refugees on Usenet: comp.misc [comp.misc]
(Score: 2, Flamebait) by mrcoolbp on Tuesday April 15 2014, @08:55PM
The first two sentences from that article:
Sorry about the confusion, but there's no way to add any more users for this vote. 500 users managed to sign up despite the quirks in our method so we should have a decent sample-size for the vote.
(Score:1^½, Radical)
(Score: 1, Flamebait) by black6host on Tuesday April 15 2014, @09:08PM
The requirement to opt-in is clearly spelled out, to be fair. I would make the suggestion that critical information be put in bold in the future. Much like how this submission was handled.
Not being critical, it just that sometimes submissions are scanned quickly if one is in a rush. I missed the above myself, though I readily admit I should have caught it.
That all being said, thank you to all for helping to make a new home for my tech news needs. Nothing of importance is built overnight and everything is (hopefully) a learning experience.