CoolHand writes:
"Sci-Tech Today talks about the role of technology in the Olympics from a unique perspective:
Every advance in the ever-accelerating juggernaut of sports technology threatens to widen the divide between Olympic haves and have-nots. Well-sponsored teams and rich governments pay top-end scientists and engineers to shape their skis, perfect their skates, tighten their suits, measure their gravitational pull.
I'm no luddite, but this seems to make these sports more about who can afford the best tech, and less about the true spirit of the games: bringing the best athletes from all countries together to compete. How can it be about the athletes, when some of the best athletes may never win due to lack of funding/tech?"
(Score: 2, Interesting) by VLM on Tuesday February 18 2014, @08:11PM
Oh you bring up a good point, I'm totally cool with social interaction, burn off some stress, general health benefits of exercise. A little hand eye coordination and some sweat never hurt anybody. I don't hate sports at all.
But its a whole nother thing to rip a person out of the society they used to be a part of, reduce their worth as a human being to a number on a tape measure, finally throw the carcass away and get another when no longer useful to generate a number on a tape measure or pimp some advertising dollars using their bodies. We treat livestock better and they're not even human. Now that's the specific part of "sports" that I'm not a huge fan of.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 19 2014, @09:53AM
I did not know that people went to jail for refusing to be athletes.