You were warned. Now it begins.
Since the implementation of Twitter's new algorithmic timeline back in February of this year, conservatives, libertarians and anti-establishment dissidents alike have been waiting for the social media platform to interfere in the current U.S. election cycle. Now it seems that there is clear evidence of Twitter censoring the current Republican front-runner, Donald Trump.
A tweet sent from Trump's account at 3:04 PM EDT yesterday is not visible from his timeline, even when showing "Tweets and replies." That message included a video wherein Trump declared that "the establishment and special interests are absolutely killing our country."At the time of this writing, the tweet is still publicly accessible via a direct link and thus has not been deleted either by Twitter or by someone operating on the Trump account.
This link has a copy of the timeline taken before this article was published which clearly shows the tweet not appearing where it should be — between a tweet sent at 12:10 PM EDT and one sent at 3:27 PM EDT; it is possible that the tweet may be reintroduced to the timeline in order to hide the manipulation.
Today it's one Trump tweet, tomorrow it will be you.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 27 2016, @02:14AM
If Americans cared about Honor like the Japanese [], the Republican Party would have taken care of itself by now.
Maybe the Powers That Be gave Mr. Trump all that free advertising because they wanted the Republican opposition to Ms. Clinton to make her look good in comparison. Clinton is a very poor candidate because her husband began the dismantling of the American Prosperity Machine, by putting Mexican subsistence corn farmers [] in direct competition with monsanto-ized industrial corn farming, and American Workers in direct competition with displaced Mexican subsistence farmers.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 27 2016, @02:48AM
Maybe the Powers That Be gave Mr. Trump all that free advertising because they wanted the Republican opposition to Ms. Clinton to make her look good in comparison
Yeah, that's gotta be it. The piles of cash they made selling commercial airtime [] during their coverage had nothing to do with it. Nope, it's all a conspiracy.
(Score: 2) by wisnoskij on Wednesday April 27 2016, @02:51AM
More like the American tax payers in direct competition with Mexican subsistence corn farmers (
(Score: 5, Insightful) by EQ on Wednesday April 27 2016, @03:05AM
I think the GOP is falling apart. Right now the GOP has very little to differentiate it from the Democrats, other than different bakers and Wall Street cronies who write them checks. The problem is, since they abandoned "conservatism of individualism and smaller government" they have been on the skids. Dumping smaller government & less regulation for big government regulating power, and abandoned individualism for "us vs THEM" populism (varying values of "THEM depending on the rabble to be roused). No real identity at its core. Just fear mongering and a lust for power; Most of the GOP doesn't stand FOR anything much anymore - only "against". A good chunk of the GOP base has been screwed by the promise-but-never-deliver Establishment and their cronies (thus the self destructive irrational backers of essentially a modern-day Dixiecrat - Trump), and the Beltway Repubs have dug themselves into big government to where they cannot allow anyone that might dismantle their power and influence for their cronies (Thus the self destructive hatred of the establishment has for Cruz).
GOP is going the way of the Whig party.
(Score: 2) by EQ on Wednesday April 27 2016, @03:07AM
PIMF. s/bakers/bankers/gc
I got nothing against good bread and pastries, regardless of political affiliation/affliction.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 27 2016, @01:50PM
Fingerlickens vs. Tastycrats
(Score: 2) by GungnirSniper on Wednesday April 27 2016, @03:17AM
It's all karma for the absolutely disgraceful way both the media and the party itself did a screwjob on Ron Paul. Trump is a much more known-name and the media couldn't ignore him as the most interesting man on the stage, though now the party seems to prefer the existing party duopoly to the blowback effects of a Trump nomination.
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(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 27 2016, @05:21AM
> GOP is going the way of the Whig party.
Are you suggesting that Walpole, Newcastle, Pelham and the rest were in it for anything other than money and power?
(Score: 2) by Grishnakh on Wednesday April 27 2016, @02:46PM
I agree the GOP is falling apart, but the exact same thing is happening to the Democratic Party too. Both parties are self-destructing, because they don't represent and work for their constituents and these voters have finally realized it (moreso on the GOP side though).