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posted by takyon on Tuesday May 03 2016, @10:28PM   Printer-friendly
from the i-am-spartacus dept.

It's looking like, possibly (hopefully), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks between the U.S. and Europe may be falling apart. According to a BBC article, the French Minister of trade is saying that the trade talks "are likely to grind to a halt".

The French minister, who threatened to leave talks last year, said Europe was offering a lot with little in return. It comes a day after Greenpeace leaked documents from the talks. The environmental group released 248 pages of classified documents, which it said showed how EU standards on public health risked being undermined by the major free-trade agreement.

So, in my opinion, the French (and Greenpeace) deserve a toast (and not with a California red). Now all we have to do is do the same with the TPP!

This is what the trade 'deals' mean for our future if not defeated.

takyon: Also at Foreign Policy, The New York Times .

Previously: TTIP Documents Leaked

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 04 2016, @12:49AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 04 2016, @12:49AM (#341149)

    I'll likely get modded down for this, but this is the kind of thing that Ballmer used to say about open source software. It's a movement led by hippies to drive down American standards of living.